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Everything posted by germann

  1. Yeah same in Abu Dhabi- have to get annual insurance policy & MOT (for cars over 3 years' old) before they'll issue registration. All offending plates are now picked up by roadside cameras that can read the plates & alert the cops. Orwellian but effective.
  2. He's got his promenade speed limit clipboard out. It's serious.
  3. Makes you wonder why the other two LV candidates want to have him/them/bollocks on their ticket. Damaged goods.
  4. I used to be a bit of a nationalist, but now I'd prefer to be a fully signed up citizen of the UK rather that this fucking shambolic halfway house we find ourselves in. Thanks Comin.
  5. I've already had a very close shave of not getting into and back from the Middle East with the Manx Care letter, PCR 'certificate' which runs onto two pages, half-populated NHS app and PHE-England-adopted-by-IoM handwritten card. That was in early July, a week or so after Mr Creosote had promised that everything would be sorted out 'shortly'. I am very concerned that my luck will run out at some point during upcoming work trips. They can't even come up with a QR code linked letter back to a gov.im URL that would at least lend a modicum of credibility to their unsigned and unstamped documentation. Utterly hopeless.
  6. Only if you pwomise that I can type my blog in comic sans
  7. Stop being rude, aggressive and totally unacceptable towards Rob and his suit.
  8. You're an absolute disgrace and not fit for office. Completely out of touch with the electorate and reality. Off you go.
  9. The dashboard is showing an additional death.
  10. No they don't. Not even close to complying with any international standards. The PCR certificate isn't even formatted to a single page. Maybe that's why they made it editable... 😔
  11. The Manx vaccination certificates and PCR test results are issued on badly formatted Word files which can be edited. Who in their right mind would accept those? Plus Timatic trumps everything at check in: https://skyteam.traveldoc.aero
  12. Yes, because the website is an absolute fucking turd.
  13. ADVERTISE HERE FOR 350 QUID A MONTH all over the shop. Does IOMG get this revenue?
  14. The new website is an absolute mess: https://www.airport.im/ Edited to add that it appears to be an advertising portal for IOM Advertising. How does that work from a compliance perspective? Did this go to tender?
  15. Have you had assurances from Manx Radio that they'd take you back if you lose? Did you compare notes with Tim?
  16. If you don't win, do you get your old job at Manx Radio back? What's the plan B?
  17. Our local pharmacy on Windsor Road were supplied a grand total of four LFT kits today. That should meet current demand.
  18. Yeah I did one at 3pm on Tuesday, results back at 7pm on Wednesday.
  19. I've used the 111 PCR letter for international travel from LHR to Amber, 2nd July. No problem with it getting accepted, even though they issue them on Word docs. You're more likely to run into problems on your return. Not a problem to do the UK Border Passenger Locator form, which you must do, but you might have a problem, as I did, with proving your IOM test to release on return is acceptable in lieu of a UK test to release. Best bet is to enter your travel details into this: https://skyteam.traveldoc.aero And read the small print regarding/ignoring the Isle of Man. All international airlines follow the advice of this system (Timatic) to the letter & do not recognise the Isle of Man as a separate entity. Bookmark the site, you might need to quote its advice at check in.
  20. Fucks sake and here I am isolating (from travel to an amber) watching everyone else getting released while I have to endure another 5 nights in a shitty boarding house paying 80 quid a night for the privilege in spite of getting a negative day 1 PCR & being 2+2. Farce.
  21. Letters home to HBN school parents today.
  22. Yeah, that's looking doubtful. Thanks Boganair.
  23. My second immunisation appeared on my immunisation record on the NHS app about a week after it had reached the Patient Access system. Still waiting for it to show up on the covid 19 part. I am currently in Heathrow en route to IOM from an Amber listed country (Lebanon). Check in this morning at Beirut airport demanded a UK Passenger Locator Form QR code (done), recent PCR test in Beirut (done), proof of vaccine & UK test to release registration (the 2 PCR tests on arrival. Needless to say it was VERY difficult to get a boarding card with the dog eared vaccination certificate card, a couple of badly formatted emails from 111 with the Manx PCR test to release swab dates, and, due to increasing desperation, my IOM driving licence 'we're not the same as the UK, loook! 🤪' I fear a lot of us are going to be stranded in far away places this summer without a fully joined up UK-IOM system in place asap. Airlines are understandably nervous and confused by the ever moving goal posts, and Ashford & co doing fuck all about it isn't helping.
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