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Everything posted by Tarne

  1. Heysham really is an utter shithole with no where to go. Last time I was there I let two uni students crash in my car, they were proper knackered. Who leaves teenage girls stranded in the middle of nowhere? Bloody Steam Packet On the other hand, I did get a refund of 50% my ticket for the delay which occurred within a week after I emailed them, so at least they're handling those complaints.
  2. If you like women over 50, sure. Up the 0-25 mark it's still a weiner fest before it evens out. Once you reach 85, you'll be swimming in pussy with twice the amount of women as men. So that special lady might be out there for you after all MTP.
  3. Should be next year Monkey Boy (based on previous Census's that took over a year to come out)
  4. What a fucking shambles. No one on the island is worth that much.
  5. Just to throw it out there - i accidently ordered chips, cheese and curry sauce from the chinese one night and that was facking lovely.
  6. Actually it does need more alcohol outlets. The amount has been severely diminished and I am running out of places to spunk my bennies
  7. http://www.porterin.gov.im/s.nl/sc.15/category.5/ctype.SS/SS.5/.f https://services.gov.im/planningapplication/services/planning/planningapplicationdetails.iom?ApplicationReferenceNumber=16%2F00527%2FC For the actual links just for laziness.
  8. I saw that video of the cyclist going the correct way and that was foolish, but then someone going AGAINST traffic on Mad Sunday on a bike? How arrogant do you have to be?!
  9. The hilarious thing about the cyclist is that one will get hit and cause death, and then those in charge will go "After reviewing this unfortunate accident, during TT cycling over the mountain is prohibited" rather than taking the pre-emptive measure now. Until someone dies it isn't a problem...
  10. What age are you Tarne? And what job sector? 25-30 age group and I'm pretty moderately qualified (MSc - I originally typed more detail, but you don't really care, and I quite enjoy the benefits, no expensive rent for me! I have become that which I despised). Just checked and 2011 census took until 2012 to come out, so that'll be a while, so I've answered my own question.
  11. Just checked in 2011 it took until the following year to come out. Ouch
  12. When's the census data out? I hope the population has fallen but I'm just not seeing it. Also I'm still a jobless wonder, huzzah
  13. Actually I'm pretty sure I know who dilligaf is, if he was in the Shore in Gansey about 18 months ago. Older gent, actually used the meaning of "Dilligaf" in a story he was randomly telling. It's not Phil Gawne
  14. Feck me, they have done well. Ah, we'll find out what happens after the referendum. So far the Tories seem to be doing an ok job, but you can already see the creep of corruption. If Labour got their act together, got a proper white person like Tony Blair, and not a shady skinned Ed Miliband or old duffer Corden, they might do alright.
  15. Woolley, you're so right. If all you can hear is shouting for one candidate, you're missing out on what the other side is doing. I think the people on here saying "Well, we still like Corbyn" even after he wants to take away the semblance of Independence that we have just show how thick they truly are - you're turkeys voting for Christmas fellas. Labour will have dropped even further in the eyes of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who value their self governance highly too.
  16. I came here to say the exact same thing. I prefer the Conservative party but I believe in balance, and Corbyn is just destroying Labour, it's embarrassing.
  17. Pirate party for Iceland! Pirate party for Iceland!
  18. He's not wrong though, say you're suddenly the chief minister - you can't just say "No more shell corporations etc here" on the island. That power isn't even in our hands.
  19. Outside the Icelandic Tynwald (Althingy). It just wouldn't happen here. We're too lazy
  21. We're already mentioned quite a bit in it. I've got a thread on World News as it's got the potential to be a big stinker
  22. Really couldn't care. We've got perfectly good electric vehicles coming into the mainstream, if the US wants to get serious on emissions just make fossil fuelled vehicles unlawful starting in 2030 - that'd kick the manufacturers ass into gear.
  23. Yeah, that's a piece of piss, and I think the problems just come from not reading the question properly. Hanna getting 2 orange sweets is 1/3, so 1/3 = 6 out of n chance it'll be orange * 5 out of n - 1 chance it'll be orange 1/3 = 6/n * 5/n-1 Re-arrange it 1/3 = (6*5) / n(n - 1) 1/3 = 30 / n squared - n 1 = 90 / n squared - n 90 = n squared - n 0 = n squared - n - 90
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