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Barrie Stevens

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Everything posted by Barrie Stevens

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-50215983 Wot no 50 p coin....
  2. So there are somewhere millions of UK Brexit 50p coins stamped 31st October 2019. What next....
  3. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=little+bit+of+bread+and+no+cheese&qs=n&pc=LV04&sp=-1&pq=little+bit+of+bread+and+no+cheese&sc=4-33&sk=&cvid=AA26BEDC866F4C1B8B0CDA589E35269F&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dlittle%2bbit%2bof%2bbread%2band%2bno%2bcheese%26qs%3dn%26form%3dQBLH%26pc%3dLV04%26sp%3d-1%26pq%3dlittle%2bbit%2bof%2bbread%2band%2bno%2bcheese%26sc%3d4-33%26sk%3d%26cvid%3dAA26BEDC866F4C1B8B0CDA589E35269F&view=detail&mmscn=vwrc&mid=3506ABCCCFB624C696413506ABCCCFB624C69641&FORM=WRVORC
  4. Brexit will happen when the Pope is confessed of the Archbishop of Canterbury before officiating at the wedding of the Chief Rabb's daughter at the Regent's Park Mosque...
  5. You just did not want to hurt my feelings...My excuse is that I had recently been to Sheering which place is in Essex where God lives...I post a link..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheering
  6. No one spotted the deliberate spelling mistake....
  7. I was on top of Snaefell and saw this Manxie with a sheep under his arm. I said are you going to sheer that? But he said something like ...Go catch your own this one's mine!
  8. The gremlins are out today these clips not working...
  9. No. I said to H, 'cos we were mates see, I said try blowing your nose H and it might come out like...Me old mum used to say that....
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodesia's_Unilateral_Declaration_of_Independence BORIS speaks in terms of a declaration of independence. Some want it. Others oppose. I recall the last time a PM did that when not all the country agreed. It ended in a mess and then Mugabe. Naturally I was in the House of Commons that day Even then I was aware of being in the presence of history as it were...It was an educational school trip. So far these high flown declarations have caused trouble galore. ie American declaration, Irish 1916, Rhodesia and now Boris thinks he is Thomas Jefferson.....
  11. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=a+ditch&qpvt=a+ditch&FORM=IGRE
  12. First tried out in WW1 but the modern variant began in Africa in the Ivory Coast in 1954,
  13. Now being put about that the Brexit process may drag on until 2020s...
  14. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/uk-trade-agreements-with-non-eu-countries-in-a-no-deal-brexit
  15. As I said it is not logic. It is political reality...
  16. No. The point is that when you sleep in the next bed to a giant you tend to know when they roll over, get out of bed and snore. Canada is very much under the shadow of the giant USA and when the UK leaves the EU and maybe in the next ten years gets a trade deal it will be in the shadow of a giant and influenced thereby. The USA and Canada are in North America and by the same token the EU member states and what is left of the constituent parts of British Isles will still be part of Europe. I think that we are never going to see a proper Brexit and what they are arguing about no is an interim stage. Over two centuries ago the Americans separated from Britain and yet today they live in each other's shadow.
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