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Arbory, Castletown & Malew

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Phil Gawne has published his 2016 manifesto online:




Mr Gawne is - rightly - an enthusiast for developing the tech economy, and supports further discussion on the value of a basic income scheme




& he supports the idea of a policing museum in the old Castletown Baillie-Scott police station - that's a winner in my book!

Starts with an absolute fabricated stance on government reserves.


Doesn't bode well in the truth stakes.


Is the press going to take him to task on his claims (via dressed up and completely misleading language) that only £28m has been spent from reserves in the last 5 years?

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Mainstream media seem disinterested


Mostly I suspect so that they don't get phone calls from would be MHKs

So anyone can make anything up then? I expected more from Gawne what a disgrace starting his whole list of bullet points with a complete fabrication that makes it look like we haven't spent £400m on balancing the books at all. Completely shameful.

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Is the press going to take him to task on his claims (via dressed up and completely misleading language) that only £28m has been spent from reserves in the last 5 years?


To be fair, he doesn't actually make that claim. He makes a statement of fact (needs checking for accuracy though) as to the current total level of reserves. According to Mr Gawne these are currently some 27.8 million pounds less than in 2011.


"Reserves down by only £27.8 million (or 2% lower than 2011) but still £1.422 billion - includes £723 million NI fund which grew by £120 million since 2011."

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Phil Gawne has published his 2016 manifesto online:




Mr Gawne is - rightly - an enthusiast for developing the tech economy, and supports further discussion on the value of a basic income scheme




& he supports the idea of a policing museum in the old Castletown Baillie-Scott police station - that's a winner in my book!

Starts with an absolute fabricated stance on government reserves.


Doesn't bode well in the truth stakes.


Is the press going to take him to task on his claims (via dressed up and completely misleading language) that only £28m has been spent from reserves in the last 5 years?




Mr G says ;


"Reserves down by only £27.8 million (or 2% lower than 2011) but still £1.422 billion - includes £723 million NI fund which grew by £120 million since 2011"


But govt Audited accounts show Total Funds and Reserves of £2,638,337 in 2011 and £1,229,719 in 2015. I don't think 2016 out yet.


I think he has ignored the General Revenue Adjustments Account, that is quite a big ignore.

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From experience in the planning field Gawne has more faces than 'big ben' and will say anything to get elected. I don't know who in their right mind would wish to see him as chief minister with responsibility for the whole island, he has had responsibility for infrastructure, saved eff all at the airport despite huge press claims about savings that could be made, led himself down a blind alley in respect of perhaps the most important stretch of road on the island where years have gone by, nothing has been done, but more than the cost of an acceptable repair job wasted on exploring fantasy schemes. It seems also the Sloc Road was not the five minute quick lets get this money spent fix that it appears to be as the hillclimb boys were somehow consulted about events long before the road was done. Malew deserves better than Gawne !!


He also seems to misunderstand value for money and is hell bent on there not being any sort of tender for sea services, in my view his stance puts the consumer last !

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The responsibility as Chief Minister is a) making the nation happy, & b) & trying to keep the '*****' [see Lisenchuk] in CoMin under control


He/she has highly trained & experienced Press & PR peeps to offer advice the CM ought to take


& a Treasury Minister +Public Accounts Committee to keep careful eyes on the cash situation

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To be fair Phil, govt accounts aren't easily understandable by folks other than experts like you and Chris Thomas





accidentally promoted Thomas to 'Christ' level there


The Govt. accounts are complex and there is a lot in there that I don't understand. However, if I wanted to get elected I would check my facts, at least on the big issues.

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The Govt. accounts are complex and there is a lot in there that I don't understand. However, if I wanted to get elected I would check my facts, at least on the big issues.



Presumably Mr Gawne should now make a correction to his manifesto. Could be quite an expensive error really ... in more ways than one.

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To be fair Phil, govt accounts aren't easily understandable by folks other than experts like you and Chris Thomas





accidentally promoted Thomas to 'Christ' level there


The Govt. accounts are complex and there is a lot in there that I don't understand. However, if I wanted to get elected I would check my facts, at least on the big issues.

It's appalling Philip and could be regarded by some as little more than a deliberate intention to mislead. As you clarified the government's own audited accounts show something like Total Funds and Reserves of £2,638,337 in 2011 and £1,229,719 in 2015.


The words are very carefully chosen to paint a picture that is completely contrary to the actual reality that hundreds of millions of pounds have been taken from reserves in the last 5 years to shore up government spending. A re-clarification isn't enough to me. He should be made to withdraw the manifesto and apologize for the way the statement was phrased.

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Think he has made a statement about the reduction/increase in size of reserves

How accurate is it? I simply cannot believe that the very first bullet point in his manifesto has been so deliberately worded to attempt to hoodwink the casual reader.

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