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50mph Limit For Ballamodha


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Front page of the Indy - 50 mph limit for the Ballamodha Straight in a bid to cut down on accidents there - what do people think?

They say they received no objections, I for one didn't know they were seriously planning this otheriwse they would have received at least one.


I think it's nuts, why not confine us all to our homes, that way we could cut out all deaths and injuries from accidents :rolleyes:


The article states that only 20% of the accidents on that stretch were accounted for by excessive speed.

They're "not sure" how they'll enforce it and are hoping it will be "self-enforcing" - what planet are they on??? They can't even enforce a 30mph limit in built up areas, how are they going to manage this?


The article also states the Transport Minister will be launching yet another public opinion consultation in case we've changed our minds about not wanting blanket limits since last year, so if you feel strongly about it, look out for that.


What with this, the talk of blanket limits and the proposed smoking ban for pubs, this place is becoming more like a little England every day.

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Although I am very much against an overall Island speed limit, I have to say that straight as it is, the Ballamodha road is not a safe road to speed along.


There are too many houses on the road and too many junctions. And the fact that it is quite a sloping road makes it even more dangerous because such as boy racers seem to know how to speed up but have little clue about the driving skills needed to slow down, especially with the added momentum of a bumpy down hill road.


50mph? I'd say that's about right.

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but (as has been said elsewhere before) the mere fact that posts go up saying the speed limit is 50mph doesn't mean that all traffic will not do more than 50...

...and in a couple of years time we will still be hearing about RTA's on the Ballamodh involving (a) vehicle(s) travelling at more than 50....

....maybe when all vehicles are fitted with speed transponders linked by the new Gallileo satellite system to a computer in Police HQ then...and big brother knows where you are all the time.. and what you are doing and thinking of doing...

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I think it's nuts, why not confine us all to our homes, that way we could cut out all deaths and injuries from accidents :rolleyes:


Every year in the UK almost 4,000 people die in accidents in the home and 2.7 million turn up at accident and emergency departments seeking treatment. But, because the accidents happen behind closed doors in isolated incidents they rarely attract public and media attention.

Source: http://www.rospa.co.uk/homesafety/index.htm


Sorry for going off-topic. Back to the Ballamodha Straight. In most parts of the UK it would, at best, be classified as a B-road. As a single carriageway it would automatically be subject to a 60mph limit.

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if Dan were to build houses all the way along it then wouldn't it be a built up area... subject to a 30mph limit..so wouldn't that stop speeding??


That would make it a home zone and therefore a 20. Or a 50 in real life (or is that just where I live)

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50mph seems excessive when Church Bends just down the road is 60mph. But ho-hum. I'm all for something to try and curtail the number of RTAs down there.


As for pot holes - the more the better - they slow drivers down, at least I'm thinking that's the rationale for the state of some of our village roads. Foxdale and St Johns for example.

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Me thinks that we have been here before; It's nothing to do with an un-inforceable speed limit.


People will speed, people will crash, deal with it.


We don't really need a limit as it won't change anything people will still drive at high speeds, the nobs on the roads will still be there.


I would argue that there are fewer fatal crashes over here than there are in an area similar in the UK with similar roads (take Cumbria or Dorset for road type and condense.)


It's nothing do with with limits, people will crash at 5mph, 25mph, 50mph and (oh yes god damn it) even at 100mph

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What another momentous victory for the nanny state! And where was this consultation about the imposition of a speed limit along the straight advertised? Did anybody see any prominent, well-lit signs asking for views to be forwarded to this twit who runs transport on this Island? No, of course not. Whilst in the course of history this speed limit may seem a minor event, it is symptomatic of insidious manner in which our politicians are nawing away at the Manx spirit and independence which has always made this Island such a great place to live.


I am a regular user of the Straight and I'll tell you what the hazards are:


1. Excessive SLOWNESS by the members of the 'my body will atomise if I travel faster than 40 mph' cult (who unfortunately infest the Island) and who create great frustration in those stuck behind who actually do have to be somewhere by a certain time. Aside from adverse weather there is no reason to drive at less than 60mph between the top of Foxdale and Silverglen dip.

2. The complete inability of Manx drivers (and by that I mean those who have had no great experience of driving anywhere else but the Island) to overtake another vehicle. I marvel at the patience of some drivers who, it appears, would be quite happy to sit behind a tractor for the next 50 years rather then dare to overtake.

3. Drivers entering the Straight from side roads who exhibit no appreciation of speed and distance to safely fit into the flow - and let's face it for 95% of the day it you'll be lucky to see more than 3 or 4 cars along the entire length of the Straight.


No, it's a sad day for motorisits and a sadder day for the supposed democratic system we used to enjoy.


If you don't know where 5th gear is, get off the road! Clarkson - where are you when we need you?


Rant over and out.

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Just glad I got to test drive the Noble M12 up there before they applied the nanny limit.


As ans says, thin end of the wedge folks. Instead of encouraging drivers to gain the skills to drive quickly and safely, we're all being dragged down to shuffling along in lines like toy cars on a kiddie ride. Someone called me a while ago about draconian speed limits and suggested we form some sort of an action group to resist this kind of nonsense. Any takers?


If not, don't worry, keep watching the TV, everything is fine...

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