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The revolution will not be televised

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So it’s a week after the budget and almost everyone you speak to thinks the budget has been a total failure. The Chamber of Commerce has declared that it’s a failure as well in a survey of over 200 members. But already it’s gone very quiet. Lots of resistance was promised and lots of Facebook content has been generated. But still nothing of any substance seems to be happening to change anything. 

Has Rob, and Jason and Tim got fed up of online granny farming already? Have they guessed that nobody is actually going to get off their fat lazy arse and help them out and if they want to call a vote of no confidence then it’s up to them to sort it out as sentient, grown up, human beings, paid over seventy grand a year to represent the people rather than cower behind Facebook noise and waiting for other people to tell them what to do. 

As Gil Scott-Heron said in 1970

You will not be able to stay home, brother
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and
Skip out for beer during commercials
Because the revolution will not be televised

We all knew that this house of Tynwald was bad. But they can’t even kick a ball into the back of an empty net. And that makes them even worse than those on COMIN. 

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1 minute ago, Declan said:

There's all this talk of ditching Cannon. But there's no talk of who the replacement would be?

Also would changing the CM change anything?

Who would put any bets on Rob the knob or Jason $hithouse to have been any sort of catalyst for anything anyway? They’re actually much worse than the people they claim to want to overthrow. A few genuinely gutless fools who must struggle to put their trousers on the right way round when they get up each morning. The public aren’t happy with the budget, businesses aren't happy with the budget, and who do they have to represent them? A couple of complete arseholes who couldn’t organize village fete nevermind a vote of no confidence in COMIN and the Chief Minister. 

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I didn’t realise the COF had 200 members last time of asking it had about 70 and when did they they not complain about the the budgets of the past I cannot remember them actually approving of anything the government does.    All through Covid they whined about their members not getting enough help now we are paying the price of helping them.   The budget, as I see it, set out to help the vunerable it increased carers allowances, child allowances and other benefits.   The extra NI that will be raised has been ring fenced for the Health Service and a lot of comments I have heard have been in favour of this.   How much is a pint of larger these days or a packet of fags or a couple of coffees in town ?   Put in context it is not the end of the world and providing it is put towards the Health Service it seems a reasonable way to raise funds.   When it comes to raising funds it always hurts but could the moaners and pitch fork merchants do any better ?

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12 minutes ago, Interested Reader said:

Who would put any bets on Rob the knob or Jason $hithouse to have been any sort of catalyst for anything anyway? They’re actually much worse than the people they claim to want to overthrow. A few genuinely gutless fools who must struggle to put their trousers on the right way round when they get up each morning. The public aren’t happy with the budget, businesses aren't happy with the budget, and who do they have to represent them? A couple of complete arseholes who couldn’t organize village fete nevermind a vote of no confidence in COMIN and the Chief Minister. 

Oh, god, it’s BrIT, offshoremanxman, cued, portsoderickherald, broadcaster, and three dozen more, reincarnated by remembering an old log in.

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3 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's classic MF isn't it?  "Everything is shit and as soon as anyone attempts to change it we will attack them personally".

Is it? I was really just expressing that the backbenchers seem to be even more disappointing than the COMIN members they claim that need to go. Last week they were calling for a vote of no confidence. This week it seems to be far too difficult for them to even imagine what a vote of no confidence even involves. I thought they were supposed to represent the people? Nearly 100% of Manx businesses aren’t happy with the budget, and almost every person you speak to isn’t either. But actually doing something about it now seems to completely exceed the skill set of the Tynwald back bench. 

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1 hour ago, Interested Reader said:

Is it? I was really just expressing that the backbenchers seem to be even more disappointing than the COMIN members they claim that need to go. Last week they were calling for a vote of no confidence. This week it seems to be far too difficult for them to even imagine what a vote of no confidence even involves. I thought they were supposed to represent the people? Nearly 100% of Manx businesses aren’t happy with the budget, and almost every person you speak to isn’t either. But actually doing something about it now seems to completely exceed the skill set of the Tynwald back bench. 

