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Everything posted by ballaughbiker

  1. I knew I was doing something wrong. Never had one day off ill when I worked for them. Just asked the one in the house that still does. A handful (well <10) of days off ill in 30+ years. To get that average of 12.5/year some must be having weeks off each year so that will involve agreement of a GP. πŸ˜‰
  2. Yep me too but being old, I'm not quite as blasé. My son had a similar idea of covid to you until last week when he finally caught it. You're only good until you're not good but it seems the chance of a significant reaction to Covid appears to be waning.🀞
  3. I hope you're not suggesting a "Darren" ?
  4. Anti -teacher ideology ? Not much ...πŸ˜„
  5. You actually wouldn't have heard about this one IF the disparaging tone of the majority of your (and other's) posts on this thread hadn't indicated some degree of anti teacher ideology. Perhaps you haven't considered that some kids 'have to' be cared for much more than most imagine which is why they are some of the most challenging in the island. She is just getting on with it because somebody has to. I'd stop digging .. πŸ˜‰
  6. Yeah. I know one teacher at work today despite having a suspected lateral tibial condyle fracture (sustained at work a couple of weeks ago) . Oh and she's in her mid 60s and 'just getting on with it' dealing with some of the island's most challenging children for mediocre reward. We know you are 'sick of hearing about these teachers' and think they don't work until state retirement age but this inconvenient example has only been mentioned to balance your apparent ideology.
  7. So they generally take advantage of the option to pull 'sickies' for minor illness do they ? Or was that just to trigger ?
  8. The numpty decision to change the pension arrangements is a major factor in this.
  9. Spain (Andalucia) 10% VAT France split 5% and 20%
  10. I know you posted this simplistic crap weeks ago but IF it had any truth to it, you'd think they'd be queuing down the road and round the corner for such a job instead of leaving in their droves. or was it just your 'little joke' with its πŸ˜€ ?
  11. They were in the vast majority of valid cases. That is one newspaper 'report' based on the musings of a very well known (in the profession) nutty professor who has never worked in general practice and has largely since been discredited on his general practice 'findings'. Back in the 80s, for a short time, I was of a team that was a minor part of the investigative side of the organisation that paid NHS dentists. They sometimes referred stuff to our committe as a secondary system to their usual employed individual regional inspectors if treatment reports didn't look right in any way plus many were just picked out as a random check a bit like the tax man does. High earners were checked proportionately more. We often found that under precription (aka 'supervised neglect') was the main problem plus a tiny proportion of erm 'accounting errors'. If there was any doubt, we could demand pre-treatment radiographs to check for caries and correlate those with the treatment intended or provided. In those days, a dentist had to sign a patient off as dentally fit on completion to get paid. Countless patients were sent back for further treatment for minor lesions that had been missed. Nobody likes dental treatment and to purport that much was unnecessary is every journalist's dream. They have an instant interested audience who they have just made very angry. Perfect ..
  12. Oh look. Thread resurrection by the OP with little demonstrable regard to some previous factual and informative posts. As for the penultimate sentence, I feel zero schadenfreude towards the 1950/60/70s dentists who undoubtably saved me from a lifetime of denture wearing as suffered by my parents and many of my school friends. They used amalgam which was virtually the only viable material at the time (apart from cast gold) and I sincerely thank them for their considerable skill and care in repairing a dentition significantly damaged through my own omission and negligence. It's mighty easy to retrospectively pessimistically assess the use of amalgam now significantly better materials and techniques (both diagnostic and therapeutic) are available. In the 70s there was massive amounts of dental caries presenting without 'going looking for it' and I have no doubt there were some wrong 'uns amongst the vast majority of caring professionals just helping people. To suggest those wrong 'uns were the norm is however both specious and unwarranted. I make no comment however on individual's anecdotal experience of which I have zero knowledge. Fwiw .. surveying child dental disease here did not start until about 1993. When the results were first available and compared to UK surveys, the result demonstrated a provably considerably worse caries rate, in fact I think it was one of the worst in the British Isles. That is highly likely to have also been the case during the time under question.
  13. Hmmm I gave my son (UK resident) my Manx regd car a couple of years back. He wanted to come to the island for a day to pick it up (like Dan) and drive it to its initial pre-booked MOT near where he lives in Shropshire. He contacted the police and the DVLA who both maintained that it was illegal for a UK resident with a UK driving licence to drive a Manx registered vehicle in the UK unless it was a hire car or on trade plates. We did question this using UK licensed lorry drivers driving european lorries into the country but the police were very firm about this view and quoted the exact legislation concerned which we checked and sure enough .. I shall see if I still have their communication. Incidentally Dan, the DVLA said it must be pre-booked into the nearest MOT station to the point of entry into the UK yet the police said it didn't have to be the nearest as long as you went straight there on entering the UK. We never did find out who was right on that discrepancy. Top tip : Don't declare it exported from IOM until it really has (the point when the UK V5C is issued) otherwise you can render it unregistered anywhere until DVLA do their bit which could be weeks ..
  14. What John says plus it is illegal for a UK resident to drive a foreign registered car in the UK.
  15. Not accurate. CI are part of British Isles and British Islands (not mentioned here)
  16. Yes. This is BY FAR the number one problem yet hardly anyone talks about it compared to all the other supposed answers. The waste we create is close behind but waste ultimately relies on #1 problem.
  17. The vaccine rollout decisions were not dependent on EU non-membership.
  18. Yep. I have been trying to link the TAC Verif app with the TousAntiCovid app (where the certificates are stored) to save carrying the paper bit around and scanning it each time. Failed..
  19. Thought so hence your point about 30 days being a real pain if you are travelling. Mrs biker points out you (obv) need access to a printer once you download any updated certificate which will of course not then be on security paper. I think this is the IOM gov all over. Slow, inefficient, costly and different for the sake of it, often to every Manx resident's detriment once you have the temerity to go elsewhere. It seems little has changed since I worked there 30+ years ago.
  20. Nah, it doesn't warrant that now the issue has, finally, been resolved. It just doesn't matter any more. Perhaps it won't happen again eh ? πŸ˜‰
  21. Me too. I'm off to France where they have an app called TousAntiCovid. It provides a QR to access places and transport that require full vax. I have just tried to activate it with the NHS 2D barcode and .. yes .. it works. It just all needs repeating in 30 days which, as you have already pointed out, is a pain Maybe your destination countries have a similar app to the French that may help whilst this is resolved?
  22. Cage rattled and a prompt response. Thank you Richard. There was a 2nd email sent at 1413 on the 14th June following the one to which you referred (sent at 1212). It is pointless going any further with this as the subsequent 2 lost emails included a once valid enquiry that has now been rendered irrelevant by the recent issue resolution. That said, I can prove both were sent, so if they do arrive, any response would now be entirely superfluous. However, fair play to you. You had the you-know-whats to contribute on here...πŸ‘
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