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Everything posted by littlebushy

  1. I give you ..... the Lonan Longhouse!!!
  2. My guess is that the wardens will refer to him by alternative names!
  3. Ahhh...my mistake. Apologies. Just to be clear then, if its a news story that has been on Manx radio, it can't be mentioned in the Manx Radio thread. If it is another story that is not related to Manx Radio that we aren't sure has been mentioned on Manx radio, then it can be added to the Manx Radio thread?
  4. Thanks Stu. But I could harass my MHK in any case, and tell them I won't vote for them next time if they do stand. Knowing if they are going to stand or not won't make much difference. I assume that most MHKs go for reelection in the end.
  5. Listening to a number of MHKs on the Mannin line recently and they have all been asked if they will stand at the next general election. Everyone of them has said that they are busy concentrating on current policy and decision making and haven't decided if they will stand next time. I would have thought most MHKs will stand again and will want to continue to push their agendas going forward. Is there some disadvantage to declaring early? I would have thought an early declaration would get a head start in electioneering.
  6. Do you have a link to the GEF report?
  7. As others have already said, he was a medical doctor. But so was Harry Hill. Harry Hill for Chief Minister once the revolution has started!
  8. He was trying to write CRAP PACK as a warning on arrival but spelt it wrong.
  9. That's got Ashford's name all over it. He could do that in his sleep.
  10. Take care crossing Braddan Road on the way there....
  11. Just had a look at the Facebook poll on Rob Callisters page and the majority support a no confidence vote. I presume he is going to follow through on this? No pun intended!
  12. Exactly this! DHSC has multiple issues to be dealt with but the minister finds the most important priority is to be micromanaging car parking for one evening.
  13. No it doesn't, it costs Braddan rate payers £1k/day. Unless the commissioners have decided to subsidise it themselves?
  14. And he makes Andy Wint sound like Paxman.
  15. Keep an eye out on Have I Got News For You....it will be in one of the guest publications!
  16. or email Ellen.Collister@gov.im to arrange a viewing or gather further details. This Ellen Callister?
  17. The bullshitometer is literally off the scale there!
  18. littlebushy


    I too received this, but when I saw Shane Lynch was the brand ambassador I was reassured it was legit!
  19. But that's not the energy bill. The 5.6 million is to cover the increase in the energy bill!
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