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Everything posted by Two-lane

  1. Application ID 22/01069/B
  2. Either the ID or the location is required to easily find the application. I cannot find the location in any news item. The other possibility is to go through the entire planning application list...
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cndn7x7gyz7o Is this the same place? The news item is dated 20 February 2024. "Construction of the Sarc is expected to cost about £830,000."
  4. Two-lane


    " Jason Scales took the stand on Friday morning " "Deemster Graeme Cook told the jury just after 3pm"
  5. Name names. And they may well have a job.
  6. "New Pier Head operator GPH have informed the company that a previously agreed usage of the landing stage on those days will prevent Manannan from using the berth." That raises some questions.
  7. When the Strand Centre was opened, people came from far away (Bride) to ride on the escalator. This is life on the IoM.
  8. Absolutely. You went through any number of cans of Heineken and Grolsch and Budweiser before you arrived at the correct colour combination. Dedication. Those railings....
  9. The Teapot - living on the edge, but always with a can of BrewDog Lost to hand. Such a thrill. Don't get that in Ramsey.
  10. What are the requirements for a Sexual Assault Referral Centre? An Internet search did not provide anything definitive. The word "Referral" implies that the real business happens elsewhere. Is this merely an office with a telephone, manned by someone who has been trained to handle this kind of event?
  11. I believe (but I could be wrong) that there are programs you can run on a website to check for broken links. Well, actually I am not wrong. I run a cron job links check on a website once every 24 hours. I suppose one cannot expect too much from a government computer department (that's today's sarcasm quota out of the way).
  12. This is a photo taken while I was waiting. Ground level visibility was always unlimited. The fog was a coming and going some way up. Maybe the comments about the airport landings systems will be resurrected.
  13. The LoganAir Manchester to IoM made three attempts at landing and then went off to Liverpool. The Heathrow to IoM at around the same time also failed.
  14. Two-lane


    "Cross-examining, defence advocate Laurence Vaughan-Williams said there was no dispute that the ‘Greenhow guarantee’ document was not genuine. But he added: ‘What the defence is unable to establish is the provenance of that particular document.’"
  15. "o Nobles Park will be used for disabled and permit parking only o Spectators will be parking in St George's Football Field - this is likely to cause a lot of congestion along St Ninian's Road as people will be expecting to park in Nobles Park o We are planning on coning half of the highway along St Ninian's Road to create a turning lane (see picture below)" Unless they are avid readers of ManxForums...
  16. It is mentioned in section 9 of: https://consult.gov.im/cabinet-office/modernisation-of-the-island-s-electoral-system/supporting_documents/Phase 2 report by John Turner.pdf
  17. A ten-year plan? How long will it take them to formulate a ten-year plan (and how many chocolate Bourbons will be consumed)? Will they need to employ change consultants to manage the changes? By the time the ten years is up, society will have changed and a new ten-year plan will be required.
  18. Anything Hooper, or any other political person, publishes on Twitter, Facebook, or any other "social media" is nothing to do with the job they are doing. If that reduces the time they spend on social media rambling, maybe that will give them more time to do the job they are paid to do. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/info-commissioner-issues-social-media-advice-to-public-servants/
  19. Mr R Callister, MHK Chairman, Mr P Young, Mr S Skelton, Mr M Warren, Mrs H Hughes, Miss A Betteridge and Mr P Whiteway.
  20. Two-lane


    This is entertaining. Emerald Distributors Ltd lists 2 employees: Hawkins, Steve (secretary) and Hawkins, Steven (director). Is that legal?
  21. Two-lane


    Superficially, this looks a little weird. Oran Hawkins is a director at Paradigm VL Group. The LinkedIn summary states that "Paradigm VL Group Ltd was established in 2011 and has since developed to become a recognised market leader in introducing sophisticated and wealthy investors to carefully selected, and pre-vetted, global investment projects requiring capital or funding." Nice phrasing. Hawkins goes on to list his education as "Kingswood School - A-Levels International Business" Unaccustomed as I am to being cynical, but linking a high-point in education of an A-level and "sophisticated and wealthy investors" would seem to be a bit of a fantasy. But maybe that is what the totality of sophisticated investment is. I've got an A-level. In fact I've got three.
  22. This phrase should be replaced by the words "none of the above are worth voting for". There should be a distinction between someone spilling coffee on the voting form, and people who disagree with all the proposed candidates.
  23. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/cannan-i-will-be-proposing-referendum-on-assisted-dying/ "He told members there comes a 'time and a place when the people need their say':" Sounds good. How about the people having a say about MHKs paying for parking. Or £100,000 per year for an AI "expert". Or any other number of things the people need to decide about.
  24. Bring back gargoyles - but not in fibreglass.
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