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Everything posted by yootalkin2me

  1. I've no intention of going anywhere off island until spring at the earliest, I also have no intention of any of my family visiting for Christmas...they all live here...happy days and merry Christmas to one and all.
  2. Au contraire mon ami, 4 weeks = had a shag, 8 weeks = didn't have a shag...not sure what the ratio is though.
  3. Yes, a mere spelling error. I find it quite odd that forums foster the "I'm right", "no, I'm right", "no, I'm right", it's really quite entertaining in a bizarre kind of way...and none of it matters a jot!
  4. It really doesn't matter what opinions, hypothesis, models etc anyone on this forum has, we will all have to do pretty much exactly what the authorities have told us to do whether we agree or like it ir not or we run the risk of facing the consequences such as imprisonment for 4 or 8 weeks depending on whether or not the Deemster had a shag the night before...that is all.
  5. Er...Mr Knowall...would tgst be Level 3a or Level 3b?
  6. To be honest, when you mix in the polarisation in the US, the huge rise in Islamic hostilities (I'm no fan of any religion but especially Islam - oppressive to and for women and they get all bent out of shape from being offended, I mean really, to kill because someone drew a bloody cartoon ffs!), Covid19, massive refugee crisis and probably a few more that escape me, it would appear that the world is becoming a Hell on Earth.......yet again, maybe it was always thus (sigh)!
  7. I didn't post it stating that it was how I felt, I posted it because there are those that feel that way, pretty much. Personally speaking, there's enough evidence to show that it does kill ages and has very serious health implications, if not fatal, for all ages too. Having said that, there needs to be a timescale or exit strategy based on a vaccine, no vaccine or the virus dying out or becoming less of a health issue, we cannot continue as it is because we cannot financially afford to (any affect on the rest of the world will hit us whether we are Covid free or not) and physically because people will be dropping like flies from increased delays in surgery or treatments, suicide, fatalities from domestic abuse...in the UK massive civil unrest, rioting and looting, hateful people seeking out those with Covid and doing them harm or worse...the list is endless.
  8. Never mind TT 2021, at this rate they'll be lucky to have TT 2022!!
  9. Ffs the law should just allow any adult to get stoned for whatever the fuck reason they want to and have it grown on island or imported via lawful regulated suppliers and sold through official licensed, regulated and taxed outlets which would give the Police the time resources to concentrate on tackling Class A drugs and those that illegally peddle in it and profit from it.
  10. The New World Order run by the Illuminati?
  11. There has to be a minimum of 450mm clearance from the perpendicular of the kerb edge to the furthest extruding part of any street furniture whilst maintaining a 1.2m clearance on the footway between the kerb and and obstacle so as to allow prams, wheelchairs etc.
  12. So basically you're saying that Sweden's dealing with Covid-19 was "look after yourself and fuck everyone else"? That's a riduculous notion and is inconceivable, how could a nation even propose this let alone enact it? Also, how long do you think this lockdown should go on for then?
  13. You got one 'thanks' for that post, I would imagine you could multiply that by many, many more had I posted about you, now just put me on ignore and be on your way you halfwit.
  14. I don't care, I'm also no sweetie-pie and not once have I ever claimed to be. I care about some people but not all of them, I've got more sympathy and empathy for Syrian or Afghan refugees getting drowned escaping a war torn country than I have for your friend just as you'll no doubt care more about your friend than you do for me or mine and to say anything contrary to that is utter bullshit and you know it.
  15. How can you be sure, are you medically qualified as well as being qualified in just about everything else on planet Earth? My point weeks and weeks ago was to isolate the vulnerable and allow everyone else to be free, let the virus do it's thing and then slowly die off and then when/if a vaccine is created let this a who wish to have it, have it. By your logic we should either ban all forms of transport, or at least reduce the speed of road vehicles to 10mph and reduce the frequency of all other forms of transport because people die of it and we must reduce those rates of death, continue down this line and the whole world comes to a complete standstill forever.
  16. It sounds like your friend in Ramsey is pretty fragile and could easily die of the flu or common cold, do we keep lockdown going indefinitely for him/hard and others like them? It's not about money, it's about treating people in hospital who are gravely sick and will die as a result of reduced services for the lockdown, the massive increase in mental ill health, the massive increase of domestic abuse and violence etc etc...but as long as your friend who is most probably at death's door anyway is kept alive then that's ok.
  17. I could argue I'm an atheist so why do I pay my rates for the churchyard, I nor my family hardly ever use the swimming pool so why pay my rates for that, I only put my bin out once every couple of weeks, why should I pay as much as everyone else....because it's for the greater good and the community that's why.
  18. There is a music service which co-ordinates everything but the actual lessons are given by private tutors whom go to all the schools, they are paid by the Department. The cost is subsidised and much cheaper than individual private lessons at home or at the music tutor's place of teaching.
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