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Bored, Frustrated Invalid...

Mr. Sausages

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I'm 6hrs in to my first work-free day and the prospect of the next 13 days fills me with dread. I got signed off for 2 weeks because I buggered my knee at the weekend, currently I'm wrapped in a splint, on pain killers with my foot up watching daytime TV....I'm bored, awfully bored and frustrated because I'm surrounded by housework that needs doing and I can't, not that I'm particularly a fan of housework but I hate looking at all the stuff that needs doing!


So far today I've eaten chocolate, popped some pills, spent 2hrs dragging myself up and down the stairs to the loo (which is a trauma in itself as I can't bend my leg and girls need to sit to pee....) I've watched some hideously acted daytime soap/drama/rubbish and did you know that there are about a million chat shows on between the hours of 9pm and 6pm? I watched Jeremy Kyle this morning, made me grateful the worst thing in my life is not being able to walk for a couple of weeks!


Thank the lord I have a laptop and t'internet or I'd go mad! Although I am in danger of spending money on stuff I don't want or need because retail therapy makes me feel better....I even considered ordering a game from Gamesmaster so I could get it delivered as I can't get to the shelf to reach down the games we have....


Recommend something I can do to stop me going crazy!! Please MFers, you heroes, you.

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Recommend something I can do to stop me going crazy!! Please MFers, you heroes, you.


If "THE PILLS" you've got are 30/500 co-codamols (or similar), taking four or five of them at once will leave you having a rather pleasant and floaty couple of hours.


Or on a less opiate-crazed angle, download loads of demos off the XBox Live Arcade and see if you can find some games you like, there are loads of great puzzlers which are a good way to pass the time on.

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look at the sky, the hills, the plants in your garden. Contemplate your life, others lives, your posts on Manx Forums. Consider that your addictions to drink/cigarettes/cafeine/food/manx forums/etc etc are your way of not having yet found peace and balance with nature and the world.


Althernatively get on the web, order booze via tesco online (I don't agree with it and hate tesco but needs must) phone for pizza, and give in

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look at the sky, the hills, the plants in your garden. Contemplate your life, others lives, your posts on Manx Forums. Consider that your addictions to drink/cigarettes/cafeine/food/manx forums/etc etc are your way of not having yet found peace and balance with nature and the world.


Have you been taking 30/500 co-codamol too.....?

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Ahh yeah but it's all health & safety these days BBB - she could be a danger to herself and others in the workplace. Best to sign her off and play things safe.




Yep, I don't have much choice because I work on a building site and my employers insurance doesn't cover me now I've got a sick note!


BBB, you must be hardcore....

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