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Cretneys Empty Words On Manx Retail Sector


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I see there is more vomit worthy eulogizing from Cretney on Manx Radio about 'retailing being in his blood' and of his sadness at Moochers closing.




I'm sorry but this guy has been in Government for over 25 years and has been instrumental as part of COMIN in many of the doomed policies that have brought the Island to this point. The fact is that the Islands infrastructure has been managed so badly and government policy has been so terrible that the local retail sector in the Isle of Man is almost dead – it should always have been about first looking after the businesses that paid VAT and taxes locally as they contribute directly to our economy. Couple this to the grip that the developers and agents have over the property market – a grip government over the length of Cretney's career has actively allowed them to take – and no wonder rents are so high despite of what must be one of the poorest footfalls in the UK. The economics simply don't stack up as Government have allowed an artificial environment to be created that has no link to the economic realities of our economy.


So don't go publicly bubbling David because as a member of government you're part of the group of people who created this situation as you've been in government and had a Ministerial post for over 20 years so you can't go moaning and trying to claim diplomatic immunity when the sh*t hits the fan and put this down to bad economics or high rents. Moochers is only the most recent in a long long line of Manx businesses that have decided to close as they can't make the Manx retail sector pay because of high rents and the generally bad state the sector is in. Its about taking collective responsibility and you and others have been part of the mechanism of government for long enough to have tackled these issues years ago and clearly you and others didn't so we are where we are. Everyone can see that Douglas is a total disgrace and Government should be ashamed. As a Douglas MHK Cretney should be doubly ashamed that its such a dump. Instead though all they can do is shut the centre of town down for weeks on end and spend millions on new pavements FFS!


The reality is that the retail sector is now out of the Island's and our government's control and is run by off Island businesses that will ensure they pay as little tax as possible here and suck as much out of the Manx public back to their UK head offices as they can. No wonder Manx businesses are having to close as they have been actively placed in a position where they can't possibly compete on a fair basis because of the false economics that successive governments have allowed to become the norm.

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Just ben into town today and what a change. cretneys shop looks like crap i will be surprised if it lasts the 12 months that he has stated. Lots of empty shops and not many shoppers from what i saw this afternoon. 2012 is going to be a real eye opener to many business owners over here in a nut shell your fucked.

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crying.gif I can't believe that I'm actually agreeing with hboy.


Cretney has cruised along with seemingly little effort, politically and retail-wise for a long time. He was someone paid and pensioned to see this coming years ago.


Why have we allowed ourselves to be owned by people/companies who don't give a damn? Why are our leaders so obviously in the thrall of those with money?


We've sold out big time. We no longer own our primary shopping street as we used to. The U.K. businesses thereon would have to close if the power went off because nobody would be able to work out the change.


Private businesses are being killed off one by one but some of them could fight back. With reasonable rents, the right stock and service, service and more service, they could still attract enough customers to keep going. Because unlike the likes of Tesco, small businesses don't want to grab ALL of the trade and kill everyone else off, they just need their share.

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Most of strand stret is owned by foreign companies unfortunately. The internet is growing and they dont get it that these high rents just wont work. Its not a good business model to be in a High Street anymore.


However Cretney is an example of how stupid Isle of Man MHKs are, unfortunately there are plenty more fools in Government.


I would start planning a get out plan from here the lunatics have run the asylum for far too long.

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I had to go into town today to get my boys' feet measured at Clarks, a pitiful place I think I might have seen one person smile then again it might've been wind. I didn't stay in town long as I didn't see the appeal.


I think this is actually a good thing, hopefully people will spend there money and time more wisely.

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In the same way that Moochers did will out of Woolworths closing, it has been very hit hard by the opening of Dealz.


I would suggest that if DC had better business acumen he would have expanded Moochers to fill the gap and prevent Dealz opening. Easy said in hindsight I know, but I'm not the one with my finger on the pulse.

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This guy has been in Government for over 25 years and has been instrumental as part of COMIN in many of the doomed policies that have brought the Island to this point.


Look around athol street, prospect hill , starnd street ect loads of emply offices and shops...... yet captain bell end still says everything is fine. get that fool out before this place sinks.


And despite this lamentable performance over the years/decades, most of the buffoons have just been elected again!

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In the same way that Moochers did will out of Woolworths closing, it has been very hit hard by the opening of Dealz.


I would suggest that if DC had better business acumen he would have expanded Moochers to fill the gap and prevent Dealz opening. Easy said in hindsight I know, but I'm not the one with my finger on the pulse.

but he sells stuff for more than £1.20 (not just stuff you would expect to pay £1.20 for)

I buy stuff in there for £15 which other people sell for £30-odd

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Don't panic Mr Mannering!

Just knock the lot down and replace them with some suitable Hotel or guest house accommodation provided by the usual fingers on the pulse brigade.


I was only joking of course, but reading it again,,,,,,,, I don't know now?


What do you do with Strand Street?

If money wasn't a problem, I'd knock the shops down from the side closest to the prom. Replace them with purpose built shops on a themed style, with the frontage to eventually have a covered street and at the back, the alleyway widened for access of large vehicles. That's if money wasn't a problem of course.

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wheels you are correct... But just see in around two years when 85.000 pissed of people realise whats going on.


lets see the next budget, and the rent increases for people in corpy homes.


oh yes its going to be fun. i bet the poll tax riots will seem a walk in the park towards what will happen here.

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"Quote patsy" However Cretney is an example of how stupid Isle of Man MHKs are


Not them us !! we are leeping them in the lap of luxury, with gold plated salaries and pensions, while they again, look upon their electorate with contempt.

Still no FOI Legislation

Still no pension contribution.

Still no reduction in Govt Execs, and highly overpaid managers.

Still no attempt to reduce our bloated Civil Service.

New Government, Same Old Modus Operendi.

FFS We have what we have, because we all collectively re-elected them, and are once again paying the price.crying.gif

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I'm a granny and I voted, but the young tend not to vote, so there's no point in moaning if they don't like things, is there? I have always repeatedly pointed out to my young ones that it's really their world now so they need to vote and be demanding of their politicians.

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