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Everything posted by Cambon

  1. And then you get shite like this coming from the eu... https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/michel-barnier-brexit-trade-uk-financial-services-120109582.html He has no idea what is coming!
  2. Just a quick point. Yesterday there were two small cruise ships docked end to end on the outside of the pier, and there was still a small bit of space land side. So, if it were to be dredged a bit, could they not get one big cruise ship along side?
  3. Yes, Mervin was BOE at that time. However the RBS and Lloyd's "take overs" were engineered. Broon wanted four government controlled banks Savings, Retail, Mortgage and Commercial. What the government did would have put ordinary people in prison. Even now, all we here is lies about it. Those takeovers were absolute scandle. Thank God it is now sorting itself out.
  4. I have noticed today that there are loads of uk government adds on to about travel post Brexit. I reckon uk is out next Friday with no eu deal.
  5. Thing is, if option 2 - remain was accepted, what sort of relationship would it be? UK would be punished hard for having the audacity to try to leave. Not a viable option anymore in my opinion
  6. What a bunch of over educated half wits the uk government is. Where is Guy Falkes when you need him?
  7. Electric cars will not happen. There is far too little lithium in the world to produce the batteries. Like ultra HD, it is over before it has started. What will happen is restrictions on the number of cars or bikes you can have, or the amount of fuel you can buy.
  8. Why not make he 100 or so empty 2 hour spaces on head road and south quay "all day parking", thereby freeing up 100 or so spaces in town, that can be made 1 hour or less?
  9. Seriously! To cut electricity use? What absolute bollox! This is the same government who is trying to push electric cars, to the point that I have heard that very soon, all new houses being built have to have electric car charging points. Whether you want it or not.
  10. So far, I am loving Brexit. Look at the exchange rate! Up two cents in two days. As I said way earlier, the reason that Carney halved the interest rate last year was to stop it rocketing. I am not saying it will be up and up, but watch this space!
  11. Er.... tht's what we are doing. We're definitely going now can we talk terms. Er..... No we are not. By leaving, we are taking 15% of their GDP, but reducing the EU population by only 10%. Other countries and ECB quantitive easing has to make up the rest to pay for the weaker countries and failing EU project.
  12. I think you will find a good bit of profiteering there too
  13. @Freggaragh - The second biggest economy in the EU, whose stock exchange is hovering at around its all time high, who has a history of trade links world wide has decided to leave the EU. The remaining countries are crapping themselves.
  14. Because the BoE halved the interest rate after the referendum to stop the pound soaring up.
  15. Well, I was watching a political program on one of the news channels yesterday morning and they were discussing political news. The main thing was artical 50, followed by BT and a couple of other issues. The last thing brought up was Europe again, but this time discussions within the eu about kicking Greece out, without financial penalty, or even paying back their debt. How ironic. The EU is screwed without the UK. I have said before and I will say again. 10% of the population of the union leaves taking 15% of the GDP. That will not end well for the union. They are desperate for uk money. TM needs to tell them to FO. No payments, just trade deals
  16. I thought at first, who the heck thought of this completely idiotic idea, until I did some digging. Orkney is just a small example. Look at Madeira. Before you say warm and sunny, their cruise season is their winter. However, now spreading into their summer. Like most islands, if you are there for a day, you can either pay a fortune for a tour, or walk about town and have a few pints and lunch. Over the past 20 years, Madeira has grown from being a very minor tourist island to being quite a major one. The Azores are just starting on this transformation. Watch this space. Liverpool, Belfast and Dublin are all jumping on the cruise game. We would be completely. Stupid not to at least look at it!
  17. I was watching a program last night about a wealth gap between the generations. About how expensive houses are now compared to 30 years ago, etc. A lot of what was said was true and appropriate content. In particular the student debt that many young people have. However, the whole issue was so totally skewed I their direction, it was ridiculous. Young couples today complaining about paying £800 a month while earning an average wage (circa £26000). When my wife and I first married in 1982, we paid £300 a month from our JOINT annual income of £7650. We could not afford a washing machine. We could not afford to buy a TV, so we rented. It was 1986 before we could afford a holiday. In 1988 we bought our first house for £44,000. Due to the tree times the mans salary and one times the woman's salary, that was as much as we could afford. Monthly repayments were £412 at first, but as interest rates rised they went up as fat as £800 per month. At that time, our joint annual income was about £25,000 a year. With rates and everything else, we were on our arses for a year or so. The point is, as someone from that older, despised generation, I have absolutely no sympathy for that younger generation. They blame the older generations for buying cheaper houses, not understanding the sacrifices they made. The younger generations are too busy spending hundreds a month on mobile phones, Sky contracts, Broadband contracts, gymn memberships (rarely used), etc. They then complain at paying similar amounts on rent as we paid in mortgage plus insurance, etc. But, we were on half the money. All I can say to that current generation is FUCK OFF AND GROW UP! That is just my reaction to the rather biased program.
  18. It isn't that simple though is it? The prom is a fucking shambles. It isn't just about skimming the top and replacing it. It is a shambles, but the worst part is the road surface. Get that sorted and everything else will seem irrelevant.
  19. So completely resurfacing 2.75 miles of road costs just less than £500K the Prom is around 2 miles long and twice as wide. So now we know a complete resurface of the Prom would be under £1M. JUST GET ON WITH IT!
  20. I am sure lots of money will be made by lawyers, and there will be a couple of government fines. But this really is a storm in a teacup. Diesel is dirty, always has been, always will be. And yet, most central heating boilers chuff out far more emissions in a year than a small car.
  21. Why? There is no emissions testing here. Having any changes would be of no benefit, and may actually degrade performance or fuel economy.
  22. Judy - the rates system is inequitable due to individual commissioners setting their own rates. The rateable values are equitable if the same rate percentage is set island wide, as is being suggested for the bog tax.
  23. But is not the 92P rate the year after next, when we were told the toilet tax would be £150?
  24. But is not the 92P rate the year after next, when we were told the toilet tax would be £150?
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