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School Teachers... Your Memories...

Last Ten

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Don't know many of the teachers but here are the ones I possibly recognise (I think!! :rolleyes:)

Top row 3rd from left - Brian Hardinge

Middle row 3rd from Left - Sid Tyrer, 5th from left Putty Kelly, 7th from left Brian King, 8th from left Gareth Jones? (possibly)Last Ten



Putty Kelly is not on the photo. According to my admittedly elderly source he was a nice man and a good teacher. He was very good at Judo (black belt?) with an unusual way of gripping your neck and shoulder when you annoyed him. He'd then have you in a nerve hold and slowly say something like "what are you up to now lad?"

Edited by Barby
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Was there really a teacher called Papa Johns? That's fantastic.


I never knew his real name - everyone called him that in my day, but he was an excellent teacher with a very strong Manx accent. I can remember at least one lesson where he made each of us try a couple of minutes of stand-up comedy in front of the rest of the class. He was, though, a disciplinarian, and everyone knew better than to try to take advantage of his good nature!

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I will try from left to right, top row


1 Jack sayle woodwork, all right type

2 Maths teacher, ended up in st ninians, sadistic type terrorised kids

3 Brian ? ollie beak by nick name, english teacher, not so bad

4 Popa Cannell, Juans dad, sound guy but not to be messed with

5 Possibly Don Beard, footie type, could be a tarter

6 Dont know

7 Cant remember but he was about



1 Deek Quirk, science type, known for big bangs and explosive temper

2 Mr Morrisey, one of natures gents

3 4 5 Dont know

6 Gerry o'toole took rural science [gardening]

7 Don King PE teacher, loved to punish boys with a ropes end or the dreaded gauntlet

8 Cant remember his name but he took geography and was a great teacher


front row

1 Quane i think, nasty piece of work, love to have met him later and taught him about beating 11 year old kids with canes.

2 3 4 dont know

5 Frank luckman, headmaster

6 Hitler holroyd headmaster elect

7 school secretary lady

8 9 dont know


Putty kelly i cant see, but i still meet him in marksies lift of a saturday, a sound guy and great teacher, if only there were more like him.

Edited by mollag
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Can anyone remember the name of the Art Teacher at Park Road approx 1975 about 1 maybe 2 years after the school went mixed..... can see his face and I think his name was Mr Sw??? (Swinton maybe??).. brill teacher. I remember he always had the radio on in class. I remember a scary maths teacher (or was it english) in 2nd year (all girls still at that time) Mr Mitchell, think he was Irish.

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No-one has mentioned the most important person at Balla, one Popeye the caretaker, he used to have a pipe (hence the nickname) and rode a scooter as I remember.


Creepy Crellin maths: dead shot with a piece of chalk, murderous with a duster.

Miss Watson RE has got a mention but did anyone mention Miss Watson French teacher?

Fungi Furness Metalwork

Mr Cooil Science

Benny Ball Woodwork


Glad people still remember Hitler, I was in his class for English. Taught me the word LI BRA RY not Libry. It's about the only thing I did learn in English

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Vivian Wolfe the art teacher. St Ninians. mid 80's. How the hell she was allowed to teach is still a puzzle to me?

When I left school she told me that I would always be a nobody and my photographic career plans were worthless.

Well, I met her in a pub a few years back, just after I had been asked to join a large photographic agency in London as a photojounalist. She tried to look pleased for me.


Mr Cottier. Head teacher. Still hate him.

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QEII - Class of '95


Mr Molton (spelt incorrectly) Physics Teacher, ace lessons


Ms Beales - French Teacher


Miss Wright - Well fit Canadian English teacher


Mrs Bradbury - Science,




Chin-strap Kneen, at the time, deputy head... gave me a few detentions.. ha


How about Mr Lister? Who I can only liken to Mr Bean...


Mr Marshall: "I'll rip your arms off and beat you with the soggy ends".


Do you remember how all the lads fancied Miss Rogers, until the day Miss Wright started...I can remember a lad taking photos of her on the Year 8 walk and selling photocopies.


Miss Sykes, the best maths teacher ever...very Carol Vorderman.


Miss Felton - for such a little person, you knew you were in bother if you crossed her.


Mrs Pridham and an unfortunate encounter with some superglue and a bench.


Mrs Ryan and the xmas hat??


Come on there must be a few ex QE11 pupils here that can bring back a few more memories!!!!!

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To be honest I don’t have many good memories of teachers, other that Dr Ian MacSheffery (sp?)


A huge brusque Irish genius who was a model of what a teacher should be.


A gentle giant of a man who viewed teaching as a vocation, he opted to teach Maths and computers to high and accelerated sets, but also to the lowest and remedial sets.


Anyone who ever met this chap will know of what I say.

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To be honest I don’t have many good memories of teachers, other that Dr Ian MacSheffery (sp?)

Yep. Sadly no longer with us he was a great man, an inspiring chap. "Yubby dubbies" and all, and from what I remember, a greater affinity with checkers (draughts) than chess.


He certainly was a highlight of my school years.

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Ballakermeen 92-99 here,


had woodwork with Benny Ball a few times, didn't he not miss a single lesson in 25 years? (or something like that?)


also, wasn't there a teacher (female, 40's, long gingerish hair, did craft/cookery) who was found to be using a false name, as well as qualifications? -- she vanished halfway through a term and myself and 2 friends got a shouting at for even asking where she was! (we 6th formers had to 'guard' the fire alarms on the last days of term, she brought us mince pies :))


plenty of psychotic people (teachers & students alike) there though!

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