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Mr. Sausages

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Everything posted by Mr. Sausages

  1. I bet you're shit a Super Mario Kart though.
  2. Don't want to be pedantic but the Berlin Wall fell in the 80s. Only just. Nov 89, so it had a far bigger impact on the 90s than the 80s.
  3. 90s was a pretty good decade to be a young adult. House music, clubbing, end of the Cold War and fall of the Berlin Wall, pre 9/11 terrorism hysteria. A lot of positivity in the 90s.
  4. Pretty handy though. The reminder threads on here have saved me a few quid over the years.
  5. Good enough for building a raft. Not good enough for building a space rocket.
  6. I got different results measuring them on the my phone and then on my desktop.
  7. Thou shalt not question the TT.
  8. Can you give an example of a law that does "work"?
  9. I think you're confusing laws with computer programming.
  10. What do you mean by "work"?
  11. "Loose sheep at gooseneck"
  12. More cyclists might slow them down. The thought that there could be a cyclist or pedestrian should already slow them down.
  13. Police are admitting that they have lost control of it by advising against legal use. Mountain road is effectively a no go zone. Like the slums in South Africa.
  14. Not before many tears are shed. Less than a billion in 1900. 2.5 billion in 1950s. 7.5 billion and counting. It's not going to end well and as a subject for debate as a huge issue facing humanity it is totally shut down by political correctness. Don't worry woolley, those pesky muslims will get their hands on a hydrogen bomb soon.
  15. Lower your standards and she might get the money back.
  16. I won't. The police might though.
  18. They started at £50 a year and said it would go up by £50 each year till it reached £300. That might not be lots to you but it is to some. When did they announce that?
  19. Er, I guess I was wrong then. OK It's not lots. No wait. You've confused me now.
  20. They didn't say lots. I said lots.
  21. I was right! Hooray! http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-news/toilet-tax-rises-42-a-year-for-average-manx-household-1-7744484
  22. MF is the secret nobody talks about with their work colleagues.
  23. A sketch show from BBC Scotland has made its way to Netflix. To be honest it can be a bit hit and miss. Except for the unemployed stoner Dee Dee, which is the best thing I've seen for a long time. So here's a compilation of Dee Dee sketches. The laughing cow is my favourite (first sketch on part 3).
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