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Pinewood...more Govt Propaganda

Albert Tatlock

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Excellent posts Newsnight, thanks.


The problems will continue while there is a total lack of accountability and while MHKs (with a couple of notable exceptions) and MLCs bask in an environment where they clearly consider themselves inviolate. The present abused Comin system without a freedom of information act cannot serve the Isle of Man well but a few select individuals seem to do very well indeed.

I doubt that FOIA would uncover much beyond what we have already been told and what is publicly available. There will always be clauses to 'hide' or not disclose information if it's deemed to be not in the national interest.


The real issue, as newsnight has pointed out, is how one person has apparently managed to acquire & wield so much power over our elected representatives using a substantial amount of public funds (to promote their own business along the way) outwith the established format for managing investments. Quite astounding. Who was the Minister of DTI & Treasury back then?

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the sad thing is the usual suspects we have who stand again will get voted back in after spouting the bullshit promise of change. the electorate will fall for it again!!! it would be nice for a clean sweep of new folks who will release the facts we seem to be denied by the current incumbents.

For there to be much of a change you need to have decent alternative candidates. I am not specifically picking on LVP but as they appear to be the only organisation standing under a party banner they are easier to use as an example, however look at who they put forward last time. From memory not all seats had a LVP candidate and some that did they seemed to be a case of scapping the barrel. We had Pat Ayres standing as a candidate despite stating he was a socilaist and not a liberal, the candidate in Middle stated in his promotional document that at the previous election he had not realised that system of parliaments and election in the IoM was not basically the same as the UK. One or two othes gave the the impression that they had basically joined the LVP at the same point as opting to stand to be as an MHK.


Often we are left with a choce that if Joey Barton described might get him into trouble. Basically do you vote for the fool or the idiot?

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the sad thing is the usual suspects we have who stand again will get voted back in after spouting the bullshit promise of change. the electorate will fall for it again!!! it would be nice for a clean sweep of new folks who will release the facts we seem to be denied by the current incumbents.

For there to be much of a change you need to have decent alternative candidates. I am not specifically picking on LVP but as they appear to be the only organisation standing under a party banner they are easier to use as an example, however look at who they put forward last time. From memory not all seats had a LVP candidate and some that did they seemed to be a case of scapping the barrel. We had Pat Ayres standing as a candidate despite stating he was a socilaist and not a liberal, the candidate in Middle stated in his promotional document that at the previous election he had not realised that system of parliaments and election in the IoM was not basically the same as the UK. One or two othes gave the the impression that they had basically joined the LVP at the same point as opting to stand to be as an MHK.


Often we are left with a choce that if Joey Barton described might get him into trouble. Basically do you vote for the fool or the idiot?

Agreed sadly we had little choice here and voted for the village idiot. Having said that even a properly briefed idiot should have the spine to vote no to some of the excesses of the top table !!

Edited by asitis
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"Do you want me to go out and explain the intricacies of film financing to the general population? I don't think they do. They certainly don't want to listen to that." - Steve Christian


Yes we do.


"The spin was more than spin."

"We catch up with Steve Christian..."



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It is not possible to access the accounts of GasWorks Media Ltd because that is an Isle of Man Company so at this point it has not been possible to establish what contribution to the budget GasWorks has or has not made to the project Camera Trap, but it will be noted that a Charge has been registered in favor of GasWorks Meda and that documentation is provided below.







Pinewood Productions offers equity finance to productions utilising a Pinewood Studios Group facility (including stages and post production). It targets productions with budgets of circa £2 - 10m and will invest equity up to 20% per film. It is anticipated that it will invest in 4 productions annually. Pinewood Productions can work independently or together with Pinewood Pictures as a finance partner.

Pinewood Productions to date include: A Fantastic Fear of Everything, Last Passenger,Belle, Dom Hemingway, Camera Trap, Robot Overlords , Posh and Kill Your Friends


In order to evaluate any enquiry for investment Pinewood Productions requires a commercially viable package, which ideally would include the following:

  • A fully developed script
  • Sales estimates provided by a reputable sales agent.
  • Short biography of the key players including cast, producer(s), writer, director
  • A proposed budget and finance structure with some evidence of financing already in place (including principal conditions attached to all third party investment if relevant)

Projects need to be:

  • Capable of qualifying as a British Film
  • Completion bonded
  • Ideally have a sales agent attached with some distribution in place.
  • Able to spend the physical production requirement wholly or in part at a Pinewood Group Studio (UK) (stages and post production)

Please note we are not in a position to be 'first in' on a project

Camera Trap 1.pdf

Camera Trap 2.pdf

Camera Trap 3.pdf

Camera Trap 4.pdf

Camera Trap 5.pdf

Camera Trap 6.pdf

Camera Trap 7.pdf

Camera Trap 8.pdf

Camera Trap Company Report.rtf

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So Harrison Ford has a broken ankle … probably not good news !


But on a brighter note George Osborne trumpets the benefits of the film to the UK ……………………..


Chancellor George Osborne earlier said the decision to shoot Episode VII in the UK was "testament to the incredible talent in Britain" and meant "more jobs and more investment".


​as a postscript he added " Many thanks to the Isle of Man for securing many jobs and investment in the UK" … ( I made that bit up …. sorry) !

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