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Stu Peters

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I think people on here are giving too much credence to our 'establishment.' We live in a glorified parish council of self interest, not an international global player with it's own crack team of intelligence operatives. In all reality this is probably just a response to the deteriorating illusion of democracy on the rock by well meaning people wanting to copy the Assange model. Talk of honeypots may be wide of the mark but as long as people take sensible precautions it could be a citizens version of our long awaited (but will never 'fully' arrive) freedom of information act.

More a response to the end of the "job for life" culture in government if you ask me. Those currently dishing a lot of the dirt are those on the inside pissed off that their non-job, and pension is now being threatened. You can't buy loyalty I'm afraid and IOMG is starting to devour itself from the inside. This next election is going to be quite fun as all the leaks, and the dirt, and the shit starts to leak out into the public domain from people who have previously had their silence bought for years and years.

The ones on the inside know the system here is crumbling so they're all getting ready to jump ship as no-one wants to be brought down with it. However when the money runs dry the pension 'pots' of the privileged few will get used up too, as once people see how much of our income is starting to go out the door in pension payments whilst being told there is no money for teachers and doctors their will be a revolt. Guaranteed.

Manxleaks, whether it is a setup or a naive attempt at democracy, shows we're moving in the right direction on either level.

I disagree as they know there is nowhere to "jump ship" to as seriously over compensated roles for doing ostensibly nothing aren't really that plentiful in the private sector. The good deals to get out under MARS and never work again are largely now closed out too. So the ones that remain will slug it out in a great shit throwing contest over the few jobs and positions that remain with everyone getting splattered in the process. It might make for a lot of good headline over the next 18 months. There's lots of rivalry and resentment that's been papered over by expensive non-jobs and pensions that have bought people's silence that are now unravelling.

I hope so.

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I think people on here are giving too much credence to our 'establishment.' We live in a glorified parish council of self interest, not an international global player with it's own crack team of intelligence operatives. In all reality this is probably just a response to the deteriorating illusion of democracy on the rock by well meaning people wanting to copy the Assange model. Talk of honeypots may be wide of the mark but as long as people take sensible precautions it could be a citizens version of our long awaited (but will never 'fully' arrive) freedom of information act.

More a response to the end of the "job for life" culture in government if you ask me. Those currently dishing a lot of the dirt are those on the inside pissed off that their non-job, and pension is now being threatened. You can't buy loyalty I'm afraid and IOMG is starting to devour itself from the inside. This next election is going to be quite fun as all the leaks, and the dirt, and the shit starts to leak out into the public domain from people who have previously had their silence bought for years and years.
The ones on the inside know the system here is crumbling so they're all getting ready to jump ship as no-one wants to be brought down with it. However when the money runs dry the pension 'pots' of the privileged few will get used up too, as once people see how much of our income is starting to go out the door in pension payments whilst being told there is no money for teachers and doctors their will be a revolt. Guaranteed.

Manxleaks, whether it is a setup or a naive attempt at democracy, shows we're moving in the right direction on either level.

I disagree as they know there is nowhere to "jump ship" to as seriously over compensated roles for doing ostensibly nothing aren't really that plentiful in the private sector. The good deals to get out under MARS and never work again are largely now closed out too. So the ones that remain will slug it out in a great shit throwing contest over the few jobs and positions that remain with everyone getting splattered in the process. It might make for a lot of good headline over the next 18 months. There's lots of rivalry and resentment that's been papered over by expensive non-jobs and pensions that have bought people's silence that are now unravelling.
When I say jump ship I mean retire. Lump sum payments are still happening and ministers like Bell and Teare can already smell the mojitos on their cruise ships.
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Looking at their site, they do use Tor, which would suggest that it is more credible than your average jobbie. They even provide PGP instructions, again, showing that at least some thinking went into it.


Looking at the whois, they enabled the privacy option, so nothing revealing there.


Hosted by orangewebsite.com which is in Iceland, again, suggesting credibility if it's not hosted on the Island.



