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  1. With all due respect I cannot agree with you – people from across the world demand ‘the Nuremberg trials’ against Netanyahu, the leaders of Hamas, etc, etc. This is what the ICC is for. As always, time will tell.
  2. If Netanyahu was the PM of some (West) European country, the liberal world would have turned against him and his cronies a long time ago, but as the PM of Israel he seemingly carries on carte blanche…“By attacking and undermining the ICC, Israel has proved again it is a state gone rogue". https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/29/icc-israel-state-benjamin-netanyahu "The truth is, Israel under Netanyahu’s leadership, at a moment of truly dreadful national trauma, has gone rogue. It will not begin to heal until he, like the leaders of Hamas, is made to answer for his actions in a court of law".
  3. TBH, I would prefer they build affordable housing.
  4. Ahh but no one knows what they mean/ hope for - the consequences of making government policy on the hoof, IMHO.
  5. Highly likely. According to Dr Allinson :"Through funding from the Economic Strategy Board, we are supporting and incentivising private sector investment into our island, aligning to the ambition to see £1bn invested over the long term..."
  6. In 2007, Valencia spent about £1b to build the City of Arts and Science, including a Formula One street circuit. “Valencia still hosts Formula One races. But the regional government has run out of funds to repair schools, and some kids have been attending class in trailers for years”….
  7. "If approved, they would see a mixed-use development built on the site, with 85 apartments, office space, a multi-screen cinema complex, restaurants and a food hall". Meanwhile, in the real world: "Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ have greatly impacted movie theater attendance in recent years. As more people opt for the convenience and affordability of watching movies at home, theaters are seeing a decline in ticket sales and revenue. This shift in consumer behavior has significant implications for the entire film industry, from production to exhibition".
  8. I think Mr Moorhouse makes a good point when he asks :" what the point of Tynwald is" ? Our MHKs were elected to have a say in the running of the country. Having this right replaced by a "press release" undermines our democracy. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/more-than-one-million-pound-on-offer-to-support-hospitality-sector/
  9. "One passenger died of a heart attack and 30 more were injured when Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 hit severe turbulence early on Wednesday morning". A report from the University of Reading last year suggested turbulence could worsen with climate change: "Our latest future projections indicate a doubling or trebling of severe turbulence in the jet streams in the coming decades if the climate continues to change as we expect," said Professor of Atmospheric Science Paul Williams, one of the authors.
  10. I have wondered about this myself. IMHO, his insular thinking comes from his background, i.e. apart from the influences of his father who was part of a Manx establishment, there is also his military training and his time as a recruitment consultant. Being in the recruitment business means that he has had a limited exposure to other businesses – mainly helping them to expand by supplying them with more staff. When he talks about increasing the Manx population, ‘expansion and growth’ are his comfort zones, but he is also instinctively opposed to any form of downsizing/ staff reduction. Back in his recruitment days, he did not need to understand the details of how his clients' businesses operated or the challenges they faced (he just needed to find them suitable future employees). He is now applying this past experience (the desire to recruit more and more people) to his attempts to run the Government and the Island. Unfortunately, running a country is a trickier and more complex ‘job’ than running a recruitment company. Governing this country successfully requires a more nuanced and integrated approach – just focusing on the big economic ‘slogans’ and population numbers is an approach that is simply too 'blunt' and will not work very well, IMHO.
  11. This is not the first time he has gotten into a spat with kiwis. Last year he upset his local councillors when he said: “You two need your heads cut off and your brains replaced.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/03/noel-edmonds-spat-with-council-new-zealand IMHO, he behaves like a self-entitled spoilt brat – is he moving to the Isle of Man? Jeremey Clarkson has left behind ‘big prat’ shoes to fill; I can imagine Noel fitting in with other crass HNWIs here perfectly well. If he had the cojones to intimidate NZ Govt officials, he will find our lot a doddle.
  12. but they have, e.g.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_passport https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_passport https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_passport https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_passport https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_passport etc, etc, etc
  13. Thank you for your reply. You are of course entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. Purely coincidentally, I am sure, Sunak’s father-in-law’s company has performed tremendously well since Brexit. Some well-known British industrialists, who voted for Brexit, have subsequently moved their manufacturing facilities abroad. Nigel Farage did his best to scaremonger the British public into believing that the EU was an ‘evil empire’ (yet he seemed very partial to Putin’s Russia where anyone who openly disagrees with the regime risks ending up dead), has obtained a German passport, giving himself the right to live in said ‘evil empire’. I can’t wait for BoJo to get stuck in some foreign airport with his British passport’s invalid dates because he “forgot” that courtesy of his malign political ambitions ‘we’ have left the EU. Mind you, Boris probably does not fly with the plebs on budget airlines, but instead on some partly-sanctioned Russian oligarch’s private jet (possibly a particular Tory Party ‘legitimate and above board’ donor). I too have had discussions with several EU citizens who were bemoaning all sorts of issues, but the misguided notion of ‘sovereignty’ has never cropped up in our conversations. If anything, they want more political unity to withstand Putin, the rise of the far-right across the whole of Europe, and the potential second coming of Trump.
  14. Anyone doubting the damage and the stupidity of Brexit should look at the morons who promoted it. E.g., Nigel Farage is now campaigning against a “draft deal to improve global cooperation against (pandemic) outbreaks” on the grounds that such cooperation will cause the UK to “cede its sovereignty”, whilst Richard Tice has provided about 70% of the funding for the Reform Party which promotes Trump-like right-wing hysteria and continues to love Brexit, etc. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/16/who-accuses-nigel-farage-of-spreading-misinformation-about-pandemic-treaty What is becoming clearer on a daily basis, is that Brexit has been an act of delusional self-harm for ordinary Brits whose quality of life is rapidly going backwards – the only people who are benefiting from Brexit are a few rich elites.
  15. i thought fleetingly the thread was about our Government - massive balls of steel attached to a brass neck.
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