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Everything posted by VikingRaider

  1. According to a Ramsey staffer the main store will not be converted until after TT as they are concerned about unknown problems in the light of their experience at Victoria Road.
  2. Just a stab in the dark but it might have something to do with your annoying self constantly defending them.
  3. I wish ... if only there was an alternative. Last time Oswald got in to replace The Invisible Man. The chances of 2 good candidates coming forward so Daffers can be voted out are realistically nil.
  4. They will only sleep peacefully when they are a full NATO member, unfortunately from that point the rest of the world will not.
  5. On my trip over the pond I thought I'd spend some time apologising to all Americans for allowing them to have their independence as they would have been much better off under a monarchy 😉
  6. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/index.shtml
  7. Very good post but you missed out that he is a liar and a cheat ... I mean the man fakes his own golf score which is just not cricket.
  8. VikingRaider


    Unless I'm misinformed The Saddle/Nightlife was sold to Feltons some time ago. That's the only reason the exterior was painted recently as the brewery wouldn't have done it.
  9. https://twitter.com/manx_utilities
  10. Correct so the actual cost of an additional prisoner is the square root of bugger all. The answer is simple ... put more people away and then the cost per prisoner goes down 😉
  11. Only after Rob Callister has had a go for a few days 😉
  12. Allegedly its because our hospital admin is incapable of charging it out correctly and it would result in the NHS subsidising private care due to their incompetence.
  13. Absolutely there is a problem with MT and its not just NS&I, had similar with HMRC and some other banks and credit cards. Other half has a Sure phone and she has no problems, I've had to resort to using a UK sim for the moment.
  14. Confession : Last time we were in Japan on an organised tour our party took it in turns each night to go first and then report back on what extra features the facilities had in that night's restaurant ... it was very entertaining.
  15. It really is a good idea BUT : 1) Inevitably the DOI would be involved, I wouldn't trust them with a tram let alone a nuclear reactor, the thought of the current idiots being let anywhere near it frightens me to death 2) We would of course have to set up our own nuclear inspectorate as it would be unacceptable to use the existing UK expertise, despite the fact that we have no idea what we are doing (eg Crogga) 3) Whatever it is budgeted for once our CS and Tynwald get their hands on it the costs would escalate and it would end up far more than buying energy from elsewhere So for all those reasons, NO NO NO.
  16. I heard it was a horse tram as none of the MER staff would crew with him.
  17. Firestarter by The Prodigy ... Mrs V says its in very poor taste ... result.
  18. Temporary according to their Facebook page or do you know differently ?
  19. It's also pure stupidity and incompetence if the stories are true about downstream Russians being swept away and materiel abandoned as they didn't evacuate the flooding in time.
  20. Germans had the right idea when protestors glued themselves to a car production line. Workers simply turned off the lights and went home and left them to wallow in their own excrement. They haven't done it since.
  21. Give any civil servant a target and they will meet it ... whatever it takes.
  22. From TweetBeat (someone has obviously been watching Happy Valley) : We don't often get phone calls about crashed alien ship in school grounds. Thankfully this was only students exercise in which we were taking part. A warm welcome to PC 28 Dan MCGEE in SNPT, whom has kindly attended Victoria Road School and dealt with aliens swiftly.
  23. Nil ... I think you will find that the majority of the unanswered calls are people who ring up and then are told "You are number 25 (or the like) in the queue" and then hang up and call back at another quieter time.
  24. So the Challengers, Leopards and Abrams are soon to be on their way. Anyone care to bet when the Ruskies will announce the first one has been destroyed ? Obviously this will be well before they actually enter into service in Ukraine 😁
  25. And then Moldova and then ... Where do you draw the line ?
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