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Josh Duggar


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Sorry, time to update the thread.


Josh Duggar is the eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. The Duggars and their 19 children are the starts of TLC's "19 kids and counting".


Jim Bob and Michelle are devout Christians, believing in strict Christian guidelines for raising children, are both high ranking members of an ultra-conservative Christian action group and Jim Bob has run for office (State I believe).


Michelle sometime ago commented that children with gender identity issues as potential future child molesters and trans children using girls bathrooms is disgusting. This is consistent with the Duggar's anti-gay stance.


It has recently come to light that Josh sexually abused several young girls in his teens (including his own sisters). When the matter was reported to the police, extreme pressure was applied, and Josh got off (pretty much scott free) with the police records heavily redacted.


TLC has since pulled the program after significant pressure, not helped by Jim Bob's statement that "Josh had been forgiven by God for his mistakes" and trying to play off the matter as a minor indiscretion.


Not surprisingly several Republican party members and "Christian" spokes people have rallied in Duggars defence.

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So what? Many people claim to be Christians but are not, many people who are Christian are not recognised as being because so many people don't even understand what Christianity is and think it's about Churches, and many people are corrupted by evil as a way of undermining Christianity.


This thread was obviously started as a means of attacking a thing by someone who doesn't understand the thing he's trying to attack.


Pathetic really.

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So what? Many people claim to be Christians but are not, many people who are Christian are not recognised as being because so many people don't even understand what Christianity is and think it's about Churches, and many people are corrupted by evil as a way of undermining Christianity.


This thread was obviously started as a means of attacking a thing by someone who doesn't understand the thing he's trying to attack.


Pathetic really.


I am attacking a child molester, the parents that protected (and enabled such behaviour), and an organisation (the church) that aided them.

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So what? Many people claim to be Christians but are not, many people who are Christian are not recognised as being because so many people don't even understand what Christianity is and think it's about Churches, and many people are corrupted by evil as a way of undermining Christianity.

This thread was obviously started as a means of attacking a thing by someone who doesn't understand the thing he's trying to attack.

Pathetic really.


I am attacking a child molester, the parents that protected (and enabled such behaviour), and an organisation (the church) that aided them.


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So what? Many people claim to be Christians but are not, many people who are Christian are not recognised as being because so many people don't even understand what Christianity is and think it's about Churches, and many people are corrupted by evil as a way of undermining Christianity.

This thread was obviously started as a means of attacking a thing by someone who doesn't understand the thing he's trying to attack.

Pathetic really.

I am attacking a child molester, the parents that protected (and enabled such behaviour), and an organisation (the church) that aided them.




Typical of your sort. Normal people would be disgusted by these events. People like spook are to busy making sure everyone knows that they are proper Christians unlike the fake Christians.

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So what? Many people claim to be Christians but are not, many people who are Christian are not recognised as being because so many people don't even understand what Christianity is and think it's about Churches, and many people are corrupted by evil as a way of undermining Christianity.

This thread was obviously started as a means of attacking a thing by someone who doesn't understand the thing he's trying to attack.

Pathetic really.


I am attacking a child molester, the parents that protected (and enabled such behaviour), and an organisation (the church) that aided them.


Typical of your sort. Normal people would be disgusted by these events. People like spook are to busy making sure everyone knows that they are proper Christians unlike the fake Christians.

My sort? And what are 'my sort'?


And while we're at it what makes you think that I'm not disgusted with paedophile?


Do you really think that what your attempting to do is as plain as day.


As I wrote. Pathetic

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Your sort. The sort that put themselves on a self righteous pedestal, telling everyone else that their lifestyle is wrong and yours is right. Yet behind closed doors you are just as human and weak as the rest of us.


"what makes you think that I'm not disgusted with paedophile?" Because your first reaction was to take my post as a personal attack on you and your cult, rather than making a statement about a child molester, the parents who protected and enabled him, and institutions that did nothing to protect the victims.

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