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Everything posted by Cassie2

  1. Wouldn't they have been shredded first if that was the case?
  2. I keep imagining him enjoying huge bowls of SHREDDIES for his breakfasts.
  3. 1. The IOM PO is a Statutory Board and commercial trading entity They bid for this contract and to their disgrace they were outbid by MIC. The costs of the IOM Post Office to the taxpayers and the customers ARE absurd. 2. Looking at their service levels taking but one example my mail arrives between 10.45 and 14.25. That is needlessly random and unacceptable nonsense. Absurd. 3. I receive items from many suppliers often using UK Post Office 48 hours tracked. Frequently the UK PO tracking page shows the package has arrived here on the early morning mail flight but it is then not delivered to me (in Douglas!) until 1 or 2 days later. If a weekend intervenes that becomes 3 or 4 days later. Absurd. 4. Hermes for the past 5+ years takes only 2 or 3 days from the UK business sending it to reach me which beats the UK & IOM Post Office constantly. 5. Hermes deliver to me between 9 & 10am and that is far earlier than the IOM Post Office ever manage. 6. Hermes deliver routinely on Saturdays as if it was just another weekday - something that the IOM Post Office refuse to do in spite of Saturday being when most people are at home. I had two packages delivered by Hermes at 9.20am this morning which I only ordered on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The Isle of Man Post Office repeatedly shows that it is a smug, badly run and self-serving empire with no regard for its customers. That IS aburd.
  4. Mixing up couriers. The initial contract to deliver LTF Tests was awarded to Manx Independent Carriers much to the absurd outrage of the empire of the self-entitled, self-serving IOM Post Office hierarchy.
  5. We shall see soon enough who is correct.
  6. And I recommend that you do likewise! It is ridiculous for you to assume someone has not done so The 'private sector' as such did not underwrite the BA franchise LCY route. A single online gambling company with at that time a very large need for the route did so and it then withdrew its support. During the first 18 months or so of Covid19 here, the IOMG heavily subsidised the route and ditto the LHR route when LCY closed to scheduled pax flights. You will also presumably be aware of the unstable history of the LCY route and the number of former operators. In busier demand times for business travel then than there is now or is likely to be going forward. Your assertion that 'with some clever thinking a solution could be found to meet everyone’s needs' is pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking and avoids actually putting forward any such solution. It also very foolishly assumes that you know better than all the airline operators, senior aviation professionals and the IOMG. Unlike you they know the economics. I do too. You sadly do not. Perhaps you will take your own unsolicited advice now and 'do a little more research and understand the facts before making sweeping statements....'. to quote your goodself above!
  7. There is ''an island based local operator'' . It is called Loganair. And they could not make a London Heathrow or City service viable even with an ATR-70. I assume you want the government to pay huge subsidies but the IOMG just borrowed £400,000,000 (=£400million) for 30 years. The interest alone is £6,600,000 which has to be paid each and every year for 30 years and the £400,000,000 has to be paid back by the maturity date. It covers past borrowings and huge Covid19 incurred expenditure debts. Obviously, there is no magic money tree. Obviously there is no spare money. None at all. They cannot even afford to pay for many basic services. I would try and get used to the Gatwick route. I see many double daily easyJet services on the route next year with consistent times. I just booked some. Welcome to the new world.
  8. Because in the real world, the myopic, self-serving, virtue-signalling, bloated Douglas Corporation will just piss away all the extra monies on underpinning and expanding their already too large and inefficient empire. Simples. It looks to me like they may force We the People, the Ratepayers, into a Rates Strike and I shall be willing to provide a very large amount to fund support publicity etc for that. It is past time for the arrogance of the Corporation to be dealt with and for them to serve the ratepayers as the priority and not themselves The wording of these questions clearly shows their intent. It is not an objective genuine survey. They want fortnightly collections or pay by weight. Many ratepayers think that the only service they receive for their extortionate Douglas Rates payments is the weekly bin collection and for everyone it is THE key service for the Rates they have to pay. We all need to make a stand on this. Douglas Corporation's political and staff leadership need to realise that the consequences of what they are planning will not be just the usual meek and compliant, timid ratepayers of the past. Those days are gone now post pandemic. CLEAR OUT THE SELF-SERVING BLOAT OF THIS ROTTEN BOROUGH.
  9. You have not mentioned that Postal Votes were open to absolutely everyone at this election for the very first time. This household used postal votes exclusively. A very short and simple online application form and then a simple Ballot Paper and Declaration. Quick, easy, convenient, Covid19 risk-free and also all free of charge.
