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  1. He has also bizarrely chosen to head it with a large dictionary definition of "democracy" making it very clear what he expects people's answers to be. By any measure, not an even-handed "consultation" in the way it has been put to the public.
  2. Mr Hooper says it 'wouldn’t be appropriate to comment' as vice-chair resigns. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/health-minister-i-am-eager-to-work-with-the-hscc/ And then proceeds to make quite a lot of comment. Puffed up little Amish man.
  3. You really are cock-sure of yourself, aren't you? From the Guardian: The exact circumstances of their deaths were not immediately clear. In a statement late on Friday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said: “During combat in Shejaiya, the IDF mistakenly identified three Israeli hostages as a threat. As a result, the troops fired toward them and they were killed.”
  4. No, they did not. They thought it was a Hamas ruse and responded accordingly. Sad, but it happens. Smug people sitting in comfort in the faraway Isle of Man are not faced with split-second decisions in situations of life and death.
  5. The IDF is not lining up babies and machine-gunning them as you and your keffiyeh-ed mates would have us believe. If the terrorists embed themselves in built up areas, schools and hospitals, there are likely to be civilian casualties. Tragic, but true.
  6. As should be blindingly obvious, our Govt is not in support of oppressing or genociding anyone. They are in support of a sovereign state's right to defend itself against murderous and indiscriminate terrorists. Hope that clarifies matters, Joney.
  7. I notice not a word about the Uyghur or the Rohingya or the Darfuris, but I guess they're being oppressed and/or genocided by the wrong sort of people?
  8. All very incestuous as these Manxy things are.
  9. Mutual back-slapping. Pitiful make-believe. Keeps Trudi OBE busy.
  10. KLB has been invisible. Must have remembered there's going to be an election not that far away.
  11. Loving the bail conditions: Bail continues in the sum of £500 with conditions that Mr Fowler live at his home address, not enter or loiter around any educational establishments or associate with any child under 16, not to leave the island without court consent, and with computer restrictions in place.
  12. Brown was - at best - D Class when he rather laughably became Chief Minister. To hear him giving some sort of elder statesman views is beyond parody.
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