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Dave Hedgehog

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Everything posted by Dave Hedgehog

  1. Ringfenced to fund government pensions...sorry.The NHS
  2. Not the name I was expecting when I saw that headline......
  3. That's been on the cards for ages. It was announced shortly after the DoI said it was impossible to get any car park barrier system for the airport.
  4. They will have it at the Round House on a weekday so nobody can get there.
  5. Typical government contracting out what they used to do themselves.
  6. Subway in Port Erin Shoprite closing for good on the 27th. I just hope they keep Cosmo.
  7. I have seen extra thick Hovis in S+S in Castletown
  8. He's mixed up COVID with the rage virus from 28 Days Later
  9. Dave Hedgehog


    Great cost saving from the pen pushers at city hall for this one https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/roof-on-loch-prom-kiosk-wont-be-fixed-until-a-new-kids-play-area-is-ready/ The roof is not there anymore apparentlly. Edit https://www.facebook.com/100068995126463/posts/pfbid02aJTHqFLhbzy4ymFvLoUHpN3956mYs8EfiW9ifxBur2jZtqof7mGMzXTt9c4cDQFzl/?app=fbl
  10. Plenty of scope to ask some interesting questions. Nailed on first caller will be Julian with some badly researched information about wind turbines.
  11. He's just reminded me that on the swimming trips from Clothworkers to Ramsey it was always guaranteed that one kid would puke on the bus.
  12. We got bussed to Ramsey for swimming every Friday when I was in Clothworkers. It was fine
  13. Sounds like a job for David Ashford BSc, SSc* Bronze Swimming Certificate, Silver Swimming Certificate
  14. It is now, it wasn't when I posted. That's how time works you see.
  15. Not in yet I see. Wouldn't be surprised if it's gone all Lord of the Flies on there by now.
  16. It is. I'm on the Manxman there now. It has crashed into it and both have sunk into the Mersey.
  17. Off now but of course no sign of any luggage being unloaded
  18. Currently sat on an easyjet at Ronaldsway and have been for 30 mins as there is nobody to unload the plane. If only airlines ran to some kind of schedule that staffing could be planned to meet.
  19. Looks like a nice young group full of concern for the future of the planet. *puts defibrillator on standby*
  20. Manx Gas/Island Energy must be a shoe in for the customer service award.
  21. Well one from eight weeks ago was too soon apparently so I thought I would go for some older lies.
  22. Ahem https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/duke-street-works-have-restarted-514734
  23. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/work-on-duke-street-development-to-re-start-soon/
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