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Inspiral link - I was just talking to my friend about this and then I happened across the page detailing the nonsense so thought I would share it with you all, see it isn't just the Isle of Man who has mental planning people.


Sort of related (but also not) is something that happened at the weekend. MiniBee was due to goto a 'Skins' style party (a rave to us oldies) but the feds busted it, the facebook group are blaming the organisers for letting people know where it was etc etc but what I do not understand is why people are not allowed to have parties and who decides to send the police to a 'beach party'. This is something that used to happen back in the day when I was a raver, people would organise a party and before you got there, 100's of police went there and had the party closed down...WHY? I think it is an infringement of peoples rights, who says you can't have a party? When does a gathering become a party? Its absolute nonsense! There have been quite a few parties in the great outdoors where there has been no 'leak', no feds turned up, the party went off fine and noone died/got battered/smashed up the entire neighbourhood, it smarts to me of bullying. I guess there is stuff about music and dancing licenses but for what would essentially be viewed by most as a private party, WTF?

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Under age drinking, people messing the beach up ( beer cans, sick ), drugs.....what do the kids call them now....." garys ".


I wouldnt want to be walking my dog on the beach to find some child still hammered, chucking up " sound init fella " dressed as a character from Skins, never mind all the mess left behind.


Maybe the fact it isnt private land either, I'm pretty sure if something had happened to " minibees " you'd be here saying the opposite.


Never mind the mess they would have left behind when leaving the gathering.



If they want a party, why dont you hire somewhere for them? You seem to be " down with the kids ".

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We used to have loads of gatherings back in the day, the police knew about once a month we would all get together for a big piss up. The difference is that we would not let people outside of the group of friends know where it was until the night it was on. Happy valley, port jack, groudle are all beaches we used to get hammered on during the summer months and it was very rare that the police would come looking for us unless there was a complaint.


If the police did turn up, alot of the time they would chat to us for a while before moving us on, it was more like community police work rather than just spoiling the fun. Kids are always going to go out and get pissed up somewhere, there should be a degree of acceptance around that, however if its being done in a place that has a risk of serious injury or a disturbance to the public then the police should be expected to show up and crash.

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Its a priority for a new Southern copper....


'As an example, I was walking above Port Erin and I noticed there were kids on the beach drinking. I rang the station and told them because I do not want broken bottles on beach where my kids play there. Within a few minutes the police arrived.'



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Lets do an experiment, here is how it goes...


1. A few of us get together and organise where and when.

2. Everyone else just be prepared for an event but not know where it is going to be.

3. An hour before... The place will be revealed on Manx Forums.

4. Everyone Turn up.


Somewhere not in a rediculously far out place but one where we can all camp and have a mad one.

Obviously nothing ilegal is going on here but lets not tell the police as they will only have to decline the invitation through work commitments. Save them the bother :D

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SWTB, what is to hate? I thought I hated Skins but the miniBee loves it so I ended up watching it with her, now I look forward to it :S


As for hiring somewhere...try it, thanks to super sweet 16 it is now totally Vogue to have a 16th birthday party, so we tried...venues? Only 1 place will let under 18's have parties & I did try loads. A license to play music to people? WTF? Next time PappaHippy is having his b'day gathering on Gansey beach I shall phone the police, those pesky 50 somethings and their jive music, shouldn't be allowed, should it? I mean what is the difference?


I'm not down with the kids, I just remember being one and having not a lot to do. I'm all OK with sitting in watching the TV puter or whatever now but, I do not like the bullying authorities "No repetitive beats" its like something from 1989 has the rave generation scared society so badly that they still think gatherings of people dancing and listening to music is worthy of police time?


Minibees is cool and fully responsible for herself, she drinks but not to excess and has a CV of achievements I am envious of, same goes for most of her mates. I'd rather see a bottle on the beach and pick it up, than sit on a beach full of hidden dog piss.........horses for courses and all of that.

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I pick my dog shit up, shame your child and her mates dont seem to pick up there " shit " by the sounds of things.


Why should my dog run the gaunlet of broken bottles and god knows what else they leave behind.


I'm sure if you explain to the Police that you would pick up all the mess left behind they would let you have a party somewhere and I'm also pretty sure it'd be the last time you asked them also lol.


Maybe the 50 year olds have abit more respect for the surrounding area, than a bunch of pissed up kids?

Being sick, leaving a mess, smashing bottles and being sick.


We used to just go the house parties, fuck the out doors. You always get some knob wrecking it for someone else, ie starting a fight or being so pissed you need an ambulance to cart them off.


Let them all come round yours and have a party?

That way:

a) you know minibees wont be getting up to no good

b) you can control what happens

c) your responsible for the mess

d) you dont have to avoid dog shit

e) the police wont waste there time

f) your child and her friends wont ruin a nice walk for some people

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You were never young Knoxville and the impression you have of young people is absolutely horrible. The miniBees has been brought up to 'Womble', often when we are out walking she collects other peoples rubbish and bins it, it is something we (as a family) do. You pick up your dogs shit but what about the wee? You contradict yourself more than a Lib Dem.

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You were never young Knoxville and the impression you have of young people is absolutely horrible. The miniBees has been brought up to 'Womble', often when we are out walking she collects other peoples rubbish and bins it, it is something we (as a family) do. You pick up your dogs shit but what about the wee? You contradict yourself more than a Lib Dem.


I've always been a 50 year old trapped in a young persons body ( kind of like a tranny ).

Unlike your daughter I was brought up to respect other peoples property ( like a beach, I dont own so I shouldnt make a mess of it ).


So your saying dog wee, which will disperse pretty quickly is more harmful to the environment than your daughter and her mates make a mess of a beach? Leaving smashed bottles and beer cans all over the place?


Maybe she should " womble " her ass to clean her mess up after she has her " skins party ".



Keyboarder, you post more rubbish than minibees.......I think your the reason the O-Zone is failing. All the methane you spout.

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