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Candidate Announced For Castletown


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that was a diabolical harassing of a candidate, Dan didn't let him get more than a couple of words in reply to a question before being harangued with the same question again and again.


I think Dan needs to go take a cold shower and cool off a bit !


There was a very distinct difference in the tone of that interview to those of other candidates, pity it's not on the website to listen again yet.

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Dan tried very hard to keep him on track - pity poor old Red only had a one track mind.


I asked Dan to change the record, as the one he was trying to play kept getting stuck in the worn grove today.


I thought Roy Redmayne came across as a complete bully in his attempts to forcefully take over the so-called 'interview'. If he'd just answered the questions he could have slanted his answers toward the only issue he seemed to want to talk about, ie Free Speech.


It'd be a laugh having him in Tynwald though!

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I may be wrong but the way it appeared was that Roy is fully aware of the fact that he is unlikely to overthrow Tony Brown but he has used the election process to provide him with a soap box from where he can get the opportunity to air his own issues. He was not willing to be interviewed, he only wanted to have the air time to say what he wanted to.


Possibly so. Which is a pity because if he calmed down a bit he could be in with a real chance of getting in.


It is also a pity that he may be using the Liberal Vannin Party (which has a number of well intentioned candidates standing) as a vehicle for his cause.


There is certainly a need for someone like him in our government, but first of all he has to get the votes. At present, unless he takes stock, I can't see him doing that.





Edited to add:


Dan also gave Phil Kermode a tough interview. That is on the Manx Radio website and well worth a listen.

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that was a diabolical harassing of a candidate, Dan didn't let him get more than a couple of words in reply to a question before being harangued with the same question again and again.


I think Dan needs to go take a cold shower and cool off a bit !


There was a very distinct difference in the tone of that interview to those of other candidates, pity it's not on the website to listen again yet.


I don't think it was any more severe than the one with Nigel Malpass (Ramsey candidate), who kept prefacing his answers with "I've heard that..." or "I've been told by various people that..." and got stamped on every time - quite rightly, IMO, for trying to answer questions with suggestions and hints about gossip and rumours.

That kind of thing may be acceptable on a forum such as this one, but its certainly not what one would expect from an interview with a potential MHK.

We've complained - many, many, many times - that politicians are too often treated with kid gloves by the local media. We have no right to complain if Dan Davis takes it full-on and gives them a proper grilling.

Personally, I think he's doing an excellent job and I certainly haven't heard any sign of bias in any interviews - I just think he does his 'homework' properly and asks relevant questions.

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Who cares if he comes across as a bit up himself? Thats what politicians are all about! Good on Roy for getting across the views that mattered to him. When he is office I am sure that he will be just as dogged in fighting for the issues that concern all of us. It was totally unfair that he was badgered in that obscene way.

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Who cares if he comes across as a bit up himself? Thats what politicians are all about! Good on Roy for getting across the views that mattered to him.


But he didn't he just made himself out to be an arse.


Look I had no idea who he was when I listened in, so I thought I'll judge him from his inteview. But he had nothing to say except for his insitence on 'free speech'.


It was totally unfair that he was badgered in that obscene way.


I'd like to have seen him try a political debate with Jeremy Paxman.


When he is office I am sure that he will be just as dogged in fighting for the issues that concern all of us.


When he is in office?! Heh.


Besides who can vote for Tony Brown! He has the facial hair and sideburns of a 70s cop show detective!


You're doing well for post number 3.

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I quite like Roy Redmayne, but he tried to flagrantly hijack an election interview to make further allegations about what has clearly become a personal crusade. He may well be right to crusade, and I think he has been vindicated by Tynwald, but this wasn't the way to gain sympathy for his desire to further unleash the dogs of war.


He also lacked judgement in trying to gainsay the guy controlling the mixer, and very rudely spoke over Dan's perfectly reasonable and measured attempts to moderate the interview. The fact that 'a small section of the interview has been removed [from the Audio Vault] following legal advice' proves that Mr Remayne's idea of 'free speech' is fundamentally flawed.


