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Guts Hanging Out In Athol Street - " I Was Sure I Was Going To Die"


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From front page of this week's Manx Independent:





I do hope the thread title isn't too scurrilous for the Isle of Man Courts and I do hope the knifing scumbag who did this dreadful thing isn't up in court anytime in the future soon. Which apparently might make this thread in contempt of court or whatever (best not to discuss violent criminals at all eh, play it safe and just pretend it didn't happen). Oh for a crystal ball.


Anyway, I was deeply shocked reading this. Middle of Douglas in the Isle of Man a bloke gets knifed a few times in an unprovoked and apparently motiveless attack and the victim desperatley staggers down the main business street with his guts literally hanging out, gasping his assailants name to a stranger in what he thought was his last breath. Broad daylight too. Not some drunken Saturday night brawl or anything.


Ah well...turn the page.

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I guess the worrying thing is that it was a completely motiveless attack. Having been sentenced, I assume that the assailant has been found to be sane?


Seems strange that they have sentenced him and they admit to still not knowing what the reason was, so if he has a 9 year sentence (pathetic) he will probably be out in half that and might just go and do the same thing again?.

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I know the victim personally and was there to hear the summing up. This incident really was as horrific as it sounds. The case was delayed several times so that every single report possible could be done to try and find the reason or cause for this attack. Every expert failed to get to the bottom of why this guy did this to a pensioner with a disability.


Because of this they were unable to say with any certainty what risk this guy poses going forward, they dont know why he did it so they cant possibly say if he is likely to do it again, which is a very scary thought indeed.


For the sake of everyone, we should hope that he is not released for a long time.

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Here's an example. Further details on request.


Let's go back a matter of decades. A youth kicked and brutally bludgeons a church worker he had befriended. Leaving her for dead (she actually lived). After nicking her purse he apparently tried to set the place alight, presumably to cover up the evidence. Whatever, but what a twat he surely must be. (Twat not being a legal term your honour, but I am not a fucking lawyer. Just a bloke in the street.)


He gets out of prison or youth custody or wherever these bastards go. Then finds a female taxi driver and does some attempted murdering on her. And goes back to nick.


Then gets let out - as they do.


Next news is, he sets upon a girl walking home one evening and does attempted rape and leaves her for dead. Gets caught eventually and goes back to nick. Yet again.


But he won't do nothing more, will he. Nahh.......


So he'll be out sometime not too far away. In a street near you, and your wife and daughter.

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The guy in Castletown who attacked a man and left him senseless, literally, has been given 2 years 8 months, how scary is this soft sentencing getting, again no reason was found for the attack, so he will be parading the streets in under a year and a half ? Unbelievable !


That vile chap in question has already done most of a year on remand, probably be out for xmas!!! Fucking Disgrace.....and that's with being re-arrested having been out on license! System is rotten from the top down

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