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Calling All Sea Anglers

Roger Smelly

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I never thought this would ever happen but some idiot has to stick there nose in.


For one how are they going to police this and another how much will it cost to police it.


Sad day if this happen. :angry:

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It seems absolutely ridiculous. It is hardly as if fishing off the amount of fish being pulled out of the sea around the Island by individual anglers is going to have a detrimental effect on the fish stocks.


I remember fishing off Niarbyl and catching Bollan, Blocken, and Callag. And we put them them in the water. What harm is done.


I just want to know why anyone would think it is necessary? It is commercial fishing which presents the major problem to the environment and food supply.

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As far as I was aware we arent allowed to take Sea Trout and Salmon from the sea anyway.

Least this way if you pay for a licence you could actually take one home. (If you could catch one in the first place)

I agree with the Bass licence though far too many are taken by shore and boat anglers (alot sold to local restaurants). Something definately needs doing there.

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How many anglers are there on the island? I heard there are around 4 million in the UK, which is around 6% of the population, which would equate with there being around 5000 on the island.


Obviously all not out there at all times, as for example, I class myself as an angler but haven't been fishing for two years, and I suspect the bulk of anglers are out very rarely. For me, it's always been a family event. I never see more than a few anglers out the piers and shores at any one time, so would guess around the island maybe a max of 50 people are typically out on any one day?


When I do go fishing it's usually spur of the moment type stuff anyway, so if I needed a licence, all it would probably do is just actually stop me going full stop - as I really wouldn't be arsed with the hassle. If 1000 or 2000 people went for a, say, £10 licence that would be £10K or £20K, which is nothing in the big scheme of things and would cost probably more than that surely just to administer?


I really don't see the point in licensing, not for what I catch anyway, nor for what I suspect the bulk of anglers catch - a cold. Maybe a better compromise would be to have written standards about what you are allowed to take, fishing competitions/waste, a fishermans code, selling fish requiring a commercial licence, blah blah etc. etc.


This is the fun police IMO - killing basic fun for families and hoping to make a few quid out of it. I do not believe fishing from the shore does that much damage, especially when you can see from the very same shore, up to 50 foreign fishing and scallop boats scraping the sea bed and raping the seas all around us.

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I can't believe they are wanting to introduce a fishing licence for fishing of the rocks. I have been fishing for the last 60years of the rocks, and only interested in catching bollan, and callaig. If they want to stop some of the 'overfishing' maybe it's time to have a 'cull' of the seal population.

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I am not happy.


Fishing at the back of the castle on a summers day when the mood takes me and Mrs Mudcheck along with mini Mudcheck and friends will still happen.


I have spoken to my MHK and made my position clear. They have lost touch.




edit to say I have just read that again and I feel like a tiger, I have had a few but I stand by my words.

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Well fair enough for rivers and the reservoirs because they stock them but this is madness.


Most people i know myself included go out for a fish hoping to catch something but go home empty handed mostly.


I have only ever caught fish to eat and only take enough for a meal as fresh fish is the best.


Its a day out for most and a great way of getting some fresh air.


So why go ahead with this.


I always find these little laws are just another nail in the coffin of liberty.


If they do bring this out i will make sure i don't buy a permit, and how many miles of coast line are they going to patrol?


:lol: this is nuts

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This really is incredible stupidity! Whoever has come up with this gem needs to put down their crack pipe and get a reality check.


People who are simply angling could never hope to influence the levels of most species of fish that are found locally, even if they were out 24/7 trying to catch everything they possibly could with a rod. It's insane.


Instead, trawlers continue to empty the sea of pretty much everything they can, and will do so until there's sod all left. I'm guessing they will still not do badly for money since when the stocks continue to run low, the price of fish simply goes up accordingly. Then they'll no doubt gripe that it's the government's fault for allowing them to do it, so they now have to be compensated for the consequences of their own 'enthusiasm'. Fish used to be really affordable food, but now it's horribly expensive to buy.


I can understand that there is the odd species or two that are found in very low numbers such as sea trout where it's forbidden to catch/keep them and that's fine, but honestly? Making people pay to to dangle a rod in the sea ffs? It's bonkers.


I'll certainly be writing to them to voice my contempt for such an idea. Albeit in a slightly less ranty manner. :)


My cunning plan to help the fish stocks recover a bit would be to ban trawler activity in our waters for say an arbitrary 5 years (I can see this being slightly unpopular with certain people!). During that time, while the stocks get a much needed chance to recover and amass their numbers a bit, anyone that wants to eat fish that badly can go out and catch it with a rod themselves. Simples. ;)


Gazz - are people really taking that much in the way of Bass? Every year I hear that 'the bass are in' and hear of a few people going out and getting some but never seems much from what I can tell. I've tried once to catch seabass and totally failed but I didn't think there was that much caught here really.

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This really is incredible stupidity! Whoever has come up with this gem needs to put down their crack pipe and get a reality check.


Excellent, I think Cheech and Chong might want to give whoever a little tap with a hammer before putting them down a pipe!


So now we are not permitted to catch but instead are forced to pay a fortune! How much tax will go to the government on this one?


Rant, drink, rant, drink...... :angry:

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Have a look at this Link


I never thought this would ever happen but some idiot has to stick there nose in.


For one how are they going to police this and another how much will it cost to police it.


Sad day if this happen. :angry:



Already given my feedback on this to the DAFF & Dudley Butt on this. Em-ail addresses are dudley.butt@gov.im phil.gawne@gov.im and as the article says fisheries@gov.im.


So rather than complaining on here send an e-mail before the end of tomorrow and lets get this nonsense stopped.


The UK already dropped this clause from their 2007 fisheries bill.




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This is the fun police IMO - killing basic fun for families and hoping to make a few quid out of it. I do not believe fishing from the shore does that much damage, especially when you can see from the very same shore, up to 50 foreign fishing and scallop boats scraping the sea bed and raping the seas all around us.


Fishing from the shores does absolutely no damage to fish stocks. The irony of all this is that the boats that rape our seas three + miles offshore, and cause ALL the damage will not need a licence!


Inland fishing licences I can agree with as they actually have to stock rivers etc. This sea fishing license idea is absolutely stupid and will cost much more to implement than it will bring in. I for one will not get a licence. A bit like Albert, I go fishing very rarely and I will continue to do so. I am sure the police can afford the time to come and check on criminals like me.


This is the most stupid, half cocked idea this half witted government has come up with yet!

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