I think Dan Davies did a superb job in NOT cutting the microphone at the first sign of trouble and playing music instead.

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I quite like Roy Redmayne, but he tried to flagrantly hijack an election interview to make further allegations about what has clearly become a personal crusade. He may well be right to crusade, and I think he has been vindicated by Tynwald, but this wasn't the way to gain sympathy for his desire to further unleash the dogs of war.


He also lacked judgement in trying to gainsay the guy controlling the mixer, and very rudely spoke over Dan's perfectly reasonable and measured attempts to moderate the interview. The fact that 'a small section of the interview has been removed [from the Audio Vault] following legal advice' proves that Mr Remayne's idea of 'free speech' is fundamentally flawed.


I think Dan Davies did a superb job in NOT cutting the microphone at the first sign of trouble and playing music instead.

Totally agree. I think the best thing for Roy to do at the moment is either calm down or step down. From the interview this is a guy who clearly doesn't understand how the system and Joe Public thinks/works. IMO he has two hopes for being elected this time round - Bob Hope and No hope.


Calm down Roy, and try again in another 5 years. And (if your reading this Roy) watch out cos, in all seriousness, you're going to give yourself a heart attack at this rate. Let it go.


It's a shame really, because he clearly has several loyal supporters, but he himself is undermining that support by acting in this way. We all start off with 100% credibility - I didn't know anything about him until I heard those interviews, and the credibility meter went down to 5% within as many minutes.

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Don't know what to make about the interview.


He started off trying to deal with development issues in Castletown. This is a vital area and a real problem at the moment.


He then tried to extend an answer and Dan interupted him, and all hell broke loose.


I don't feel Redmayne fraglantly hijacted the interview, but by trying to cut him off and control the interview Dan touched a very raw nerve.


Redmayne wanted to raise free speech at the exact point Dan tried to cut him off, and so the rest of the interview was a battle between the two of them over who had the right to control the interview.


Both came over as being inexperienced and I think the interview is not a credit to either of them.


If Dan had paused let Redmayne continue and then raised a constituency relevent question things could have calmed down again, but he deliberately challenged Redmayne keeping the questioning based around the topic of freespeech.


And Redmayne wasn't able to get away from his personal beef, making it a one subject interview. It'll hurt his chances.


Bet Speaker Brown was laughing into his lunch ... more's the pity.

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Who cares if he comes across as a bit up himself? Thats what politicians are all about! Good on Roy for getting across the views that mattered to him. When he is office I am sure that he will be just as dogged in fighting for the issues that concern all of us. It was totally unfair that he was badgered in that obscene way.


That's not how it came across to me - he made a complete arse of himself. You must be confusing 'doggedness' with stupidityand lack of judgement. He did himself nor PK's party any favours.

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I am sure Tony Brown can breathe a sigh of relief tonight after this interview!

Tony Brown = 1


Roy Redmayne = 0


I do not live in Castletown, but if I did I would certainly vote for Tony Brown after this appaling interview :rolleyes:



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The interview started very well although Dan's opening gambit was a little uncalled for. He mentioned the Liberal Vannin website had Roy Redmayne as being candidate for Rushen and not Castletown.


"Not a very good indicator to attention to detail is it" sneered Dan.


(A bit nasty that I thought. Next time Manx Radio's 'webmaster' makes a cock-up I think Dan should take the rap . . . )


Dan was supposed to be in the driving seat, no wonder the interview turned unpleasant.


Roy Redmayne held himself together to explain concerns that the sitting member had not been looking after the interests of Castletown Constituents (due to his duties to the House of keys as Speaker) certainly as far as the number of developments are concerned.


To be fair to Dan though, I felt that Roy was a little tired and emotional.


Then Dan accused his interviewee of having "paranoid fantasies about democracy".


Maybe Manx Radio will have another interview but with Stu Peters, like they did after the similar interview on Talking Heads with Phil Kermode.


I mean no disprespect to Dan. I mean no disrespect to Roy. It seemed to me that for whatever reason on the day there was a clash of personalities.


I want to hear more from Roy, though I hope he has a really good listen to this recording first and learns. Ditto Dan.

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