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What's Cameron going to do now


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I agree Spook that bombs can't kill ideas.


Personally, I agree that dress that conceals the face should be illegal. Banning all dress that could be construed as Islamic is ridiculous, though, and I assume you are being deliberately provocative.


I think ritual slaughter should only be permitted with pre-stunning, on animal welfare grounds. Actually, Halal does permit some pre-stunning, so long as it employs a bolt-gun that impacts the head but does not penetrate. Shechita, however, does not allow pre-stunniong at all and requires that the animal's throat is cut whilst it is fully conscious.


Ban minarets? Why? That would achieve nothing.


Faith schools should certainly not receive state funding, I agree. A secular state, as envisaged by Mustafa Kamal and so sadly being eroded in modern Turkey, is the only rational way to go.


The above measures aside, the way to change ideas is to involve our Muslim population in our society, not to alienate them further with irrational repressive measures.

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The UL research showed alienated 3rd generation Muslims were more likely to become devout and some turn to extremism. Why, because they are British, but because of skin colour and faith they find they are not included, so they become marginalised and demonised so they get alienated and turn to religion and extremism. It gives them a sense of belonging.


Spook, what you suggest about banning xyz will also make things worse.


I agree about all religious schools being done away with

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Things will get worse the longer nothing is done to push back. Eventually there will be violent confrontation. The later it happens the worse it will be. Some things are inevitable.

Ignoring the fact that if Blair and Bush hadn't have deposed Saddam, and the US hadn't pushed the Arab Spring that washed away a few real bad MF'rs in the Middle East, we wouldn't have this problem to deal with now. We wouldn't have the problem because Saddam would have killed every one of these fuckers before they got anywhere near a foothold in Iraq. Same with Hussain of Jordan. This is just the bye product of what happens when you take dictators out of the equation. Some of the scum bags and religious nutters they were suppressing rise to the surface in ways like IS have.


We only have ourselves to blame for this situation as they took out Saddam on a totally flawed premise after 9/11 and a lot of these countries need a real bastard in charge to stop all of this current stuff from happening. Now they are probably reinforcing the objectives of Syrias Shithead-in-Chief which is probably the best thing to do as it will probably get him strategically back in charge of Syria and eventually exterminating the rest of these bastards on the ground once the jets move on.

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US 1st Division (The Big Red One) HQ Brigade are moving [back] to Iraq - emergency reserve Brigade is on station in Kuwait


Once IS is degraded as far as possible from the air, they will hammer It against the anvil that is the Turkish border & force what's left into Syria where they would hope to contain them




just guessing

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