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Everything posted by Terminal

  1. Dr. Glover has offered to sequence the latest 2 cases for free today to find the original source. Given that contact tracing probably won’t be told the whole truth for fear of repercussions that would be very useful.
  2. Isn’t one of those two Jet Ski man’s Mrs?
  3. So the moral of the story is..never try to help the Isle of Man government?
  4. What happens if it goes in your left arm then?
  5. *trusts. Without the apostrophe. Thought someone in your business might’ve already pointed that out to you by now.
  6. And ‘Account Directors’. Fuck off the lot of ya’ll.
  7. You must be one of these people up there doing 45 with a half mile queue of cars behind you. I’ve probably overtaken you every day for the last 35 years 👍
  8. Lots of people are still working. Have you tried driving over the mountain at 40mph? It’s mind numbingly boring to the point where you’ll fall asleep.
  9. Yeah, government workers’ pensions will be the last to be stopped. We all knew this years ago.
  10. Does anyone know of a JetSki for sale with a large enough fuel tank to make it to safer lands?
  11. Genomics from last Friday just received back today. Henrietta says it will be interesting to see the results from positive cases over the weekend. She knows who she should’ve called then.
  12. Said like the midwife of a 17 year old Pulrose girl.
  13. Women are right bitches with each other in the workplace. Even more so at higher levels where they’re fighting to be mother hen. I can only imagine what it’s like in that structure chart. There’ll be plenty of clucking going on.
  14. Am I the only one who finds it a little suspicious that we’ve not had any positive cases even from people who have travelled back to the island? We used to have those almost every day.
  15. Is Tim Glover any relation to Dr. Rachael Glover?
  16. You’re obviously just an expert at everything.
  17. True. I used to drive over the mountain at 6am before it had even been gritted. But the problem nowadays is other people driving like twats who don’t seem to realise that ice and snow is slippery. They’re what worries me when driving in these conditions now.
  18. There was some woman whining on Facebook this morning because her and her boyfriend had decided between them that, because there was no sign of snow or ice down south, it was ok for him to ride his motorbike to Douglas, even though the snow and had been forecast. He binned it on snow at the roundabout after the home of rest for old horses (whatever that one’s called??). For some reason she was following him in her car. Then she was ‘absolutely fuming’ because it hadn’t been gritted, so phoned the DOI to complain. It’s good job I didn’t take that call 😆
  19. Gritter Fairy didn’t do a very good job because the road is still closed.
  20. At least Derek has finally got himself a national speed limit. I’m just glad it’s not here.
  21. Makes you wonder what’s really going on doesn’t it? Rather than the economy losing billions or trillions through lockdowns, why not spend a tenth of that increasing hospital capacity and let everyone who wants to carry on with their livelihoods?
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