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Local News Headlines In 2008


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Following relaunch of Freedom to Flourish initiative, Chief Minister reforges the One ring to have dominion over all life on this Earth, even unto the ending ...

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First January Chief Minister announces nationalisation Steam packet


First April Bill passed Nationalising Steam Packet. Payment amounts to £2,250 per man woman and child on Island and put tax up by 10p in £ for next 10 years


Second April Steam Packet Board resigns to allow Government to nominate its own appointees


First May in Tynwald, with Lib Vans refusing to participate becaise its not a democratic one man one vote election, two nominees receive sufficient votes to be appointed however are not enough to form a quorum and cannot hold a board meeting


First June, July, October, November in Tynwald further deadlock, no one appointed to fill vacancies


31 December. Without a board, the existing Steam Packet time table runs out, all future sailings cancelled



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'Tattoed bloke leads mass escape at new prison'.


'Local 'Mayor wears a toupee'


'Brewery closes and sells 20 pubs'


'Beer prices rise above inflation'


'David Christian nominated as MLC'


'Steam Packet get new MD'


"Keyboarder at last stops using 'lol,lol'"


'MEA loan scandal much bigger than first thought'

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Boiling point of water on island raised to 150 degrees in line with inflation


Rare Corncrakes found living in Tony Brown's beard


Richard Dawkins claims at island science conference that he is God


Warmer weather as new wind farm blows island 600 miles south


Steve Rodan admits he is Lord Lucan


Major floods as John Prescott sets up home on the island


Manxman arrested in Palestine for naming cat "Yessir"


Ratings double as Manx radio staff realise transmitter fuse had blown 10 years ago


Island Ministers' crackdown on binge-raining


Work permit applicants' foreheads to be painted blue


Moyle steps down to become politician - and vows to criminalise everything


MEA in cash for 'gonners' scandal


Ramsey reclassified as 'Open Prison'


Shares rise as island cleaners move into money laundering


Several Douglas ratepayers deny attempt to push David Christian out to sea in a Canoe


Island security threat level raised to 'yeah whatever'


Steam Packet offer petitioners free trip on their 'new' third-hand ship 'The Ellan Vannin'


Bruce Hannay most popular readers' choice in nomination for 'first Manx-astronaut'

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