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Desperate Dan

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5 hours ago, dilligaf said:

No it isn’t. It may not be what you want but many think it is pretty good. If you want pop music played by school leavers there are other options available.

More talk and more interaction with the listeners is what local radio is about.

I can’t fault it and hope they are not put off by the haters, especially on here. There are a lot of hard working, dedicated staff at Manx Radio, who don’t deserve the sh** they are getting.

No it isn't good. It's pure unadulterated pap.
It appears to be catering for what Jasper Carrot used to refer to as the Sun Reader Mentality.

I don't really care if some people love Marmite, and others hate it. Whether scone should be pronounced scon or scown, and whether is is better 
to put the jam or the cream on first, and whether I should position my toilet roll so that it unrolls from the front or the back.
I also do not care where Wotton is lurking, and I definitely do not care whether or not she gets Ben's Banger every day.

It is now only worth turning on to get the latest weather info from the duty forecaster.

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19 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

But if nobody listens to it the politicians lose out!.......

No, they now get an easier life.

Manx Radio, especially Mandate, was always good to hold politicians to account, and raise matters of public concern.

As an example, lately, how much do you hear about Douglas Promenade refurbishment and the problems of commuters and businesses? You don't. The reason being because all the problems have now disappeared. 

Well haven't they?

Instead, we only have to concern our little heads about what the favourite pop songs are of the many Manx Radio presenters. Who are happy and skipping their way up to Douglas Head every day.

It's not just Beth Espey who has become a Stepford Wife.....it's the whole Island going through the process.


Edited by gettafa
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38 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Manx Radio, especially Mandate, was always good to hold politicians to account, and raise matters of public concern.

That's funny because you would never have guessed it from the slating that Mandate and MR in general used to get about toadying to government and going easy on politicians. Now that it's gone it's being held up as the rottweiler that ministers feared. 

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On 11/15/2019 at 8:23 AM, victorian dad said:

Make the "scraaap metal" fella a 24 hour DJ with a fresh copy of 12 Gold bars by the mighty "Quo", more turnip growing advise & everybody would be happy.

They should really have the advert spoken in a Yorkshire accent TBF.

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On 11/15/2019 at 10:46 AM, gettafa said:

If there ever was much of that argument, it simply doesn't exist anymore because Manx Radio has gone all happy clappy. And we should all join in. 

There isn’t, and nor is there ever likely to be, serious journalistic scrutiny and challenge to the actions of government and its Ministers on this Island. MR is a PR machine for government and IOM ‘Newspapers’ are generally weak and too enmeshed via advertising revenue with government and its friends - developers for example.

Then again, why should I criticise the media? Tynwald isn’t interested in scrutiny of and challenge to government, why then should the media bother their arse?

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Could probably rip any article appearing on Manx Radio News to shreds owing to pathetic inability to use simple, grammatical English with a modicum of style.

A sample.


It's Alder Hey, not Alderhey, numbnuts. "It track aims to bring a sense of excitement". What does this even mean?


"Councillor Christian said such incidents had a corrosive effect on the quality of life, spoilt people's enjoyment  and was demoralising for the council workforce."

Can you not hear that this isn't right?


"New Manilla to move in January"

Manila, if you had bothered to check, which you didn't.

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3 hours ago, Augustus said:

Could probably rip any article appearing on Manx Radio News to shreds owing to pathetic inability to use simple, grammatical English with a modicum of style.

A sample.


It's Alder Hey, not Alderhey, numbnuts. "It track aims to bring a sense of excitement". What does this even mean?

That is terrible. I guess they mean "Its track aims to bring a sense of excitement." But even then it's woeful. 

Firstly, who is "it" - the nursery, I presume. (I'll allow them a bit of poetic licence and let them off the fact it's not the nursery but the people at  the nursery that are behind the track. So  the sentence becomes "The nursery's track aims to bring a sense of excitement."

But a track has no agency, it doesn't decide whether or not to bring a sense of excitement, it just does or it doesn't. It is the writers, producers, singers and musicians that have an aim for it. So, "The nursery aims for the track to bring a sense of excitement."

Then what is a "sense of excitement" is that different from excitement? "The nursery aims for the track to bring excitement."

Then we just have to establish to whom and about what. "The nursery aims for the track to bring Christmas excitement to listeners."

Even then it is a bit woolly. 

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