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Pinewood...more Govt Propaganda

Albert Tatlock

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on MR it reports:_


Pinewood investment still safe: Minister
Published online at 16/05/2013 12:33:00

Treasury Minister Eddie Teare says the Island’s investment in Pinewood has been vindicated by a rising share price – despite ambitious expansion plans being turned down.

Yesterday, South Buckinghamshire Council told the film studio behind James Bond blockbuster Skyfall was told it couldn’t go ahead with a £200 million expansion plan.

The Manx government holds a ten per cent stake in the firm, and Mr Teare says the planning application will now go to UK Communities Minister Eric Pickles.

Mr Teare says the setback didn’t affect the value of the government’s investment:

http://www.lse.co.uk/ShareChart.asp?sharechart=PWS eh??


What planet does he live on?

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on MR it reports:_


Pinewood investment still safe: Minister
Published online at 16/05/2013 12:33:00

Treasury Minister Eddie Teare says the Island’s investment in Pinewood has been vindicated by a rising share price – despite ambitious expansion plans being turned down.

Yesterday, South Buckinghamshire Council told the film studio behind James Bond blockbuster Skyfall was told it couldn’t go ahead with a £200 million expansion plan.

The Manx government holds a ten per cent stake in the firm, and Mr Teare says the planning application will now go to UK Communities Minister Eric Pickles.

Mr Teare says the setback didn’t affect the value of the government’s investment:

http://www.lse.co.uk/ShareChart.asp?sharechart=PWS eh??


What planet does he live on?


Sorry Eddie but the share price dropped




So how is the price still rising? What you meant to say is that we are currently still likely in profit unless the share price falls further.

And of course why are they attractive to market given the banana skin of planning !

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There's no tellin some people...


So where's the big drop?


The share price dropped nearly 2% on the day. Maybe you want to clarify your definition of a big fall Slim because as usual you're full of shit because you were wrong but refuse to admit it. Maybe it will fall further proving Quilp even more right? You can't defy the logic of what he said which is that the news would impact negatively on the share price - which it did!

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The share price dropped nearly 2% on the day. Maybe you want to clarify your definition of a big fall Slim because as usual you're full of shit because you were wrong but refuse to admit it. Maybe it will fall further proving Quilp even more right? You can't defy the logic of what he said which is that the news would impact negatively on the share price - which it did!


Is there a need to be so aggressive? I wouldn't say -1.8% was a 'big drop', particularly when we're in at 2.50. It's nothing like Gold's -20% in six months eh?

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The share price dropped nearly 2% on the day. Maybe you want to clarify your definition of a big fall Slim because as usual you're full of shit because you were wrong but refuse to admit it. Maybe it will fall further proving Quilp even more right? You can't defy the logic of what he said which is that the news would impact negatively on the share price - which it did!


Is there a need to be so aggressive? I wouldn't say -1.8% was a 'big drop', particularly when we're in at 2.50. It's nothing like Gold's -20% in six months eh?


Its 2% on the day, maybe it will drop 20% in six months who knows. Six months is a long time, but a 2% drop in one day is a reasonable drop and its undeniable that its been caused by the news as there's hardly any trades gone through. If you talk rubbish expect to be picked up on it.

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They will get planning permission, the Coalition and especially the Tories are committed to relaxing planning policy's and letting developers, develop because the UK suffers from a huge housing shortage.


I would not be surprised if this was not the main reason we blew a large wad of "non" taxpayers money on these shares, well one of the main reasons anyway.


The UK government wants houses built, to both sort out the house shortage and to provide employment in the construction industry.


I really hope I am right, because if I am, we will make a fortune.


Re Slim and Sultans posts:-


A 2% movement on an AIM share after "Bad News" is not a share price movement of any worth, as in it was not affected by the news.


If they had fallen 30% I would say the news had been taken badly by the market but as it was only 2% ish, it can be totally disregarded.


AIM shares behave VERY differently to the main markets where a 2% movement would create lots of type in the press.

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I'm also of the opinion that planning permission will be granted, if somewhat modified. I also believe that the investment 'we' made was mostly because of the expansion plans rather than any emphasis on the film industry and that when the time comes, money will be made but we may also see even more money invested by 'us' before the development actually gets fully underway, with our initial investment being a foot in the door, so to speak.


Shame about the charade though, the obscure and vague statements that have been made to obfuscate that which may be the real intent.


I may be wrong but we'll see....

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They will get planning permission, the Coalition and especially the Tories are committed to relaxing planning policy's and letting developers, develop because the UK suffers from a huge housing shortage.


I would not be surprised if this was not the main reason we blew a large wad of "non" taxpayers money on these shares, well one of the main reasons anyway.


The UK government wants houses built, to both sort out the house shortage and to provide employment in the construction industry.


I really hope I am right, because if I am, we will make a fortune.


While the Tories want to relax planning restrictions, they also have lots of constituencies full of Nimbys who are all in favour of new house building, providing it takes place somewhere else. Pinewood is in such a constituency (and I think represented by a prominent member of the government).


Furthermore if any UK government actually did anything about the housing shortage, it would cause house prices to fall, which the Daily Mail assures us would be the end of civilisation (the rental market wouldn't be happy either). Actually the only effective way to tackle it is to build lots of council housing, which seems unlikely.


UK governments of various hues have spent the last three decades plus appeasing the prosperous baby boomers who they saw as swing voters at the expense of the long-term benefit of the country. They're not going to stop now, no matter how many noises they make about house building.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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Re Slim and Sultans posts:-


A 2% movement on an AIM share after "Bad News" is not a share price movement of any worth, as in it was not affected by the news.


If they had fallen 30% I would say the news had been taken badly by the market but as it was only 2% ish, it can be totally disregarded.


AIM shares behave VERY differently to the main markets where a 2% movement would create lots of type in the press.


The stated share price is basicly meaningless as there is generally no volume traded in the shares.


If you wanted to buy any volume the chances are you would have to pay over the quoted price and if you tried to sell you would probably have to take a huge discount even if you found a buyer. This site gives prices and volumes over various times. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=PWS.L#symbol=pws.l;range=3m;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;


Pinewood Shepperton may be be aim listed but in reality with regard to selling and probably buying shares it might as well just be a private company as in all probability the only way the IoM Govt will get is money back, is if it can sell out to another shareholder or there is some sort of buy out of the company etc in the future. Selling on the market at the quoted price is pure fantasy

Edited by Lost Login
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Heard about a couple of films supposed to be being filmed on the island soon, one of which was something to do with Winnie The Pooh. Anyone have any other deatils/links, or opinions as to the likely success of such filums.


It's this one, which has had a few false starts. Sounds very like 'Miss Potter', if that floats your boat.




There's Our Robot Overlords filming here in June:



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