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General Election 2011 - Douglas East


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I see what you are trying to say but you can't really put a spin on this one. It seems these guys dived into politics and the Liberal Vannin Party with little clue what they were doing. That doesn't inspire much confidence.


Richard Kissack seems a nice enough bloke, but we're going to need a lot more than a nice enough bloke who is joining all these clubs and putting himself about. For what reason he is doing all this I am not quite sure. Maybe to get out of the house.





This has been coevered so many times, i understand why you dont want it to slip in to the deep past.


Richard like myself had his own reason for joinig LV, I personally had a lot of respect for PK. Wanting to re-enter politics again after having lived in the Uk, I noticed an advert in the paper, thought LV would be a good place to start, popped along to a meeting at the Liverpool Arms, was told the Corpy had evening meetings and I would be a good representative, the next week my nomination was sorted.


Apart from helping me get a couple off signatures for my nomination form, I had no other help from LV.


So wheh/where did jumping on a band wagon happen. They put an advert in the paper looking for people, I did not go looking for them.


I suppose it was naive to not realise there would be things like differences of opionion, towing the party line, even when you don't agree with it would transpire, but spending a year as an Onchan Commissioner back aged 22 did not really train me up.

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You also seem to have taken it really personally that we left.




Even when others have accepted that there was good reason behind what happened?


I agree LV is a far more settled party and they have gone on to do what they had not done 4 years ago. Anyone joing today, would be entering a far different party than the fledgling organisation I joined.

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Paul Moulton declares in East Douglas


Mr Moulton says he hasn't much time ahead of the election so will be making great use of video and social networks to get his policies across.

That's an interesting proposition. Will there be sufficient people on the internet to hear Paul Moulton's electoral message? There are plenty of people who take little interest in the election and a significant number who don't have the internet. I always thought the culture in the Isle of Man was that every household gets a knock on the door from every candidate. Is Paul Moulton right in thinking that he can win people over just through electronic media?

Who is going to cover the election for Granada now?

And when he loses, will it not be awkward for him to report on political stories, especially those involving the successful candidates

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Who is going to cover the election for Granada now?

And when he loses, will it not be awkward for him to report on political stories, especially those involving the successful candidates


How many people in the island actually watch Granada Reports?

Genuine query.

Rarely - if ever - see anything about its coverage on these forums.

If Granada didn't bother covering the island's general election, would anyone notice?

Granada broadcasts to 6,500,000 people. The politics affecting only 80,000 of them is going to be of no interest to more than 98% of its potential audience.

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Its going to be interesting to say the least.


Robertshaw probably will keep his seat but Cannell is the more vulnerable, she hasn't exactly covered herslef in glory over the bus timetable issue and the Breast Care scaremongering.


Personally I think she got a lot of female votes in previous elections given that a lot of women want to see women in the keys, so it depends on how O'Neill fares in the run up to the elections and if she is seen as a strong female candidate.


I think Moulton has left it too late and saying he is going to use social media etc may be perceived as 'I can't be arsed to canvas'. Don't think Kissack will do particularly well to be honest but could be proven wrong.


Moulton may dilute the vote a bit so could end up doing Robertshaw and Cannell a favour.


Personally I don't know what a good 'constituency MHK' relates to ?? Asks questions in Keys ? Makes a lot of noise over nothing ?


If you read the papers and Paul Spellers column then Cannell got a slating regarding the Breast Care issue - I think he said that at best she got her facts wrong and at worst is was major scaremongering over a non issue to win votes.


It all depends on what people's opinion is on politics as a whole. As mentioned by others on this forum,, the majority of voters probably wouldnt know their local MHK if they fell over them - they have the attitude that if 'I'm alright jack' then why 'rock the boat' in getting new politicians in that could make thing worse - even though in people's opinions on this forum then things couldn't get any worse !!


Voter apathy/ignorance etc could just lead to the majority of the same brigade getting back in as its 'the names they already know'.

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"If you read the papers and Paul Spellers column then Cannell got a slating regarding the Breast Care issue - I think he said that at best she got her facts wrong and at worst is was major scaremongering over a non issue to win votes."


Actually Mr Speller got his facts wrong. Mrs Cannell had been campaigning for over two years about the breast cancer issue. It was not an election campaign issue. As for the matter being a non-issue, I suggest you contact Mrs Cannell and get the facts, or perhaps talk to a woman who has had, or is having a breast cancer scare.


Already Mr Speller is now the subject of complaint to the Press Commission for his biased satire.

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"If you read the papers and Paul Spellers column then Cannell got a slating regarding the Breast Care issue - I think he said that at best she got her facts wrong and at worst is was major scaremongering over a non issue to win votes."


Actually Mr Spellor got his facts wrong. Mrs Cannell had been campaigning for over two years about the breast cancer issue. It was not an election campaign issue. As for the matter being a non-issue, I suggest you contact Mrs Cannell and get the facts, or perhaps talk to a woman who has had, or is having a breast cancer scare.


Already Mr Spellor is now the subject of complaint to the Press Commission for his biased satire.


I think everyone knows that Mrs Cannell got her facts wrong, including her. She did nothing but scare and worry the very same people she thought she was helping.Engaging brain before gob is something she has often struggled with and does not know when she is out of her depth (in my opinion ).

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