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Everything posted by littlebushy

  1. Not when it is going to cost me and you £3 million pounds. And add to that the multiplier effect, that is £5.49 million in real terms to the local economy. https://gef.im/news/politics/gl4k54rww5unc8td0tda6r9fwuro8p-1253/#:~:text=The multiplier effect is simply,supply chain on the Island).
  2. This is what we need in national politics. Addressing financial black holes and developing the best small island healthcare system in the WORLD. Hooper and access to the Round House is at it as well. #punchingabovetheirweight
  3. The Department for Enterprise. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/3million-worth-of-revenue-could-be-lost-on-tt-copyright-infringements/
  4. Which other motorsport events have you been to?
  5. I could believe this if it was the advocate posting. But not the surgeon!
  6. What about Quayle and Cannan?
  7. Actual Bodily Harm? That's a bold request from a prosecutor!
  8. Nah. Manxforums does that.
  9. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/two-manx-high-schools-told-to-stop-operating-cctv-inside-toilets/ CCTV in the high school toilets! That is not going to be controversial.
  10. I'm going to have a complete stab in the dark with the first one and go for mowers and Jurby.
  11. They don't need to dump much rubbish down South as they have their bins emptied weekly 😉
  12. Whoever they are, he is content with them.
  13. Are you really attempting to out exclamation mark him??????????
  14. They will just take their rubbish to Eastern civic amenity site.
  15. I'm not convinced that this is as a result in gaps in mental health care....
  16. Was it Henrietta Ewart?
  17. He does seem to have form with this sort of thing. With this pattern of behaviour, he seems to come across as a .....bully.
  18. Doesn't he have some sort of cleaning contract with bus vannin?
  19. The worlds most polite army?
  20. You talk 100% bollox.
  21. He needs to think again!
  22. If you are going to that much trouble, why don't you go the extra mile and at @gov.im
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