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Dave Hedgehog

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Everything posted by Dave Hedgehog

  1. Speaking of facts it is actually in Port St Mary
  2. Is this new? https://international-adviser.com/isle-of-man-fsa-suspends-crypto-asset-business/
  3. Or like having a developer build a road but not having the funds to connect it up at one end
  4. Ah the old make the new stuff look like the shit they were chucking up cheaply over a century ago shout It's been holding the Island back for decades.
  5. Would it be available on a short term basis (24 hours would do) to store a load of petrol and faulty electrical equipment I have clogging up the shed?
  6. Why even flowers. Get her something useful like a joint of beef or a Nintendo Switch
  7. It could be renamed Cacksey and marketed on the nutritional benefits of turdy seawater.
  8. More 10% in perpetuity than 10% gratuity
  9. Sounds good I will set up the cross on the 18th green if somebody else can bring the hammer and nails
  10. Impressive stuff. Nothing seems to be sunk or on fire or anything Maybe when the Manxman has a go.....
  11. They are far too busy spending weeks doing the major thoroughfare that is Mount Gawne Road at the moment to be able to bother with roads people actually use. Classic DoI using the budget before the start of April activity
  12. I'm going up there with a hi Viz vest on telling everyone they can't park there mate.....
  13. Alf was even boasting on the radio earlier that Government pay had increased faster than the private sector. Piss off eh Alf
  14. Hey now you can't knock Tiles on the dials *goes on killing spree*
  15. So budget day, plenty of scope on the Gammon Line for callers to comment about what has happened and as usual they spend ten minutes with Julian talking about bastard wind turbines. Just shut the fuck up.
  16. Nice 18% increase for Manx Radio this year I see. Must be compensating for the loss of Shoprite advertising
  17. Pink book is up on the gov website now if anyone wants to see how little effort they are making to find cost savings.
  18. Ah. Also fucking over future (non government) pensioners
  19. Ringfenced to fund government pensions...sorry.The NHS
  20. Not the name I was expecting when I saw that headline......
  21. That's been on the cards for ages. It was announced shortly after the DoI said it was impossible to get any car park barrier system for the airport.
  22. They will have it at the Round House on a weekday so nobody can get there.
  23. Typical government contracting out what they used to do themselves.
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