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Israel vs. the rest of the world?


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and are those photoshopped dead kids?



Who's to know? In post#86, I provided a link to a BBC source which revealed that some footage used is years old! Did you read it? No? Thought not.

You believe what you want but assuredly, all is not what it seems in this propoganda war.

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First of all - of course the Israeli Govt wants peace. A permanent peace. Israel should not have to live in a state of permanent war.

I think that it is obvious that both sides will only accept a peace settlement acceptable to them.


I am not convinced the Likud wants to offer the compromises necessary for a permanent peace - as I've written my understanding is that they reject loosing sovereignty of the West Bank and right of return. Link


Could this morph into a viable one-state solution? I'm not sure, but at present it is far from any agreed negotiating position.


Israel can't just impose a plan and expect peace.


I am no defender of Hamas, and am firmly in favour of Israel's continued existence - but do not think current Israeli policies are going to bring it peace.

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and are those photoshopped dead kids?



Who's to know? In post#86, I provided a link to a BBC source which revealed that some footage used is years old! Did you read it? No? Thought not.

You believe what you want but assuredly, all is not what it seems in this propoganda war.


Actually I did read it, so there's no need to be patronising. If you start going down the line of discrediting anything you don't agree with as propaganda than nothing can actually be trusted as being truthful. However, if you genuinely believe that no kids are being killed by the Israeli missile strikes then you're mental as it would be physically impossible for civilians to not have been killed by those.


If you've read my other comments in this thread you know that I'm not supporting either side in this thing, I consider the aggressors on both sides to be evil bastards. The justification of killing innocent men, women and children can never be right.

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I'm not denying the carnage is taking place but It is not beyond the realm of possibility that hamas will also (deliberately) target their own (innocent) men, women and children in the cause of jihad, after all, the idea of martyrdom can be a heady affair, especially if you've been under-educated and brain-washed by your elders. Wilful deception and lying to the Jews and other despised 'infidel' is sanctioned in the koran, under the heading of Taqiyya. Also, Hamas' expertise in the handling of their ordnance is also very suspect; mis-fires on the old rocket-systems were frequent and deadly.


I'm not attempting to discredit anything, either, but I believe that hamas will do anything to justify their existence. The 'palestinian' people suffer just as much under the rule of the supremacist hamas as they do from Israel's right to defend itself.

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So it no emerges that funding for hamas is coming from / via Qatar and Turkey. The insurgents are coming from a number of non Palestian sources.


Not such a grass roots demonstration of desperation after all eh?

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Schools targeted. Why?


This may be one reason.


Just Google 'rocket arsenal schools Gaza'


Breitbart is a rather well proven good source based on events in the past when what they were reporting turned out to be spot on.


It does raise questions about just what on earth are and have the UNRWA up to in Gaza city.

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