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Barrie Stevens

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Everything posted by Barrie Stevens

  1. Reading between the lines of the Leo/Boris meet and maybe jumping the gun I suspect a beast known as a Brino is grazing placidly on the lawn...I also suspect it is a white Brino as in white flag and that no way will the UK be subject to a full no deal Brexit and many uncertainties.....Shush...Don't tell it to the street and frighten the horses (Yet)
  2. Only that they will have to be paid for...Wonga...Lolly..Nice little earners...The world is your lobster...
  3. But think of the lawyers' fees, the PHDs, the books, the memoirs, the movies, the lectures, tutorials. Even GCSEs or whatever they call them now...Run for years! Gonna be a monster global industry....A must study, must learn, must essay, a must thesis.....
  4. The other day I sat at a bus stop and watched thousands of children coming out of school from King Edward VI Grammar School and Chelmsford County High for Girls (The latter being a highly rated high achiever school nationally)... There were boys and girls of all races and mixed races and countries all walking and talking together whereas in my school days we had very few foreigners or people of colour so to speak. Those boys and girls had all grown together and are not so conscious of race and other differences. They were born into "diversity"...I still think it is wrong to leave the EU and deny them the opportunity to enjoy access to so many countries. Also as I and many on MF are passing away if there is an EU problem it will fall to their generation to do something about it. They have no pre-Common Market memories. Unlike me they were not taught imperial history of conquest and glory. They see the EU and the mess our lot are making of the issue...I feel it is best to remain for the sake of the young people and their future as we have had ours.
  5. Shed load of canned food for sale....Brexit surplus....Anyone?...
  6. They are not forgotten. Mind over matter. The capitalists do not mind and the others do not matter...
  7. The complex post Brexit situation regarding road haulage can be seen here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/transporting-goods-between-the-uk-and-eu-in-a-no-deal-brexit-guidance-for-hauliers
  8. No is a trade magazine with a section answering a lot of questions but also listing the questions yet to be addressed. Is worth reading what the trade and food processors are thinking and doing. It also shows government measures already in hand. Click the link to Grocer magazine above..
  9. https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/ Click the link for the pukka gen on food imports and exports after Brexit. Eye opening. Time MF had some off-Island facts. This means you...
  10. The pizza franchises have stated they are stocking tomato products. The supermarkets are taking steps to increase holdings and hold suppliers responsible for extra delivery charges. You can learn a lot from the trade magazines...These days we have a just in time import system. Most of your orange juice comes from Belgium. These days there are so many fast food outlets needing salad and such. Any disruption will effect them and in 2020 UK lorries may be severely restricted by Cabotage. Also, the trade between N Ireland and the Republic in dairy includes not just milk, cheese and butter but also subject to Single Market rules are products containing milk so that means pizza, cream buns, bikkies, cakies milky drinkies etc. It is a mega issue and no solution in sight so far...Last I looked we had 50 soldiers in or allocated to Calais to marshall lorries. So something is not quite right. Industry too is stock piling and this gave the economy a boost for a while. Most people have now got a Boris store. I have 30 days supply in cans and dried goods..Not wasted it can all be used...Try reading the trade magazines...
  11. Down on my manor people are filling up their cupboards with cans of nosh and other materials...Confidence!
  12. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-conservative-meps-boris-johnson-october-deadline-hire-staff-a9126526.html
  13. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-conservative-meps-boris-johnson-october-deadline-hire-staff-a9126526.html Seems Cons hiring staff for Brussels post Brexit..
  14. Down on my manor they call it shagging...Boris does a lot of it...Boris thinks monogamy is something tables and chairs are made from...
  15. As they used to say "Once you've had a Zulu you will never have another Swazi"
  16. Except in my case when I said I was doing it for a friend the officials looked at me as if I was dirt "A friend? Yeah Right!"
  17. Actually a friend of mine (I do have one or two) smuggled in a girl from Soweto via Ostende and Ramsgate. She was hidden in the back of the car. I made investigations to see how she could be made legal and believe it or not get married to the man who smuggled her in. This put me in touch with the "system". She was allowed to become his ward provided he paid to support her. Thus she stayed. She reported to the police once a month and could have been deported anytime but not effort was made to do this. In the meantime she worked in the black economy mainly in Southend in bars and clubs. As the years rolled by she got older and went from 18 years to late 20s with no attempt at deportation as she was still a ward of the older man who smuggled her in. Thus that appears to be a loophole or was then as it started about 2009. Of course she had no passport so that hindered deportation as South Africa will not take them back if they have no passport. Other African illegals said that Northern Ireland is a soft touch and lots of old and ill folk willingly hire illegals as carers. She went to Belfast and found more work than she knew what to do with. She then had a baby which although it has a British birth certificate is not British as the mother is not British. Thus she paid a black British guy £3,750 to swear he is the father. He then vanishes. Thus the baby gets a British citizenship/passport. Thus the mother cannot be deported. There was no requirement for a DNA test I am told. As regards welfare there must be something available as before going to Belfast she was given a flat in Walsall and about £20 a week from a church charity. I was told this is because of the baby and human rights act it can't be sent to South Africa with her. I know of people around on my manor hiring illegals as carers.
  18. Illegals do not get handouts or benefits unless they claim asylum. Then they get a little help but not much. Many illegals vanish into the black economy working for those migrants established here often hiding on business premises. If they can hang on for 14 years they get made legal anyway. There are many jobs where employers are not too fussy about employing illegals and I know of many old folk who will happily employ an illegal as a carer on cut price terms. https://www.gov.uk/asylum-support/what-youll-get
  19. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/temporary-tariff-regime-for-no-deal-brexit-published
  20. https://thebalticbriefing.com/magazine/wto-ambiguous-fortunes-for-trade/ Try this if it works...WTO feature...
  21. Don't think so click the link https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-are-insulin-supplies-really-at-risk-from-a-no-deal-brexit
  22. If you don't set the trap you don't catch the prey...They do food and breakfasts up to noon....They are more like caffs licensed...8 am may be another person's evening...construction workers go in early...you can drink coffee almost for free all day...but yes alkies do get in there early....and lots of old boys who make a pint last hour and a half and who have their own club with own table...,
  23. https://twitter.com/NTS_Fiona/status/1087794740131782658/photo/1 Spoons mag...
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