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Stu Peters

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Stu Peters last won the day on February 28 2022

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About Stu Peters

  • Birthday August 23

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    Straight Outta Santon
  • Interests
    Cars, bikes, women, beer, flying and great guitar music.

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  1. I went to Grammar School. We were taught Latin. I never understood the importance of it then, but I do now. It pisses you off…
  2. Bit of a volte face? You were mad for this green nonsense and electric cars. Mind you, there's little more eco friendly than a nice old diesel S-Class.
  3. Because Treasury is trying to balance the books - which I'm sure you welcome - and ALL departments are being asked to help (not just those involved in Liverpool and The Prom overspends). This administration either inherited previous problems are is dealing with the after effects of Covid, Brexit and now Ukraine and recssion. So people might have to avoid potholes for a bit longer.
  4. You seem not to understand a point I've been making for two years - a single MHK can't demand anything. I've been told I should exercise my authority as a DOI member to get the road near me at Mount Murray fixed sooner (something I'm sure would go down well here) and refuse to do so. Fact is, DOI looks at repairs and maintenance and prioritises jobs based on danger, traffic flow, type and estimated cost of repair etc. Like all deparments we're under the cosh financially and can't do everything all at once.
  5. Yeah, but I wouldn’t ask to go to Manila. Here’s a thought; elect MHK’s every five years and support them instead of instantly trying to pull them down, question their integrity or sanity and call them stupid. I’m going to spend less time on here because it depresses me. That’s not a flounce, but a realisation that colleagues have been right who have been telling me for years that I’m wasting my time trying to explain or debate on social media.
  6. Sure, I appreciate that. But it makes it impossible to determine the experience or validity of posters. For all I know half the people on here could be trolling schoolchildren with big ideas but no life experience.
  7. It’s not a room, it’s a bucket. If it was a room, rather than a disparate collection of anonymous serial complainers, I’d make the effort.
  8. This thread should really be titled ‘Manx Crab Syndrome - a perfect example’. The usual suspects on this forum would be the first to criticise Tynwald members for not engaging more widely. I’m tempted to see if the CPA will organise an ‘e-gaming for small islands’ conference in Las Vegas just to have you all snapping your claws in furious indignation.
  9. You will dismiss this no doubt, but this administration INHERITED these problems and is trying to resolve them.
  10. Why? Because I quote facts or because you’re laying down markers for another campaign in 2026?
  11. Too early to say. Ask me again in 2 years.
  12. Ah, you’ve added. Depends entirely on the circumstances.
  13. Because you were sitting on it. Health and safety etc.
  14. My constituents usually come to me with real problems or issues and I do my best to resolve or redirect them. MF is a different animal, not least because I have no idea who I’m talking to and whether people are just looking to pick a fight or score points. So if you want a proper answer, email me: stu.peters@gov.im If you want an opinion or a bit of banter, ask here but be prepared for a less formal response. That might involve inappropriate language or humour. Arf!
  15. What’s your question. If I can answer it I will.
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