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Extra 10 Million To Be Spent On Maddie Mccann Investiagtion


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POLICE are targeting more than 20 potential suspects - including two known sex offenders - six years after Maddie vanished in Portugal.
THE parents of Madeleine ­McCann were offered fresh hope yesterday with the announce­ment of a new ­Scotland Yard investigation into her abduction.

Home Office officials confirmed they would be funding a new multi-million pound probe into her disappearance six years ago.

It is the most significant ­development for Kate and Gerry McCann since their little girl went missing in Praia da Luz, Portugal, days before her fourth birthday.

It is also the first time UK police will actively investigate the case.

A source close to the family said: “It’s a big step ­forward in ­finding Madeleine and bringing those responsible to justice. The Met have gone from reviewing the case to fully investigating it, which makes it much more likely that this will be solved.”

Scotland Yard have identified more than 20 potential suspects after a two-year review. It is believed many of them are British, ­including at least two known sex offenders.

Despite the progress, Portuguese officials have refused to reopen the case, claiming there is insufficient evidence.

Frustrated UK detectives asked Home Secretary Theresa May to fund their own investigation and she agreed. The probe is expected to at least double the £5million that has already been spent on the review.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: “We are encouraged by the progress we are making. We continue to identify potential lines of inquiry.”

is this wise that taxpayers foot the bill I believe 5 million has already been spent ? other parents in the same boat must wonder why their kids are not getting similar sums spent ? what is the government reasoning behind the special treatment here ? is it a waste of money ?

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Let's hope if they ask Kate McCann some questions to help find some info that may have slipped through the net she doesn't reply with 'No comment' like she did to the 48 questions she declined to answer in the days after her disappearance.




Poor Madeleine. You can't choose your parents.

Edited by Lxxx
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In light of the story from America about those girls who had been kept prisoner for years, I think they should do their best whatever the cost - keeps them busy doing proper police work innit? The McCanns were stupid to leave their child alone but neither they nor the child deserved what happened. If the police have leads and are going to bust child porn/trafficking rings, all good, go get em. If they find Madeline, that is a bonus. I'm not sure why the police are publicising this, I don't know much about child porn rings but I'd imagine they'd go to ground if they thought the police were onto them.

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If the money used so far and in future has deterred or exposed child trafficking rings then its money well spent, I can think of many white elephants costing this and more and more importantly the value of a child is priceless more so to its parents if they are worthy human beings.


The Daily Wail is usually sensationalist when it comes to invoking fear, paranoia and disdain within its generally middle class (wannabe) readers, however, if true regarding the unanswered 48 questions then they not only haven't helped the investigation but also haven't helped themselves or their Daughter.


At the very least I hope that the police expose and smash the trafficking rings, what we need in reality is a load of Liam Neeson type characters from 'Taken', bollocks to forgiveness from a civilised society this is beyond forgiveness.

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not sure how deep this rabbit hole goes.


the bastards knew what happened on Bloody Sunday, they lied and whitewashed the blood of innocents and then wasted time and money "investigating the truth" which they already knew.


sounds like a farce and a waste of time and money



Are you a parent?


If you are, I just hope you are never in that situation.

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I am not really interested in how much they're going to spend. That poor girl deserves justice, whatever the cost.


Certainly but what about all the other missing children about whom we hear next to nothing? Do they not deserve justice as well?


This is what winds me up about this case. So many other children go missing or are abducted each year yet very few get the coverage this case has done. I have nothing against the McCanns - this is all due to the media!

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I am not really interested in how much they're going to spend. That poor girl deserves justice, whatever the cost.


Certainly but what about all the other missing children about whom we hear next to nothing? Do they not deserve justice as well?


This is what winds me up about this case. So many other children go missing or are abducted each year yet very few get the coverage this case has done. I have nothing against the McCanns - this is all due to the media!



I believe children everywhere deserve justice. That's why I am against wars.


The media has a lot to answer for. Every night there are countless people living on the streets and yet we have Peter Andre and Katie Price and other knob heads on the front pages of the newspapers. People need to realise that news is nothing more than entertainment designed to keep us distracted, divided and afraid. We're easier to control that way.

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