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£50 Sewerage Charge


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There he is again on MR, banging on about the £50 being an "indirect" charge.


If it is sent as a bill to the property owner/lessee, what part of it is an indirect charge?


Mr Houghton - your "charge" is a DIRECT TAX under a different name.


It is certainly not "Freedom to Flush".

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I'd love to see our tangerine empire popping into Marks' for his lunch and stand in the queue next to someone with one on.


Surely Tinkerbell would not be in Marks' for lunch as that would go against his shop local and support local businesses message. I cannnot believe for one minute that he would be hypercritical

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The sensible and obvious thing to do is for anyone against this tax to contact their MHK, which in effect is what the petition is doing. There are now over 6000 names. I was amazed that it reached 2000 and I am sure even the most pompous establishment member of Tynwald would admit to being surprised at the unprecedented reaction.


Listen to John 'don't shoot the messenger I am only the chairman' Houghton speaking this morning on Manx Radio Mandate, the reason this charge is being introduced is because Treasury has cut the Water Authority budget.


The message is - don't let your MHK or indeed the (unelected) members of the Legislative Council vote this in:


Begging Bowl - Houghton.mp3

Edited by carbon selector
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Surely those of us whose excrement goes directly into the sea should not even have to pay the charge for a septic tank to be emptied?


It is claimed that our payments will be stored until such time as our sewage systems are brought into line with proper eco system requirements, but what is the likelihood of that?


We will be paying our DIRECT CHARGE £50, then £100 quids into a sinking/spending fund.

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Messenger always gets shot. There has to be a fall guy. Ask John Rimington.

Houghton is not just the messenger though is he. He is the Chairman of the Water Authority. He is also the representative of his constituents.


What efforts has he made to oppose this charge? None I would say, despite his unconvincing bleating and messenger stance.

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Thomas calls for delay on Toilet Tax
Published online at 05/02/2014 06:16:22

West Douglas MHK Chris Thomas wants the £50 sewerage charge to be delayed by one year.

He believes there are many questions about how it is administered, and its fairness, which need to be answered before it can be approved.

Mr Thomas quizzed Water and Sewerage Authority Chairman John Houghton in the House of Keys yesterday.

He believes the whole thing is being rushed through Tynwald this month to help Treasury Minister Eddie Teare present his budget: (play audio)

Mr Houghton says he wouldn't have proposed the earlier introduction of the charge if he had had a choice.

And he believes Tynwald will vote in favour of the proposal later this month, despite widespread public opposition to it.

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im hearing theres a design fault in turning the crap into the pellets that would have been sold instead its costing cash to incinerate


I have told this story before on here but the story I was told by someone quite reliable was that the farmers did not want it to spread on their land.


It is an image thing, who would want to eat food grown with the aid of human sh1t, (yes some may not be bothered but the majority would not) its one thing spreading animal manure, quite a different spreading human manure...................

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im hearing theres a design fault in turning the crap into the pellets that would have been sold instead its costing cash to incinerate

I have told this story before on here but the story I was told by someone quite reliable was that the farmers did not want it to spread on their land.


It is an image thing, who would want to eat food grown with the aid of human sh1t, (yes some may not be bothered but the majority would not) its one thing spreading animal manure, quite a different spreading human manure...................

And cows dont like eating grass grown with human waste as fertiliser. On a farm I used to live on the tail drain from the septic tank was a loop shape in one of the fields the cows grazed in. In high summer there was a loop of longer grass the cows didn't touch directly above the tail drain

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Here's a recent news items from Manx Radio relating to the subject of rates charges,notice that Teare says we should expect winners and losers.


My own opinion on this is there are no winners or losers if the system is fair. see article and audio link below:


Rates review under way, says minister
Published online at 05/02/2014 13:51:47

The Island’s rates system is to be reviewed – and the results should be in place by 2016.

Treasury Minister Eddie Teare and Chief Minister Allan Bell faced questions about the rates and the government’s work overhauling them in the House of Keys yesterday.

Mr Teare told MHKs the review would be completed between March next year and September 2016.

Speaking to Manx Radio after the sitting, he warned that probably won’t be the end of the debate about how fair the system is:

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