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Everything posted by Whatnonsence

  1. Be assured the report on the flooding in Laxey will be seen by COMIN then presented to Tynwald on the last sitting before the summer recess along with all other embarrassing and incompetent business conducted by our government.
  2. Why not he has been media trained!
  3. The loss of Flybe has sorted any quarantine issues, we are in lock down!
  4. Alexandra Taylor’s we’re located on the corner where the shoe shop is now. There we’re there until the early seventies.
  5. It is called collective responsibility and the backbone that ties our department heads our government together, it is the only backbone they have.
  6. It was not for the St Johns Ambulance car going like the bat out hell along Gansey well in access of the 30mph limit with all his blues going. Are these lads qualified to do blue light runs Derek?
  7. This was a major feature of the 2006 General Election, Karran was not the only one to point out the pension black hole. Trouble was once they got elected they all fell in line,same happened at the next two election. Our MHKs are there for themselves.
  8. Gathering any evidence which involves Mental Health issues is notoriously difficult. It requires an Independent body hearing the evidence which should be protected with animinity No patient or person suffering from Mental Health problems or carer is going to give evidence without that protection. If Tynwald can guarantee witnesses are not named then they will make massive advances into securing a far better idea of what is going critically wrong in the treatment and protection of the most vulnerable in our society.
  9. The Mental Health service here and in the UK are not fit for purpose. I have experienced both services and there are identical in that they do manage their patients, they wait till a crisis appears and then they may act They take little notice of the careers until again a crisis happens. The police service is also overwhelmed by the mental health crisis. Mental Health suffers instead of going to hospital are held at police stations to await a bed/police officers are stuck in hospitals with patients also waiting for a bed or a facility to accommodate them.
  10. Totally agree, what an annoying child, what an annoying and worthless advert. The drought is over. The Chief Ministers predicting no rain till October is way off what is happening in the real world. Nothing has changed there though!
  11. The bottom line for me is the continual huge losses of public money by our politicians over decades. Peter Karran puts the blame on our system of government which has no apparent built in checks and balances on spending. A lack of accountability to the public is also a huge problem, it is our money after all. The Lisvane report on reform has been buried. Has a lesson ever been really learned?
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