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Everything posted by Uhtred

  1. I know I'm going out on a limb here, but I'll opt for 'Sensual swelling globes of moist flesh that promise much' and 'Silken thighs brushed lightly but insistently by eager fingertips'.
  2. How the fuck did North African Berbers get involved????
  3. I read quite a few Blyton books as a child and they’ve certainly not corrupted my views of society or social/ethnic groups nor, as far as I can tell, on any of my English Defence League colleagues.
  4. Absolutely. Well said. As my neighbour observed to me over the garden fence last night, ‘Get jabbed or STFU’.
  5. I thought you were antithetical to ‘mere insults’?
  6. Indeed. ‘Proud Manxman’ ‘Mogrey Mie’ and flying the Three Legs and the Tynwald flag are instantly ushered hurriedly off stage as soon as a foreign jurisdiction offers some tinsel. One might even level an accusation of hypocrisy.
  7. On an MHKs salary they can afford it.
  8. Uhtred

    Come on Arleen

    It wasn’t me that made that observation - it was ‘Anyone’. It appears that you’ve failed to register that. Are you stupid, willfully contrarian, or is there some more interesting reason for your tedious and dull contributions?
  9. Uhtred

    Come on Arleen

    I’m devastated.
  10. Uhtred

    Come on Arleen

    Is, amusingly, an anagram of ‘organist’ and ‘roasting’.
  11. Crunch… https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/stobart-air-flights-cancelled-passengers-b1864647.html
  12. Uhtred

    Come on Arleen

    Possibly so. He’s from Jersey.
  13. Uhtred

    Come on Arleen

    That’s an individual called Peter Boxer who appears to regularly Tweet on a wide range of topics not one of which is associated with what he’s actually supposed to be doing.
  14. Uhtred

    Come on Arleen

    Caption competition time - I’ll go first…Poots is saying to Quayle “I didn’t believe in dinosaurs until I met you Howie’.
  15. I hear from a medical professional in UK that the scientists are pushing for a 4 week delay to lockdown lifting and that Johnson is likely to agree to 2 weeks. Decision to be made late on Sunday and announced on Monday. If there is a lockdown extension (of whatever extent) I think it's highly likely that IOMG will not open borders on the 28th.
  16. Like ‘yesterday’, ‘hello’ and ‘dog’.
  17. Only in the Dyslexia Society’s summer programme.
  18. And as others have pointed out is an acronym forever synonymous with the Greater Manchester Police, so deepening the stupidity of applying it here.
  19. Albert Tatlock has experienced you a few times?!!
  20. I’m hopelessly unfit to be an MHK…I can pronounce ‘hyperbole’, ‘constable’ and ‘statistics’; I do not own a shredder; I’ve never written a blog that a seven year old would be embarrassed by; never vomited on a bus; I’m aware that when digging a trench for services you install them all at the same time; I’ve never made Harrrruuumphhh noises 8 times consecutively and then been rewarded with a jolly to the Caribbean; I don’t expect other people to pay for my headache remedy; I’m aware that you can assist a charity without needing to be pictured in the press; I can speak to a group of people on a topic I should understand without notes and not making multiple errors, and I realise that lessons can genuinely be learned and applied and that this isn’t simply a platitude. (I also know that a platitude isn’t that funny animal from Australia that looks a bit like an otter but has a bill). Like I say - totally unsuitable.
  21. And will keep the residents of Ayre happily positioned in the mid 19th century.
  22. I love that an Estate Agent tell us 'Don't worry, Estate Agents are just wonderful'. Perhaps this line of argument could be employed in this month's Euros and Harry Kane could say 'Don't worry referee, I was definitely onside'.
  23. Another failed dinosaur looking for a seat back on the gravy train.
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