  10. When will the IOM Government also do this - and do so properly? The number and costs of both of the two empires with the creation of Manx Care are a complete disgrace. Highest-paid UK NHS managers could be cleared out in Treasury audit Audit to shine a light on duplication. All UK government departments must give breakdown of jobs so officials can evaluate each team, its costs and whether roles are duplicated By Christopher Hope and Tony Diver UK Ministers have ordered an audit of NHS jobs as part of a probe into departmental spending on civil service jobs which could lead to a thinning out of highly paid posts in the health service. Stephen Barclay, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, has ordered every government department to submit a report into how many staff they have on the payroll. The news came amid concern that the NHS will swallow the entire £36 billion raised over the next three years from the tax hikes, even though £5.4 billion has been earmarked for social care. Departments have been asked to submit a full list of their workforces and their associated bodies so that Treasury officials can start to look at duplication in the jobs that they hold. A particular focus for Mr Barclay is the thousands of staff in the Department of Health and National Health Service, which last week put out job adverts for 42 new executives on salaries of up to £270,000, who share the same roles.
  11. Does not matter. Idiotic design is idiotic design in either case. And the DoI (the Despicable Department of Imbeciles) has had to sign off on any design.
  12. You can direct such questions to the Practice Manager. Last I knew it was a Cathy Poultney.
  13. Dr Hopkinson retired in February this year after giving plenty of notice of that and also after postponing his original intention to retire considerably earlier.
  14. Still more than is needed. Giant PLCs have only those three too! And how many managers are there at the IOM PO? And how much do all the executives and all the managers cost the public including all the perks and the costs of all of their accomodation and all their ''support'' staff and all the other related costs too? And of course there are also all the costs of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the rest of the completely obscene and needless bloat. Have you checked the prevalent views of the troops who actually do the real work to see if they think any of that obscene bloat is necessary and defensible?
  15. Maybe Dr. Ranson has gone away, using some of her annual leave, to research the latest in shredder technology for her political boss, Professor You Know Who. MBE and perhaps also for the Cabinet Office and the IOMG Communications Unit people too. Does anyone else, apart from the PAC and me, think that they have disrespected Dr. Ranson hugely, just as they did to Dr Glover?
  16. Do you suspect any 'seafoody' shredding or un-shredding or maybe even both? The esteemed 'Professor' Ashford would never allow anything like that or anything else ''seafoody'' in his always amazingly competent and wonderful value-for-the public's-money DHSC & Manx Care empire, surely?
  17. But that has not stopped the Ashford MBE circus sacking her within hours of the PAC publishing her evidence to them. THEY run the asylum. Tweeted this morning: Tanya August-Hanson MLC @Taniemarie 53m ''And... now I’m hearing she’s been sacked. That’s what I’ve been told from a very good source, yes.''
  18. Rachel Glover: ''Wow, the sheer level of legalese and spin from the DHSC in their response to Dr Ranson’s evidence mirrors my experience earlier this year. David Ashford and Kathryn Magson must be seriously rattled to be launching that kind of response. Both should have been fired long ago. Well done to the MHKs on the Public Accounts Committee for pushing so strongly for her evidence to be published, despite obvious legal challenge from the DHSC to stop it entirely.''
  19. London connectivity looks poor just now as we emerge from just under 16 months of restrictions. Looking ahead to the autumn, it looks like we get a couple of days each week with 2 LGW rotations, a couple of days with none and the rest with just 1 rotation. A London City or Heathrow route would need to be premium priced on smallish aircraft if it is to work. And it has not worked for long with any one airline in the past since the demise of Manx Airlines (who charged me £311 for day trip in the 1990s!). The added challenge now is that the most respected analysts foresee a permanent reduction of 40% to 50% in business travel. I suspect that it will be less than that but even at 25% that would mean any profit and much more just disappears. The London Gatwick route may be the only London one for a long time ahead although I also expect that easyJet will most likely consider trying to revive their previous Luton route at some point. Those who dislike easyJet should ask themselves what routes would even exist now without them let alone with their capacity, days of operation, frequencies and affordable prices on the IOM to Liverpool, Bristol, Belfast and Manchester routes. It is not as if Loganair have covered themselves in glory during the past 16 months of taking multi millions of the taxpayers' money here. And their handling of refunds was, and to an extent still remains, appalling. And let us not forget either that if Loganair could make LHR or LCY work financially (both worked fine operationally) then they would be doing so - and they or someone else will do so when and if sufficient demand exits for a profit to be made. And then there are the increasing major financial challenges for the IOM Government. They cannot simply keep chucking huge sums at an airline to keep a route alive. That much is obvious - they just stopped the vast amounts which were being paid to Loganair for the LCY and then the LHR services. I should also mention the further obstacles of the ever more aggressive 'Green Agendas' on which many prospective MHKs are already doing a lot of salivating................................
