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About marauder

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  1. Who knows? . Obviously not you,you're still assuming I am MTP. Still,if it keeps you happy do carry on
  2. That potato I suggested you stuff into your swimming trunks while trying to attract the ladies on Port Erin beach...just remember to stick it down the front this year. The 1970s have been looking for you,they want that joke back
  3. In that case,get the clump to wear a condom
  4. Very comical. 50 ish % of the population aren't allowed an opinion based on Albert's musings? No,what she means is due to her inferiority complex and large chip on the shoulder,nothing more.
  5. Just another dipshit who had to pay for the consequences of her actions and then seeks sympathy and attention
  6. ah,only knocked out by one page then. Tut tut,lightweight
  7. Nonsense and hilarious? Two new words tonight. Were you knocked unconscious by a falling dictionary?
  8. Tut tut,how could one block such a fellow of radiant cogitation and enlightenment? Shame on you notwell for suggesting such a thing
  9. marauder


    Patronising,or ironic?
  10. all too late,they're still dead,but at least justice has fiscal value.
  11. No, I didn't. we have had 27 years of various versions, reports and views and from that I formed the opinion that nobody wanted to cause harm or death, but made some stupid decisions on the day then lied to hind the guilt of such stupidity. Loads of things combined that day to cause this tragedy. I just don't see how it can be "unlawful". Criminally negligent manslaughter would be my assumption. But the words cannot help the healing, it only gets fingers pointing. Fingers should be pointed. They were. 1,2,3..............95,96.
  12. Well,there are always those things called search engines. Quite a lot of information seems to present itself quite freely
  13. You haven't heard or read the news today I assume
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