Was it only 6 that voted against the budget? If that’s the case they don’t have enough votes to bring in a no confidence motion - because everyone else was clearly in favour of it? Perhaps worth doing to prove a point but I can’t see that it would succeed. Yet. Maybe in time with more issues and problems (and ministerial changes - who knows)?

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2 hours ago, Declan said:


Also would changing the CM change anything?

Of course not, you'd just get some other self-serving egomaniac who doesn't really give two shits for the people they represent.

Although I'm not sure that's a reason to give up altogether.

What's that Roosevelt quote about the best thing to do being the right thing, the second best being the wrong thing and the worst thing being nothing? It was a shitty budget which penalises hard-working people with modest incomes. Nothing would be the very worst thing to do.

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18 minutes ago, Steve_Christian said:

Was it only 6 that voted against the budget? If that’s the case they don’t have enough votes to bring in a no confidence motion - because everyone else was clearly in favour of it? Perhaps worth doing to prove a point but I can’t see that it would succeed. Yet. Maybe in time with more issues and problems (and ministerial changes - who knows)?

Callister actually voted for the budget! Yes six voted against it but many more have publicly voiced disagreement with it. What I can’t understand is if these back benchers are supposed to be representing the people what are they actually doing? At every business meeting I’ve had since people are literally furious about the budget and IOM Government and yet nobody is channeling this in Tynwald. Callister and Glover put a bit of moaning up on Facebook, so did Moorhouse, and a week later - sod all. Literally nothing after claiming that some sort of revolt was going to happen. They all bring a new dimension to the words piss poor. From over 200 businesses 95% said that it was a bad budget for them and their staff. So where is the bad bench pushing for change? It looks like a few people grew some artificial balls for 48 hours and are now back at their dismal best levels of incompetence and inertia. Jersey and Guernsey booted out their cabinets for less. But typical IOM. Our lot are far too busy tugging their forelock’s to the civil service. 

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4 minutes ago, Interested Reader said:

Callister actually voted for the budget! Yes six voted against it but many more have publicly voiced disagreement with it. What I can’t understand is if these back benchers are supposed to be representing the people what are they actually doing? At every business meeting I’ve had since people are literally furious about the budget and IOM Government and yet nobody is channeling this in Tynwald. Callister and Glover put a bit of moaning up on Facebook, so did Moorhouse, and a week later - sod all. Literally nothing after claiming that some sort of revolt was going to happen. They all bring a new dimension to the words piss poor. From over 200 businesses 95% said that it was a bad budget for them and their staff. So where is the bad bench pushing for change? It looks like a few people grew some artificial balls for 48 hours and are now back at their dismal best levels of incompetence and inertia. Jersey and Guernsey booted out their cabinets for less. But typical IOM. Our lot are far too busy tugging their forelock’s to the civil service. 

Yeah but it’s already been approved by Tynwald - so surely it’s a bit late now. The time to revolt was to vote against it, which 6 did - so the 18 plus MLCs surely are the ones that need to be held accountable - not the ones who tried to prevent it being carried? 

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14 minutes ago, Steve_Christian said:

The time to revolt was to vote against it, which 6 did - so the 18 plus MLCs surely are the ones that need to be held accountable - not the ones who tried to prevent it being carried? 

Hence my point what was Callister actually doing? He voted for the budget then started going on about a vote of no confidence in the CM all over social media. All of this goes to show that we have one on the worse COMINs ever but, worse, a load of back benchers that are basically completely useless. They can talk a good story for a few hours and then simply show themselves up as being totally and utterly useless at doing anything even when most day to day people have clearly had enough and have been the victims of a terribly put together budget that has achieved nothing for anybody other than guaranteed that for another year the public sector gets to do absolutely sod all about its exploding costs or expectations. 

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