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Everything posted by Cambon

  1. Interesting. on point 1, Although Irish were not enslaved, all male Irish arrivals at Ellis island were sent directly to the front line to fight the confederacy. That is enslavement. 2, The south seceded over taxes imposed by Washington DC, in particular land taxes. 3, It is true that only a small percentage of people owned slaves. They were expensive and just like today only the very rich could afford them. 4, This is actually correct. 5, This is also correct. However, when the unionist attacked plantations, the enslaved people fought against them. They were fighting for their home, their livelihoods and often their lives. At the end of the war, the south had incredibly lost. General Robert Lees house and property was confiscated from him in payment for land tax arrears. His house, Arlington House still stands. Fantastic house. The rest of the property is where the USA bury their military, Arlington Cemetery.
  2. Allow what businesses to function? After tomorrow's announcements, I reckon Manx residents will be allowed to visit uk, and go on holiday further afield provided they self isolate for 14 days on return. With regard to tourism as I said earlier this year's tourist season on Iom has already been cancelled. We have about 75% of our economy back. Another wave and subsequent lockdown will screw us up for the rest of the year and probably beyond. We are currently quite safe. If we can get a few holiday makers from Guernsey and Jersey, maybe Ireland later in the year, that will help. As I ve said, the borders need to open, but not any time soon.
  3. Yes, but no new cases today, two yesterday, two the day before. For the next few days, who knows? The virus was taken in by uk visitors going to see parents on the exemption scheme with closed borders. That is how easily this thing spreads. NZ are on a similar borders stage to us.
  4. Look, I want to go on holiday as much as anyone else. However, why risk it when there is a wave of infection taking off? Other countries are trying different types of quarantine and isolation. Wait and see what works. Then follow that. The majority of the Islands income is secure. Yes, there will be une,ployment. Opening borders is not going to help or change that.
  5. Jersey and Guernsey are more reliant on tourist than we are. Our tourist season has effectively been cancelled. We don't need borders open to visitors. Uk is beginning to spike again. The World is well into its second wave. Just look at Worldometers.org. New Zealand whom everyone raved about allowed too many people in. They now have gone from nothing to 22 cases. The best approach for I.o.M. is to adopt a wait and see. Dr. A says there will be a second wave here. The only way that can happen is through the borders.
  6. Port Erin does not have screens. Rather than make the changes required, I reckon they will shut it down due to Castletown being so close and slightly larger. Thing is, Port Erin branch is always busy so there will be some back lash.
  7. Sorry but the profits easyJet make on the Iom Lpl route are immense when you take into account the low overheads, especially the short time it takes. They will jump to it as soon as HQ gives the go ahead.
  8. You really are a dreamer. Jersey have been idiotic through the pandemic. Guernsey have done very well, like us. I am looking forward to going back to Guernsey in a couple of months for a break. Great place. I have family in Jersey. They can wait a few more months. Borders with Ireland will be open before UK.
  9. Correct, but all were under strict instructions.
  10. No. I think they and F1 in general are exploiting Hamilton as a black man, literally for the purposes of promoting F1.
  11. Replace black with female, same applies. Does that mean that F1 hates women? Of course not. The snowflakes have already got rid of the F1 Grid Girls!
  12. Jealous? I am not jealous of anyone! The issue with all three drivers is and was a level playing field. Schumacher took Benetton to the top. He then took Ferrari to the top. Vettel basically did similar. However, in both cases the FIA were criticised for favouring those teams. Hamilton has always been with the same team. That team has consistently been favoured in the same way because of Hamilton. Put Hamilton in any other F1 car and he is a pretty average driver, just like his team mate Bottas.
  13. When Michael Schumacher was winning everything in F1, I hated him. When Vettel was winning everything in F1, I hated him. I hate Lewis Hamilton, you can probably guess why. However, I have been called a racist for stating this.
  14. So, the uk sent care home patients who were in hospital back to their care homes to free up hospital beds. Covid spread like wildfire through these care homes killing thousands. These are not in the uk Covid death figures. The uk death figures only take into account people who test positive first before dying. Until recently, the uk death figures only included people who died in hospital. The uk still is not testing enough people to do any good. Their track and trace is useless. They never closed the borders, or even do any tests on arrivals. Things are so bad in the uk, other countries are banning uk flights. New Zealand was reinfected by the uk. And you think our system is based on theirs? You must live in a dream!
  15. More like the only ones who want the borders open are a few snowflakes who want a summer jollyday. Poor little sweeties. How dare that nasty virus affect you!
  16. Nah! They will wait and see. No point opening boarders. UK never closed their borders. Jersey is asking for trouble. We may get flights between here and Guernsey with no quarantine. Maybe a few other safe holiday destinations. However, Spain is already starting to close some popular beaches and attractions due to risk of spread.
  17. Cambon

    Fancy a pint?

    Aye. The craic was 90 in the Isle of Man!
  18. Golfer, Covid is still here in the community, as it is still in New Zealand. The longer we have no new community cases, the more likely it is that the virus is burning out. The problem is people travelling to uk and bringing it back. I think NZ has jumped the gun a bit here. Our steady approach is better. All being well, we should have virtually everything open by Tynwald day, except the borders. Borders need to remain shut as the second wave will almost certainly start this week following the protests of the past few days.
  19. Cambon

    Fancy a pint?

    Correct. Several pubs are selling take aways. The breweries had already started preparing for TT and all those ingredients have to be used or thrown away.
  20. Yep, does not need a wall, it needs a few diggers and some sand moving. Fifty odd years of sand build up can be moved in a few weeks, buying another fifty odd years. Another waste of money.
  21. Isn't that a bus stop that the stretch limo is parked in?
  22. Totally agree. So here are the facts. 37 active cases, 21 in hospital, 1 at Abbotswood, 12 at Newlands plus 3 in the community. 2 awaiting testing. So basically, all but three known cases are contained at the hospital. Why those other three are not isolated there Christ knows.
  23. Basically, "Awaiting testing" are those in the general public whom have called 111 and have been given a date and time to attend the Grandstand. "Awaiting results" is everyone whom has been tested (hospital patients, staff, recovered and Grandstand) and are still waiting.
  24. Staff at Nobles are being tested. Every patient who stays overnight or longer is tested. That is why the numbers awaiting testing and the numbers awaiting results never tally up.
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