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Manx Radio And The Interlopers


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That's just not true Manxie44


It is an established fact that Stu will make a lengthy, questioning, introduction to a topic, then add "I don't know" at the end 'cause he knows full well it winds me up something rotten


& he enjoys that

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I listen to Sundays programme, I was left disappointed that Chris Robertshaw again refused to answer a single question.


James Davis is the only presenter at Manx Radio who try's to get the really answer to the BIG questions.


We need straight talking interviews when we get to the 2016 elections.


More training for Stu and John please before the 2016 election.


However, I did love Stu's interview with Adrian Earnshaw in 2011 - Manx Radio Gold

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Chris Robertshaw appears to have adopted the Bell tactic when 'answering' a question, and that is to use verbosity, verbosity, verbosity.


Hot air and waffle that sounds most plausible and intelligent indeed, but listening carefully it just appears to be a tangle of big words and phrases and a man enjoying the sound of his own voice and importance.


Peter Sellers - Party Political Speech (1958) a Half-Century on.mp3

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Did the Myers report suggest anything regarding political coverage?


It's difficult (tho' it shouldn't be) for MR to make political review programmes 'cause those self-important prats on Prospect Hill can't resist ringing up the station MD to complain, and thus this man has to paid a fortune to bat them off


Perhaps one evening a week the airwaves should be cleared & outsiders could be permitted to create a political summary programme of the weeks issues


It's not as tho' we get political comment in the free press anymore

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Donald: Agenda, Sunday Opinion and Perspective?


steven !: No censorship on Talking Heads, except that I sometimes edit comments for decency, brevity and for a lunchtime sensitivity. Or delete them completely if they're too bad (and some of them would have us all in jail).

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Sorry Stu, I meant a sort of political programme that picks the best or most contentious pieces that MR (& hopefully others) had broadcast or put in print ie. tynwald.org.im as well


It's a bit of a fag going through listen again to find out what is on the different progs


I of course listen to Sunday Opinion religiously

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Yep, I agrea with you to an extent Stu, although you can be rather reluctant to allow the caller to interrupt a politician when they are in full waffling flow.


These politicians are on a Manx Radio call-in show, not in the House of Keys, where they can generally waffle on and on for eternity with no fear of interruption, listening to themselves being important. The phone-ins are for the public of the Isle of Man, or perhaps I am being naive and they are just another platform to get the egotistical politicians under the skin of the electorate.


Oh, and I understand the lady who takes the calls is tenacious, to say the least, as to what the caller is going to say. Yes, yes, yes, I realise as a producer you will need to know what the caller is going to speak about, but no need for the third degree.


So, in any case, maybe I was just thinking of Mossie and his Mossie Line, with his hand over the caller mute button or whatever you use.


It's either the "Nation's Station" or it is the Radio Station purely for the use of the Manx Radio employees and their political paymasters,


You choose, Stu, you choose.

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Happy to discuss this with you steven ! but be aware that it's not as black and white as you seem to think. Some callers are articulate and reasonable. others not so much. I also believe in the line from The West Wing: 'you may not respect the man, but you will WILL respect the position', so if someone is rambling, shouting, talking over or simply trying to score points I tend to pull the fader down to give the MHK (or me) a chance to answer.


I've had plenty of occasions when someone will ask a question and then keep banging on, getting more and more wound up, without giving the guest a chance to respond...and then jump on him/her before they've answered. Of course, there are also politicians who will evade a question, and even Paxman wouldn't get an answer if they don't want (or are unable) to answer a point. The presenter's job is to try and keep people on track, get the best out of the guest that you can, and keep everyone out of court/jail, whilst at the same time juggling timings and making sure you get the ads in and sponsored elements etc. BBC would probably have half a dozen staffers doing those things to allow the presenter to concentrate on the interview, but we have just one extra person producing/answering phones/checking texts and emails/finding stats/brewing up for guests/talking to callers before putting them on air to make sure they're not going to say anything inappropriate (or that would make the caller look silly).


It is absolutely The Nation's Station, but as in many areas you can't just take over the airwaves and 'publish' lies, filth, racism or any of the other things that could lead to huge fines or worse. And again, I've never, ever been leaned on by a member of Tynwald or station management to roll over and take one for the team. We're not working for Treasury (our supposed paymasters) even though our MHK's seem to have a desire to 'investigate' MR at least once each administration, we're working for our audience (our part-paymasters).

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I've had plenty of occasions when someone will ask a question and then keep banging on, getting more and more wound up, without giving the guest a chance to respond...and then jump on him/her before they've answered.

I know. John Moss drives you nuts.

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Come on Stu, get a grip, you are showing your true colours here:


. Some callers are articulate and reasonable. others not so much. I also believe in the line from The West Wing: 'you may not respect the man, but you will WILL respect the position',


(note: Mr Peters' capitalisation)


The above is ok when you are immersed in a TV show for entertainment, or ok, even in real life. But hey, we are not talking about presidents of the United States of America. We are not even talking about Monarchy or even UK Crown Appointments.


Some of them have got where they are on the back of less than 1000 votes For example: Chris Robertshaw managed to trawl and crawl around Douglas East for 915 votes at the last general election,

Howard Quayle 922,

Tim Crookall 646,

David Anderson 649,

Graham Cregeen 877


We are talking about people who a few years ago would have been Chairmen of Boards. It was the House of Keys/Tynwald that gave themselves titles of Ministers.


So, respect has to be earned, not awarded, and certainly not demanded.


That said, I show our elected politicians every respect as human beings and would not want to offend, but only the respect they deserve, have earned and shown they are worthy of. I certainly don't salivate etc in their presence as some people surely do.


At times, all Manx Radio is doing is allowing some of these people to inflate their egos way over and above their worth. I find people with inflated egos a bit of something to laugh at, but an over-inflated ego is dangerous when someone has been elected to represent people and given a substantial amount of power over those very same people.


Perhaps your Talking Heads introduction should say


"......legal, decent, honest amd truthful. Oh, and you will WILL respect the position"

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