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Port Soderick - Sold


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  I love the way they state  "" The public right of way has been impassible since 2004 "" ! 

   Of course it has! Because the very people(Public servants) who are in charge of the  maintenance closed the walkway  rendering it almost impossible to access and thus abdicating their responsibiities to  Manx public and tourist alike !

    You couldn't make this shit up !


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I went through the planning application, public submissions etc. today

A condition of planning is that the right of way across the sea frontage be maintained

Looking at the location of the gates, just ahead of the steps to the beach and the fact that only that end house is gated, the only possible reason for that is to block off the right of way

If you were going to gate the development the gate would be at the other end, but that would allow people to walk across the beach and up the steps

We all know what will happen once the gates are up, the pedestrian gate will remain locked and there will be some excuse about not being able to locate the key

I propose a concerted effort to do away with the gates all together

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24 minutes ago, cheeky boy said:

I went through the planning application, public submissions etc. today

A condition of planning is that the right of way across the sea frontage be maintained

Looking at the location of the gates, just ahead of the steps to the beach and the fact that only that end house is gated, the only possible reason for that is to block off the right of way

If you were going to gate the development the gate would be at the other end, but that would allow people to walk across the beach and up the steps

We all know what will happen once the gates are up, the pedestrian gate will remain locked and there will be some excuse about not being able to locate the key

I propose a concerted effort to do away with the gates all together

Have you got the application number handy? I'd like to look through the application.

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On 8/11/2017 at 2:27 PM, cheeky boy said:

We all know what will happen once the gates are up, the pedestrian gate will remain locked and there will be some excuse about not being able to locate the key

I propose a concerted effort to do away with the gates all together

A knackered old 4 x 4 could have then down in 2 minutes. 

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The Landowner is only trying to further his own interests as  you'd expect.

  It's the colluding with him of   ""Public servants"" in removing what appears to be established   PROW  that bothers me ,at the very least they should be named and made to explain how it's in the public interest for them to remove them .

 Time for some digging I think !!


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As promised had a little look  and some very interesting facts jumped out at me , the main one being that  maintenance and upkeep  of  the viaduct walkway and all  ""Public rights of way around Port Soderick became the responsibility of Dept of Transport (Now  the D.O.I ) in 1985 due to a series of"" legal "" agreements with the then current owners .

 The Department agreed at all times to keep the walkways and viaduct in good order ,  tasks in  which they have clearly been negliigent and failed ,leading to the deterioration of the Viaduct and all PROW 

 Point being agents of the now D.O.I.  so called ""Public servants"" have clearly  failed the interests of the Public of the Isle of Man both present and future,whether through incompetence or other reasons is the question ?

There also seems to have been a possible over hasty demolition of the viaduct walkway seeing as the final date for submissions opposing  the plan  to close the Walkways was 17th July and the demolition of the walkways took place on the 20th of July !

I've heard (Not sure) that it requires an act of Tynwald to strip PROW status and there is no way that that has been given in the space of 3 days as far as I can see.

 On a positive note it does hearten me to see that there are good people still on this Island (Looking at the submissions) that still care about the need for public access to places of beauty ,for our and future generations even if it does seem as in time honoured  ""Public service ""  fashion that they and their submissions have been totally ignored.


Port Soderick Docs  PROW 006.JPG

Port Soderick Docs  PROW 007.JPG

Port Soderick Docs  PROW 009.JPG

Port Soderick Docs  PROW 011.JPG

Port Soderick Docs  PROW 008.JPG

Edited by homarus
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Please note that all information supplied is in the public domain and the file access number is contained on the stick on note at the foot of the page of the letter from concerned members of the public.

Edited by homarus
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Restrictions and obstacles in Planning matters were "eased" (very public announcement) for the fortunate few a good couple of years ago in a bid to encourage the wealthy and or developers to, er, develop the island. Perhaps that included the striking out of PROWs affected. Which also conveniently unloads the responsibility of their upkeep from our hard-pressed DOI?

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Well that's enough from me on this one I think ! Deeply disappointed in the lack of interest shown in this topic though.

 Can't believe people being paid out of the public purse have  for more than 20 yrs consistently failed in their legally contracted duties to uphold public access to one of the most picturesque walks on the Island and have seemingly gone against process and  smoothed the way for a developer who has a record of obstructing access to PROW's in that area .

 Fucking overpaid  imbeciles,who as the old saying goes "Know the price of everything ,but the value of nothing""!

Especially when you consider that  we have multiple other agencies from the same government  promoting the Island as a walkers paradise.



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