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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:


They have given up Politics and taken up delivering The Independent instead?

Now that really DID give me a giggle!

Weather's a bit grim here today, and you just lightened the day up a tad.


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24 minutes ago, Rog said:

Weather's a bit grim here today, and you just lightened the day up a tad.

It's always grim in Norfolk, that's why the EU Commission have sent you shit weather as well.

Flat as your hat? No! Flatter than that....

I don't read the UK rabid right wing press but I couldn't help noticing that todays Telegraph leader was just stuffed full of lies and nonsense. They were talking about 11 months of negotiations when they won't start until March ie they couldn't even get that right.

As Alan Hansen used to say - 'Abysmal...'


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4 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Russia Today spends it's Roubles on running down the West any way it can, especially their armed forces.

However Boris Johnson now does their work for them:


Russia today is the Russian Federation, the USSR ended decades ago. The Russian Federation has a very different agenda based on building a successful and wealthy collection of states and actively fighting islamic terrorists who are attacking "Mother Russia" and the southern states of the RF but then you'll know all that won't you?

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7 minutes ago, Rog said:

Russia today is the Russian Federation, the USSR ended decades ago. The Russian Federation has a very different agenda based on building a successful and wealthy collection of states and actively fighting islamic terrorists who are attacking "Mother Russia" and the southern states of the RF but then you'll know all that won't you?

So the Crimea is full of Islamic terrorists hence the need to shoot down Malaysian passenger airliners? I didn't know that.

However I did know that there is no trade deal between Australia and the EU:

On 11/25/2019 at 5:54 PM, P.K. said:

The claims that British trade with the Commonwealth can make up for leaving the EU is “the nuttiest of the many nutty arguments” advanced by Brexit supporters and “utter bollocks”, the former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd has said.

In a lacerating piece for the Guardian, Rudd dismissed the claims by some Brexit supporters that the UK could strike deals with his country, New Zealand, Canada and India to soften the blow and said the UK risked undermining western values by leaving the EU in a weaker position when it left.

“I’m struck, as the British parliament moves towards the endgame on Brexit, with the number of times Australia, Canada, New Zealand and India have been advanced by the Brexiteers in the public debate as magical alternatives to Britain’s current trade and investment relationship with the European Union,” he wrote.

"Think the Commonwealth can save Brexit Britain? That’s utter delusion

“This is the nuttiest of the many nutty arguments that have emerged from the Land of Hope and Glory set now masquerading as the authentic standard-bearers of British patriotism. It’s utter bollocks.”


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48 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So the Crimea is full of Islamic terrorists hence the need to shoot down Malaysian passenger airliners? I didn't know that.

However I did know that there is no trade deal between Australia and the EU:


If you don't like it then there's boats, planes, and trains many times a day from here.

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