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Everything posted by monasqueen

  1. "responses that over 10 million v-safe users provided in v-safe's pre-populated check-the-box fields." Isn't that a bit like Putin's pre-populated referendums?
  2. I could never work out why some employers could not cope with flexible working hours - which meant that the "morning people" would happily be in and productive by 8am, and those who could not get up early could provide cover until gone 6pm. Similarly, lunch doesn't have to be more than 1/2 hour. Combine all that, and you've always got people able to cope with phone calls (for instance) from some different time zones. Not too hard to turn that into workable 4 day weeks. Result, happier, and more productive, people.
  3. The standard of written English is also poor in the local newspapers, and some of the spoken "English" in adverts is appalling. This appears to indicate that Grammar is no longer taught in schools.
  4. Can you imagine what the reaction would be if the UK cut Ireland's gas supply?
  5. Some people wouldn't be able to understand the news if Phil Gawne was reading it 😁 This is now a multi-cultural Island. But then, so is the adjacent island, so it's not much good getting the boat in the morning.
  6. Seems the biker is (a bit of) a plonker, and the person who published the video can't spell "roundel".
  7. That's just the same piece of video, with music drowning out the expletives.
  8. Sounds like a double whammy! Strangely, there are no other (big) ships in Heysham Harbour, though there are two outside, maybe waiting for clearance to go in?
  9. At least no-one has (yet) suggested that the beach should be filled with white sand from the Sahara, like one of the beaches on Tenerife. "5 million bags of sand arrived in the ship Gopegui. It was used to fill the beach in the first half of 1973 to create the artificial beach of white sand, which opened on 15 June 1973, although with initial problems due to red ants and scorpions that were imported along with the sand." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playa_de_Las_Teresitas
  10. Surely everyone has had at least one of quaylaM's "adverse events", with or without a jab.
  11. And still no sign of that huge seagull statue.
  12. Saw mince pies in Sainsbury's on Tuesday. Expiry date was 24 December!!
  13. Why pick on Stu? There are plenty more out there that are at least as (and possibly more) deserving.
  14. I have visions of the kids with their "bitchimum". Blue street furniture/railings was so "Douglas Bluethousand", and now so dated.
  15. outdated Very sad news.
  16. Uncanny that this should have happened after Liz met Liz. At least there is the photographic evidence that she was still able to stand and smile on that occasion. Another country would have been withholding information for at least a couple of weeks already. I do, sincerely, hope that all turns out well, for her and all of the family.
  17. Not even an "educated guess". I often head to/from the south, but far prefer to use Heysham than Liverpool. As the VoR says, the roads through Liverpool are shit. Getting out of Heysham on the new link road is bliss, whether heading north or south.
  18. Isn't there a bit of logic behind this plan to have extra locomotives? The Cabbage could pull a commuter train while the steam engines are still warming up for their day's work, and the extra steam engine would provide the means to run extra trains on busy days, and/or act as a much needed spare engine. Trouble is, someone seems to have screwed up both the acquisition of a diesel engine, and the renovation of a steam engine.
  19. The idea with the new boat is that it will be able to fit on the berth, so it will go to Liverpool through the Winter.
  20. Who said there wasn't enough? They were busy re-wiring at the crossing this morning.
  21. That's probably nearer the cost of just the replacement poles, and the installation of them. 5 poles, is it?
  22. I thought at the very least that this was going to be about a bull that is abroad, i.e. overseas, like, say, Pamplona.
  23. I think we can be fairly sure that the load was originally much higher than seen in the pictures before it hit the wires. The kayaks do not look to be in a "normal" type of loaded position (if anything is normal). Note also that in the film clip, there are lots of pieces of tree along the surface of the road, which were presumably dislodged from the lorry by the wires. The sort of thing that would have taken a few double deck bus windows out. They must have been collected earlier in the journey. Surely another indication that the vehicle was well over height.
  24. The No 3 bus has been a mix of single and double deck buses every day lately. Strange that none of them hit the wires. Seems like the loading of the lorry was done without due care and attention.
  25. Did you see the way the lorry was loaded? About a dozen kayaks on top of a landrover on top of the lorry. Looks as though the kayaks have shifted a bit (hardly surprising!) Were the kayaks supposed to have been on top of a trailer, on top of the landrover? Some genius in the loading department. https://m.facebook.com/tmvinyl.co.uk/videos/340549211619810/?extid=WA-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C-GK2C&refsrc=deprecated&ref=sharing&_rdr
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