On the other hand, as other posters have mentioned, they're using WordPress, which isn't renowned for being the most secure CMS, but they didn't put the admin page on the usual URLs. Whoever has done this has tried to make it secure, or to at least, give that impression. Obviously, the jury is out on who is hosting the Tor node and reading the e-mails.

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I believe this is a move in the right direction. I know nothing about the people behind this. I do not believe this is a rogue element ready to trap whistleblowers although it is based nothing more on a gut instinct.


If locally organised it will be, as evidenced by the amount of time something like this has taken to happen on this island, run by probably well meaning people who may lack professional expertise in the real world. I am sceptical to the extreme that properly qualified lawyers are involved however this does not exclude the expensive, under qualified, under experienced form fillers masquerading as lawyers on this island being involved in some way.


I suspect it is more to do with desperate " investigative journalists" in the loosest possible sense looking for a scoop in a rapidly degrading financial arena. Time will tell as it always does.

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I don't trust them. Law, finance, journalism, communication, security and IT on this island are all sectors heavily run by the establishment elite, and any organisation capable of pooling "experts" and "professionals" from all of them is an obvious establishment gatekeeper COINTELPRO front to root out and suppress dissent.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was being operated straight from an office at ISD.

Dead on.

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I think people on here are giving too much credence to our 'establishment.' We live in a glorified parish council of self interest, not an international global player with it's own crack team of intelligence operatives. In all reality this is probably just a response to the deteriorating illusion of democracy on the rock by well meaning people wanting to copy the Assange model. Talk of honeypots may be wide of the mark but as long as people take sensible precautions it could be a citizens version of our long awaited (but will never 'fully' arrive) freedom of information act.

More a response to the end of the "job for life" culture in government if you ask me. Those currently dishing a lot of the dirt are those on the inside pissed off that their non-job, and pension is now being threatened. You can't buy loyalty I'm afraid and IOMG is starting to devour itself from the inside. This next election is going to be quite fun as all the leaks, and the dirt, and the shit starts to leak out into the public domain from people who have previously had their silence bought for years and years.



The ones on the inside know the system here is crumbling so they're all getting ready to jump ship as no-one wants to be brought down with it. However when the money runs dry the pension 'pots' of the privileged few will get used up too, as once people see how much of our income is starting to go out the door in pension payments whilst being told there is no money for teachers and doctors their will be a revolt. Guaranteed.

Manxleaks, whether it is a setup or a naive attempt at democracy, shows we're moving in the right direction on either level.

I disagree as they know there is nowhere to "jump ship" to as seriously over compensated roles for doing ostensibly nothing aren't really that plentiful in the private sector. The good deals to get out under MARS and never work again are largely now closed out too. So the ones that remain will slug it out in a great shit throwing contest over the few jobs and positions that remain with everyone getting splattered in the process. It might make for a lot of good headline over the next 18 months. There's lots of rivalry and resentment that's been papered over by expensive non-jobs and pensions that have bought people's silence that are now unravelling.

Dead on, Dead on , Dead on, but will most really care as it appears the one way sailings are full every day, and not with anyone coming to the Island. Your point about all the swearing and spitting over positions of strength is a really good one. Such a shame that most of them aren't worth the spit.

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I don't trust them. Law, finance, journalism, communication, security and IT on this island are all sectors heavily run by the establishment elite, and any organisation capable of pooling "experts" and "professionals" from all of them is an obvious establishment gatekeeper COINTELPRO front to root out and suppress dissent.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was being operated straight from an office at ISD.

Dead on.


You're right there Manxie44, there are those in the shadows who venture to suggest that the whole ISD thing is one big scam by a very few integrated systems co's on this island who are absolutely holding the island to ransom, & bleeding us all of precious cash


I know little about computers so I'm easily impressionable

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I was toying with the thought of doing something like this but didn't go ahead with it in the end. They've made a big mistake by not making it clear enough who's behind it, reading anything you send them. Something like this is about trust. Small Island Syndrome will affect this big style. Make it trustworthy or it will fail. It's worth having for sure, but the juicy stuff is unlikely to be revealed anyway.

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