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Everything posted by yootalkin2me

  1. Not one person here knows what went on prior to the flood, you all opine about this and that but none of you actually know all the facts. It must be gratifying to you armchair experts to have a public forum otherwise no one would listen to you. Why doesn't someone actually acquire all the facts, post them on here and then you can all be free to sp9ut your opin8ons because they'll be based on fact rather than hearsay and conjecture?
  2. yootalkin2me


    Also not correct, that is an assumption, most that I know care an awful lot and don't have that attitude at all, you must have been working in a specific t9xic environment.
  3. yootalkin2me


    That's bullshit for a start. I worked on that job and a Dutch company who were specialists at floating floors in swimming pools fitted it, it worked fine. The flumes installed were done correctly too.
  4. I agree, originally there was a single tram track but then, as tourism grew exponentially, a second track was laid. Now that we don't have anywhere near, or ever will, the peak tourism figures we once had then why oh why are we having two tracks, even if only for half the distance, it makes no sense whatsoever, and to add to the lunacy they are in the middle of the road again...utter madness, it makes no sense, even if the tracks are to have an electric tram (at some point in the future...maybe) it still doesn't make any sense...at all!
  5. yootalkin2me


    I'm pretty certain all IoM Government contrscts are either NEC3 or NEC4 depending on the date of the contract.
  6. What are if it was say Jimmy Saville (if he was alive), would it be the right thing to do to turn back...or would it be best to either continue onward, or even better to chuck him overboard?
  7. Damn predictive text....I fackin 'ate it I do.
  8. What about E"s... I think you can tell someone's on an E because they're fucking ace at dancing when compared to when they're not on an Email because then they are usually quite shit and have very little, if any, rythmn.....as well as the gurning and chewing the inside of their mouths....and having eyes like dinner plates :-)
  9. Then prosecute him for petty crime then, smoking pot is victimless.
  10. Speaks volumes then doesn't it, he's obviously into pot so legalise it and then he, and all other partakers, will be happy and not criminals whilst happily getting stoned at home or house parties or coffee shops....no one ever heard of stoned people fighting (anyone stoned really couldn't be arsed, they'd rather discuss the meaning of life and coming up with solutions to the world's problems whilst listening to some ace music and eating food...lots of it). .as opposed to fights breaking out all over due to alcohol consumption!
  11. 1 Sergeant to 5 Constables and less than 1Inspector to 3 Sergeants , is that the general ratio in the UK?
  12. This s is a great idea in principle, however, how are they going to get rid of the silt easily because at the moment the river to Ramsey washes it out naturally?
  13. Money begets money, I'm sure she"ll still be ducking the gardener rather than him...it's all about climbing the social ladder and nothing else, love certainly isn't part of the union.
  14. Then more thought ought to be put in prior to posting.
  15. And why pray tell then is it understandable?
  16. Seeing as we're on the subject of housing; when the fuck are the authorities going to bring in a system where people in public housing who exceed a specific threshold of income and who's children have grown up and left home are turfed out of their public housing and forced to rent/buy private property? Oh, and another fucking rant; bankers, brought about a recession , austerity and mosey for millions but instead of being jailed or forced to wear a banner stating 'Im a fucking greedy banker" in public they are forgotten about all too quickly and its business as fucking usual? Rants over!!!!!
  17. You're a week late, it was featured last Friday or was it Have I got news for you?
  18. Good luck with that.....they pull figures out of the air and that is adequate explaination and justification enough for the peasants.
  19. The thing is that despite the "successful marketing" people who see these fairy cottages/art installation are hardly going to flock here in droves because of it. Legalise marijuana before the UK does and you'll have thousands of harmless "pot tourists" pouring in here and they'll be spending shitloads of cash on food in readiness of munchie attacks ...it's a win win for all even the rozzers. Fuck art and fuck fairy cottages and toadstools...unless of course those toadstools are the Liberty Cap type ;=}
  20. Asitis makes a valid point, the ones linked on his post are a mere fraction of the cost and all that would be needed to be considered art would be to arrange a few clay toadstools, a bit of bracken and moss and hey presto! Although only £26k which in comparison to the white elephant schemes the Government spunks our money on is relatively small fry it is still a waste of our money. With all the advertising over the years, our home grown celebrities, previous visitors, the TT and MGP, socialedia, TripAdvisor etc etc etc, if the world doesn't know about the Isle of Man then nothing else, not even fucking little fairy cottages will make any difference....the only way that can be achieved is as SoS stated...a serial killer who has outkilled every other serial killer the rest of the world has offered. If this was just an isolated incident of DfE spunking our money on bullshit endeavours then it would be kind of ok but it's not is it, it's another in an extremely long list of profligate waste whereby the justification is made by plucking imaginary figures from the air with no hard evidence to back them up whatsoever
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