  20. Tweets by two local top people on IOMG ''Active Case nos'': Dr. Rachel Glover @rachomics Aug 2 ''The logical conclusion for cases "going down" on the Isle of Man is not that transmission is reducing. It's that everyone has given up reporting their positive LFDs so then no PCR test and not on the stats. If people believe the government don't care, they won't bother to engage.'' Dr. Rachel Glover Aug 2 ''What the retired consultant microbiologist at Nobles has to say about contact tracing being scaled back because the levels of COVID in the community are so high they can't cope: John Wardle @malew51 Aug 2 It will reduce the number of positive tests and allow Ashford to claim that there are fewer cases so their policies are working. If mitigations (masks, Social Distancing, quarantine / testing of all travellers) had continued there would really be fewer cases and resources would not be an issue.''
  21. LONG COVID - THE MAYO CLINIC. COVID-19 (coronavirus): LONG-TERM EFFECTS https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-long-term-effects/art-20490351#:~:text=rates by state-,COVID-19 (coronavirus)%3A Long-term effects,completely within a few weeks. COVID-19 (coronavirus): Long-term effects COVID-19 symptoms can sometimes persist for months. The virus can damage the lungs, heart and brain, which increases the risk of long-term health problems. Most people who have coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) recover completely within a few weeks. But some people — even those who had mild versions of the disease — continue to experience symptoms after their initial recovery. These people sometimes describe themselves as "long haulers" and the conditions have been called post-COVID-19 syndrome or "long COVID-19." These health issues are sometimes called post-COVID-19 conditions. They're generally considered to be effects of COVID-19 that persist for more than four weeks after you've been diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus. Older people and people with many serious medical conditions are the most likely to experience lingering COVID-19 symptoms, but even young, otherwise healthy people can feel unwell for weeks to months after infection. Common signs and symptoms that linger over time include: Fatigue Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Cough Joint pain Chest pain Memory, concentration or sleep problems Muscle pain or headache Fast or pounding heartbeat Loss of smell or taste Depression or anxiety Fever Dizziness when you stand Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities ORGAN DAMAGE CAUSED BY COVID-19 Although COVID-19 is seen as a disease that primarily affects the lungs, it can damage many other organs as well. This organ damage may increase the risk of long-term health problems. Organs that may be affected by COVID-19 include: Heart. Imaging tests taken months after recovery from COVID-19 have shown lasting damage to the heart muscle, even in people who experienced only mild COVID-19 symptoms. This may increase the risk of heart failure or other heart complications in the future. Lungs. The type of pneumonia often associated with COVID-19 can cause long-standing damage to the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. The resulting scar tissue can lead to long-term breathing problems. Brain. Even in young people, COVID-19 can cause strokes, seizures and Guillain-Barre syndrome — a condition that causes temporary paralysis. COVID-19 may also increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Some adults and children experience multisystem inflammatory syndrome after they have had COVID-19. In this condition, some organs and tissues become severely inflamed.
  22. Herd immunity 'not a possibility' with Delta variant: Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, has said herd immunity is "not a possibility" with the current Delta variant. He told a session of the All-Party Group on Coronavirus: "We know very clearly with coronavirus that this current variant, the Delta variant, will still infect people who have been vaccinated and that does mean that anyone who's still unvaccinated, at some point, will meet the virus." He added: "I think we are in a situation here with this current variant where herd immunity is not a possibility because it still infects vaccinated individuals." He predicted that the next thing may be "a variant which is perhaps even better at transmitting in vaccinated populations" making it "even more of a reason not to be making a vaccine programme around herd immunity."
  23. There is growing evidence that, among many other serious medical issues arising from getting Covid19, this virus can affect fertility. No such evidence exists regarding the vaccines being offered. I expect that may somewhat reduce your self titled Hugh G Rection! Perhaps you might read this article from the University of Miami: https://theconversation.com/covid-19-could-cause-male-infertility-and-sexual-dysfunction-but-vaccines-do-not-164139 In case you can't be bothered, here is a rapid executive Summary for you: ''Contrary to myths circulating on social media, COVID-19 vaccines do not cause erectile dysfunction and male infertility. What is true: SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, poses a risk for both disorders.''
  24. Booster vaccines are to be offered to 32 million Britons starting early next month with up to 2,000 pharmacies set to deliver the programme (to enable GPs and other NHS staff to handle patients waiting for other treatments etc) with nearly 2.5million third doses a week to be delivered starting in the first week of September. All 50+ adults and others vulnerable will be offered a booster.
  25. Clearly Nobles has not been overwhelmed - thank goodness - but it may be worth a mention that today there are 14 Covid19 infection cases in Noble's. One of them in ICU and I hear that case is not the same one as earlier this week.
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