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Traffic Cameras


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Just to let you all know the DoT have recently had a number of traffic cameras delivered. I have not referred to them as speed cameras as I understand the intention is that at least one of them will be in the York Road area monitoring red light runners.


Seems such a shame that our taxpayers money is being wasted in this manner when all they have to do to combat red light jumpers is increase the overlap that both sets of lights are on red, but that would be too easy and sensible and I guess the Minister responsible for introducing the cameras is hoping for some "Brownie" points from the voters in the next election.


I wish Jeremy Clarkson would stand for the Keys and get the Minister for Transport's job!


You have all been warned, wonder who will be first to be captured, he/she will be quite a celebrity I guess (gonna be pig sick if its me!)

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Excellent news. Lets have more off them. When the culprits are caught they should lose their licence for at least 12 months, be fined a minimum of £500 and have to resit their test.

The reason that York road junction has been chosen is due to the number of times that children and parents crossing to the nearby nursery schools have nearly been hit by these idiots. There was an article about this in the local press within the past year.

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Excellent news. Lets have more off them. When the culprits are caught they should lose their licence for at least 12 months, be fined a minimum of £500 and have to resit their test.

The reason that York road junction has been chosen is due to the number of times that children and parents crossing to the nearby nursery schools have nearly been hit by these idiots. There was an article about this in the local press within the past year.


Indeed. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with traffic cameras near schools, school crossings and accident blackspots.


If however they start putting them up in areas where the intention is clearly to raise revenue then my position may waver

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When the culprits are caught they should lose their licence for at least 12 months, be fined a minimum of £500 . . . . . .


Actually, on the Isle of Man, that kind of sentence is reserved for haring down a road crossing to the other carriageway and splattering someone to death.

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Speed cameras EARN revenue for the government


Only from the idiots who don't know where they are, within a week everyone with half a brain will know the position of the cameras all over the Island and will slow down and behave themselves, that will achieve the desired result road safety wise but won't earn much revenue in fines.


The cost of installing a Gatso camera is approximately £20,000, but can cost as much as £40,000 if located in a rural location, as the system requires a 240v power supply.


The fixed Gatso camera has the ability to take up to 400 pictures. Cameras that are located in busy areas or are particularly hidden, often only last a few hours before the film runs out, soon recouping the £20,000-£40,000 price tag.


In the adjacent Island the following is going on:


Motorists Against Detection (MAD) in the UK have claimed responsibility for taking out about 600 roadside speed cameras (known as Gatsos) across the country, according to spokesman Captain Gatso. The group only targets cameras on main highways, saying that they actually support their usage in built-up areas.

Disabling methods apparently include spray paint, angle-grinders and even plastic explosives!


CMG does not condone the disablement of Speed Cameras, especially with a spray can, say black, held about 5 inches away form the lens and applied for about 10 seconds.

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Excellent news. Lets have more off them. When the culprits are caught they should lose their licence for at least 12 months, be fined a minimum of £500 and have to resit their test.

The reason that York road junction has been chosen is due to the number of times that children and parents crossing to the nearby nursery schools have nearly been hit by these idiots. There was an article about this in the local press within the past year.


I agree. Speed cameras catch out speeding and bad drivers. They also help raise much needed money for the government.


20 years ago drink driving wasn't taken seriously but today most agree that it's very serious and very dangerous. Hopefully people will soon realise that this is the case with speeding too.

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Excellent news. Lets have more off them. When the culprits are caught they should lose their licence for at least 12 months, be fined a minimum of £500 and have to resit their test.

The reason that York road junction has been chosen is due to the number of times that children and parents crossing to the nearby nursery schools have nearly been hit by these idiots. There was an article about this in the local press within the past year.


Indeed. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with traffic cameras near schools, school crossings and accident blackspots.


If however they start putting them up in areas where the intention is clearly to raise revenue then my position may waver


I'm with Terry 100%. And I'd rather have a camera at junctions like York Road than wait interminably for traffic lights to change...

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No problem with cameras to catch the nutters who think that, because the lights only turned red when they were twenty yards away, it must be safe to go full steam ahead through them. Take their driving licences away for as long as possible and fine them heavily. There's no excuse for that behaviour.

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Just to let you all know the DoT have recently had a number of traffic cameras delivered. I have not referred to them as speed cameras as I understand the intention is that at least one of them will be in the York Road area monitoring red light runners.


Seems such a shame that our taxpayers money is being wasted in this manner when all they have to do to combat red light jumpers is increase the overlap that both sets of lights are on red, but that would be too easy and sensible and I guess the Minister responsible for introducing the cameras is hoping for some "Brownie" points from the voters in the next election.


I wish Jeremy Clarkson would stand for the Keys and get the Minister for Transport's job!


You have all been warned, wonder who will be first to be captured, he/she will be quite a celebrity I guess (gonna be pig sick if its me!)


So what you are implyng here is that you are one of the red light runners in the York road area. If true then you bloody well deserve to be "captured", you should also be strung up and shot as you are endangering pedestrians and other road users with your inconsiderate and illegal actions. Prat!

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No problem with cameras to catch the nutters who think that, because the lights only turned red when they were twenty yards away, it must be safe to go full steam ahead through them. Take their driving licences away for as long as possible and fine them heavily. There's no excuse for that behaviour.



Wasn't there an article in the paper (ages ago), that one of the cams will be at the Woodbourne Road traffic lights? I never understood why there were so many smashes at that one - it's only a traffic light...

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I agree. Speed cameras catch out speeding and bad drivers. They also help raise much needed money for the government.


20 years ago drink driving wasn't taken seriously but today most agree that it's very serious and very dangerous. Hopefully people will soon realise that this is the case with speeding too.


Unfortunately, speed cameras can't stop drink drivers, and as a lot of UK constabularies have reduced their traffic divisions in favour of cameras, more people will get away with driving under the influence.

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Unfortunately, speed cameras can't stop drink drivers, and as a lot of UK constabularies have reduced their traffic divisions in favour of cameras, more people will get away with driving under the influence.


I think the proportion of people who don't get caught for drink driving at the moment is still quite high. I don't see it making much difference oer here where the police are quite well funded.


Speed cameras have been for quite a while been identified as *not* being a substitute for traffic divisions in much the same way that CCTV is no substitute for plod beat

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